--- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/images/rootfs.tar +++ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/images/rootfs.tar ├── ./usr/bin/clamconf │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {} │ │ @@ -202,38 +202,38 @@ │ │ 0x00408770 652d7374 61746963 2720272d 2d656e61 e-static' '--ena │ │ 0x00408780 626c652d 73686172 65642720 272d2d77 ble-shared' '--w │ │ 0x00408790 6974682d 64626469 723d2f76 61722f6c ith-dbdir=/var/l │ │ 0x004087a0 69622f63 6c616d61 76272027 2d2d7769 ib/clamav' '--wi │ │ 0x004087b0 74682d6c 69626375 726c3d2f 686f6d65 th-libcurl=/home │ │ 0x004087c0 2f70656b 6f2f6175 746f6275 696c642f /peko/autobuild/ │ │ 0x004087d0 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 instance-1/outpu │ │ - 0x004087e0 742d312f 7065722d 7061636b 6167652f t-1/per-package/ │ │ + 0x004087e0 742d322f 7065722d 7061636b 6167652f t-2/per-package/ │ │ 0x004087f0 636c616d 61762f68 6f73742f 61617263 clamav/host/aarc │ │ 0x00408800 6836345f 62652d62 75696c64 726f6f74 h64_be-buildroot │ │ 0x00408810 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752f73 7973726f -linux-gnu/sysro │ │ 0x00408820 6f742f75 73722720 272d2d77 6974682d ot/usr' '--with- │ │ 0x00408830 6f70656e 73736c3d 2f686f6d 652f7065 openssl=/home/pe │ │ 0x00408840 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 2f696e73 ko/autobuild/ins │ │ - 0x00408850 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-1/output-1 │ │ + 0x00408850 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-1/output-2 │ │ 0x00408860 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 2f636c61 /per-package/cla │ │ 0x00408870 6d61762f 686f7374 2f616172 63683634 mav/host/aarch64 │ │ 0x00408880 5f62652d 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 _be-buildroot-li │ │ 0x00408890 6e75782d 676e752f 73797372 6f6f742f nux-gnu/sysroot/ │ │ 0x004088a0 75737227 20272d2d 77697468 2d737973 usr' '--with-sys │ │ 0x004088b0 74656d2d 6c69626d 73706163 6b3d2f68 tem-libmspack=/h │ │ 0x004088c0 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 ome/peko/autobui │ │ 0x004088d0 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 ld/instance-1/ou │ │ - 0x004088e0 74707574 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-1/per-packa │ │ + 0x004088e0 74707574 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-2/per-packa │ │ 0x004088f0 67652f63 6c616d61 762f686f 73742f61 ge/clamav/host/a │ │ 0x00408900 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 696c6472 arch64_be-buildr │ │ 0x00408910 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e 752f7379 oot-linux-gnu/sy │ │ 0x00408920 73726f6f 742f7573 72272027 2d2d7769 sroot/usr' '--wi │ │ 0x00408930 74682d7a 6c69623d 2f686f6d 652f7065 th-zlib=/home/pe │ │ 0x00408940 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 2f696e73 ko/autobuild/ins │ │ - 0x00408950 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-1/output-1 │ │ + 0x00408950 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-1/output-2 │ │ 0x00408960 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 2f636c61 /per-package/cla │ │ 0x00408970 6d61762f 686f7374 2f616172 63683634 mav/host/aarch64 │ │ 0x00408980 5f62652d 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 _be-buildroot-li │ │ 0x00408990 6e75782d 676e752f 73797372 6f6f742f nux-gnu/sysroot/ │ │ 0x004089a0 75737227 20272d2d 64697361 626c652d usr' '--disable- │ │ 0x004089b0 7a6c6962 2d766368 65636b27 20272d2d zlib-vcheck' '-- │ │ 0x004089c0 64697361 626c652d 72706174 68272027 disable-rpath' ' │ │ @@ -243,24 +243,24 @@ │ │ 0x00408a00 6c6c766d 2720272d 2d646973 61626c65 llvm' '--disable │ │ 0x00408a10 2d636c61 6d64746f 70272027 2d2d656e -clamdtop' '--en │ │ 0x00408a20 61626c65 2d6d656d 706f6f6c 2720272d able-mempool' '- │ │ 0x00408a30 2d776974 686f7574 2d6c6962 6a736f6e -without-libjson │ │ 0x00408a40 2720272d 2d776974 682d786d 6c3d2f68 ' '--with-xml=/h │ │ 0x00408a50 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 ome/peko/autobui │ │ 0x00408a60 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 ld/instance-1/ou │ │ - 0x00408a70 74707574 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-1/per-packa │ │ + 0x00408a70 74707574 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-2/per-packa │ │ 0x00408a80 67652f63 6c616d61 762f686f 73742f61 ge/clamav/host/a │ │ 0x00408a90 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 696c6472 arch64_be-buildr │ │ 0x00408aa0 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e 752f7379 oot-linux-gnu/sy │ │ 0x00408ab0 73726f6f 742f7573 72272027 2d2d7769 sroot/usr' '--wi │ │ 0x00408ac0 74686f75 742d6963 6f6e7627 20272d2d thout-iconv' '-- │ │ 0x00408ad0 77697468 2d706372 653d2f68 6f6d652f with-pcre=/home/ │ │ 0x00408ae0 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 6c642f69 peko/autobuild/i │ │ 0x00408af0 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 nstance-1/output │ │ - 0x00408b00 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 67652f63 -1/per-package/c │ │ + 0x00408b00 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 67652f63 -2/per-package/c │ │ 0x00408b10 6c616d61 762f686f 73742f61 61726368 lamav/host/aarch │ │ 0x00408b20 36345f62 652d6275 696c6472 6f6f742d 64_be-buildroot- │ │ 0x00408b30 6c696e75 782d676e 752f7379 73726f6f linux-gnu/sysroo │ │ 0x00408b40 742f7573 72272027 2d2d7769 74682d73 t/usr' '--with-s │ │ 0x00408b50 79737465 6d647379 7374656d 756e6974 ystemdsystemunit │ │ 0x00408b60 6469723d 6e6f2720 27627569 6c645f61 dir=no' 'build_a │ │ 0x00408b70 6c696173 3d783836 5f36342d 70632d6c lias=x86_64-pc-l │ │ @@ -269,15 +269,15 @@ │ │ 0x00408ba0 2d627569 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 -buildroot-linux │ │ 0x00408bb0 2d676e75 27202774 61726765 745f616c -gnu' 'target_al │ │ 0x00408bc0 6961733d 61617263 6836345f 62652d62 ias=aarch64_be-b │ │ 0x00408bd0 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 uildroot-linux-g │ │ 0x00408be0 6e752720 27435858 3d2f686f 6d652f70 nu' 'CXX=/home/p │ │ 0x00408bf0 656b6f2f 6175746f 6275696c 642f696e eko/autobuild/in │ │ 0x00408c00 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output- │ │ - 0x00408c10 312f7065 722d7061 636b6167 652f636c 1/per-package/cl │ │ + 0x00408c10 322f7065 722d7061 636b6167 652f636c 2/per-package/cl │ │ 0x00408c20 616d6176 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f6161 amav/host/bin/aa │ │ 0x00408c30 72636836 345f6265 2d6c696e 75782d67 rch64_be-linux-g │ │ 0x00408c40 6e752d67 2b2b2720 27435858 464c4147 nu-g++' 'CXXFLAG │ │ 0x00408c50 533d2d44 5f4c4152 47454649 4c455f53 S=-D_LARGEFILE_S │ │ 0x00408c60 4f555243 45202d44 5f4c4152 47454649 OURCE -D_LARGEFI │ │ 0x00408c70 4c453634 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f46 LE64_SOURCE -D_F │ │ 0x00408c80 494c455f 4f464653 45545f42 4954533d ILE_OFFSET_BITS= │ │ @@ -288,47 +288,47 @@ │ │ 0x00408cd0 47533d2d 445f4c41 52474546 494c455f GS=-D_LARGEFILE_ │ │ 0x00408ce0 534f5552 4345202d 445f4c41 52474546 SOURCE -D_LARGEF │ │ 0x00408cf0 494c4536 345f534f 55524345 202d445f ILE64_SOURCE -D_ │ │ 0x00408d00 46494c45 5f4f4646 5345545f 42495453 FILE_OFFSET_BITS │ │ 0x00408d10 3d363427 20274343 3d2f686f 6d652f70 =64' 'CC=/home/p │ │ 0x00408d20 656b6f2f 6175746f 6275696c 642f696e eko/autobuild/in │ │ 0x00408d30 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output- │ │ - 0x00408d40 312f7065 722d7061 636b6167 652f636c 1/per-package/cl │ │ + 0x00408d40 322f7065 722d7061 636b6167 652f636c 2/per-package/cl │ │ 0x00408d50 616d6176 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f6161 amav/host/bin/aa │ │ 0x00408d60 72636836 345f6265 2d6c696e 75782d67 rch64_be-linux-g │ │ 0x00408d70 6e752d67 63632720 2743464c 4147533d nu-gcc' 'CFLAGS= │ │ 0x00408d80 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 -D_LARGEFILE_SOU │ │ 0x00408d90 52434520 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 RCE -D_LARGEFILE │ │ 0x00408da0 36345f53 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 64_SOURCE -D_FIL │ │ 0x00408db0 455f4f46 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 E_OFFSET_BITS=64 │ │ 0x00408dc0 20202d4f 7320202d 445f464f 52544946 -Os -D_FORTIF │ │ 0x00408dd0 595f534f 55524345 3d312720 27435050 Y_SOURCE=1' 'CPP │ │ 0x00408de0 3d2f686f 6d652f70 656b6f2f 6175746f =/home/peko/auto │ │ 0x00408df0 6275696c 642f696e 7374616e 63652d31 build/instance-1 │ │ - 0x00408e00 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f7065 722d7061 /output-1/per-pa │ │ + 0x00408e00 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f7065 722d7061 /output-2/per-pa │ │ 0x00408e10 636b6167 652f636c 616d6176 2f686f73 ckage/clamav/hos │ │ 0x00408e20 742f6269 6e2f6161 72636836 345f6265 t/bin/aarch64_be │ │ 0x00408e30 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752d63 70702720 -linux-gnu-cpp' │ │ 0x00408e40 27504b47 5f434f4e 4649473d 2f686f6d 'PKG_CONFIG=/hom │ │ 0x00408e50 652f7065 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 e/peko/autobuild │ │ 0x00408e60 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 /instance-1/outp │ │ - 0x00408e70 75742d31 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 ut-1/per-package │ │ + 0x00408e70 75742d32 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 ut-2/per-package │ │ 0x00408e80 2f636c61 6d61762f 686f7374 2f62696e /clamav/host/bin │ │ 0x00408e90 2f706b67 2d636f6e 66696727 20274f42 /pkg-config' 'OB │ │ 0x00408ea0 4a433d2f 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 JC=/home/peko/au │ │ 0x00408eb0 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 tobuild/instance │ │ - 0x00408ec0 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 7065722d -1/output-1/per- │ │ + 0x00408ec0 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 7065722d -1/output-2/per- │ │ 0x00408ed0 7061636b 6167652f 636c616d 61762f68 package/clamav/h │ │ 0x00408ee0 6f73742f 62696e2f 61617263 6836345f ost/bin/aarch64_ │ │ 0x00408ef0 62652d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 2d676363 be-linux-gnu-gcc │ │ 0x00408f00 27202d2d 656e6162 6c652d6c 74646c2d ' --enable-ltdl- │ │ 0x00408f10 636f6e76 656e6965 6e636500 2d4c2f68 convenience.-L/h │ │ 0x00408f20 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 ome/peko/autobui │ │ 0x00408f30 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 ld/instance-1/ou │ │ - 0x00408f40 74707574 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-1/per-packa │ │ + 0x00408f40 74707574 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-2/per-packa │ │ 0x00408f50 67652f63 6c616d61 762f686f 73742f61 ge/clamav/host/a │ │ 0x00408f60 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 696c6472 arch64_be-buildr │ │ 0x00408f70 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e 752f7379 oot-linux-gnu/sy │ │ 0x00408f80 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 62002d44 sroot/usr/lib.-D │ │ 0x00408f90 5f4c4152 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 _LARGEFILE_SOURC │ │ 0x00408fa0 45202d44 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 E -D_LARGEFILE64 │ │ 0x00408fb0 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f _SOURCE -D_FILE_ │ │ @@ -344,22 +344,22 @@ │ │ 0x00409050 616c6961 73696e67 20002d44 5f4c4152 aliasing .-D_LAR │ │ 0x00409060 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 45202d44 GEFILE_SOURCE -D │ │ 0x00409070 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 5f534f55 _LARGEFILE64_SOU │ │ 0x00409080 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 RCE -D_FILE_OFFS │ │ 0x00409090 45545f42 4954533d 3634202d 492f686f ET_BITS=64 -I/ho │ │ 0x004090a0 6d652f70 656b6f2f 6175746f 6275696c me/peko/autobuil │ │ 0x004090b0 642f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 d/instance-1/out │ │ - 0x004090c0 7075742d 312f7065 722d7061 636b6167 put-1/per-packag │ │ + 0x004090c0 7075742d 322f7065 722d7061 636b6167 put-2/per-packag │ │ 0x004090d0 652f636c 616d6176 2f686f73 742f6161 e/clamav/host/aa │ │ 0x004090e0 72636836 345f6265 2d627569 6c64726f rch64_be-buildro │ │ 0x004090f0 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 2f737973 ot-linux-gnu/sys │ │ 0x00409100 726f6f74 2f757372 2f696e63 6c756465 root/usr/include │ │ 0x00409110 202d492f 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 -I/home/peko/au │ │ 0x00409120 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 tobuild/instance │ │ - 0x00409130 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 7065722d -1/output-1/per- │ │ + 0x00409130 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 7065722d -1/output-2/per- │ │ 0x00409140 7061636b 6167652f 636c616d 61762f68 package/clamav/h │ │ 0x00409150 6f73742f 61617263 6836345f 62652d62 ost/aarch64_be-b │ │ 0x00409160 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 uildroot-linux-g │ │ 0x00409170 6e752f73 7973726f 6f742f75 73722f69 nu/sysroot/usr/i │ │ 0x00409180 6e636c75 64650043 5050464c 4147533a nclude.CPPFLAGS: │ │ 0x00409190 2025730a 43464c41 47533a20 25730a43 %s.CFLAGS: %s.C │ │ 0x004091a0 5858464c 4147533a 2025730a 4c44464c XXFLAGS: %s.LDFL ├── ./usr/bin/fsxs │ @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ │ │ use strict; │ │ # │ # @FOO@ will be replaced by the freeswitch build process │ # │ my %vars = ( │ - CC => '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/per-package/freeswitch/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-gcc', │ - LD => '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/per-package/freeswitch/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-gcc', │ + CC => '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/per-package/freeswitch/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-gcc', │ + LD => '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/per-package/freeswitch/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-gcc', │ MKDIR => '/bin/mkdir -p', │ INSTALL => '/usr/bin/install -c', │ LIBS => '', │ CFLAGS => '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE', │ INCLUDES => '-I/usr/include', │ LDFLAGS => '-L/usr/lib', │ SOLINK => '-shared -Xlinker -x', ├── ./usr/bin/gapplication │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ │ │ 0x00401020 5f656e64 5f5f005f 5f656e64 5f5f0024 _end__.__end__.$ │ │ 0x00401030 4f524947 494e2f3a 244f5249 47494e2f ORIGIN/:$ORIGIN/ │ │ 0x00401040 2e2e2f67 6c69623a 244f5249 47494e2f ../glib:$ORIGIN/ │ │ 0x00401050 2e2e2f67 6f626a65 63743a24 4f524947 ../gobject:$ORIG │ │ 0x00401060 494e2f2e 2e2f676d 6f64756c 653a2f68 IN/../gmodule:/h │ │ 0x00401070 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 ome/peko/autobui │ │ 0x00401080 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 ld/instance-1/ou │ │ - 0x00401090 74707574 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-1/per-packa │ │ + 0x00401090 74707574 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 tput-2/per-packa │ │ 0x004010a0 67652f6c 6962676c 6962322f 686f7374 ge/libglib2/host │ │ 0x004010b0 2f616172 63683634 5f62652d 6275696c /aarch64_be-buil │ │ 0x004010c0 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d 676e752f droot-linux-gnu/ │ │ 0x004010d0 73797372 6f6f742f 7573722f 6c69622f sysroot/usr/lib/ │ │ 0x004010e0 2e2e2f6c 69623634 00474c49 42435f32 ../lib64.GLIBC_2 │ │ 0x004010f0 2e313700 .17. ├── ./usr/bin/gdbus │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ │ │ 0x00401ce8 5f5f005f 5f656e64 5f5f0024 4f524947 __.__end__.$ORIG │ │ 0x00401cf8 494e2f3a 244f5249 47494e2f 2e2e2f67 IN/:$ORIGIN/../g │ │ 0x00401d08 6c69623a 244f5249 47494e2f 2e2e2f67 lib:$ORIGIN/../g │ │ 0x00401d18 6f626a65 63743a24 4f524947 494e2f2e object:$ORIGIN/. │ │ 0x00401d28 2e2f676d 6f64756c 653a2f68 6f6d652f ./gmodule:/home/ │ │ 0x00401d38 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 6c642f69 peko/autobuild/i │ │ 0x00401d48 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 nstance-1/output │ │ - 0x00401d58 2d312f70 65722d70 61636b61 67652f6c -1/per-package/l │ │ + 0x00401d58 2d322f70 65722d70 61636b61 67652f6c -2/per-package/l │ │ 0x00401d68 6962676c 6962322f 686f7374 2f616172 ibglib2/host/aar │ │ 0x00401d78 63683634 5f62652d 6275696c 64726f6f ch64_be-buildroo │ │ 0x00401d88 742d6c69 6e75782d 676e752f 73797372 t-linux-gnu/sysr │ │ 0x00401d98 6f6f742f 7573722f 6c69622f 2e2e2f6c oot/usr/lib/../l │ │ 0x00401da8 69623634 00474c49 42435f32 2e313700 ib64.GLIBC_2.17. ├── ./usr/bin/gio │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -309,15 +309,15 @@ │ │ 0x004035e8 5f5f656e 645f5f00 5f656e64 00244f52 __end__._end.$OR │ │ 0x004035f8 4947494e 2f3a244f 52494749 4e2f2e2e IGIN/:$ORIGIN/.. │ │ 0x00403608 2f676c69 623a244f 52494749 4e2f2e2e /glib:$ORIGIN/.. │ │ 0x00403618 2f676f62 6a656374 3a244f52 4947494e /gobject:$ORIGIN │ │ 0x00403628 2f2e2e2f 676d6f64 756c653a 2f686f6d /../gmodule:/hom │ │ 0x00403638 652f7065 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 e/peko/autobuild │ │ 0x00403648 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 /instance-1/outp │ │ - 0x00403658 75742d31 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 ut-1/per-package │ │ + 0x00403658 75742d32 2f706572 2d706163 6b616765 ut-2/per-package │ │ 0x00403668 2f6c6962 676c6962 322f686f 73742f61 /libglib2/host/a │ │ 0x00403678 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 696c6472 arch64_be-buildr │ │ 0x00403688 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e 752f7379 oot-linux-gnu/sy │ │ 0x00403698 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 622f2e2e sroot/usr/lib/.. │ │ 0x004036a8 2f6c6962 36340047 4c494243 5f322e31 /lib64.GLIBC_2.1 │ │ 0x004036b8 3700 7. ├── ./usr/bin/gio-querymodules │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ │ │ 0x00400c68 6e645f5f 005f5f65 6e645f5f 005f656e nd__.__end__._en │ │ 0x00400c78 6400244f 52494749 4e2f3a24 4f524947 d.$ORIGIN/:$ORIG │ │ 0x00400c88 494e2f2e 2e2f676c 69623a24 4f524947 IN/../glib:$ORIG │ │ 0x00400c98 494e2f2e 2e2f676f 626a6563 743a244f IN/../gobject:$O │ │ 0x00400ca8 52494749 4e2f2e2e 2f676d6f 64756c65 RIGIN/../gmodule │ │ 0x00400cb8 3a2f686f 6d652f70 656b6f2f 6175746f :/home/peko/auto │ │ 0x00400cc8 6275696c 642f696e 7374616e 63652d31 build/instance-1 │ │ - 0x00400cd8 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f7065 722d7061 /output-1/per-pa │ │ + 0x00400cd8 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f7065 722d7061 /output-2/per-pa │ │ 0x00400ce8 636b6167 652f6c69 62676c69 62322f68 ckage/libglib2/h │ │ 0x00400cf8 6f73742f 61617263 6836345f 62652d62 ost/aarch64_be-b │ │ 0x00400d08 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 uildroot-linux-g │ │ 0x00400d18 6e752f73 7973726f 6f742f75 73722f6c nu/sysroot/usr/l │ │ 0x00400d28 69622f2e 2e2f6c69 62363400 474c4942 ib/../lib64.GLIB │ │ 0x00400d38 435f322e 313700 C_2.17. ├── ./usr/bin/gresource │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ │ │ 0x00400b78 645f5f00 5f5f656e 645f5f00 5f656e64 d__.__end__._end │ │ 0x00400b88 00244f52 4947494e 2f3a244f 52494749 .$ORIGIN/:$ORIGI │ │ 0x00400b98 4e2f2e2e 2f676c69 623a244f 52494749 N/../glib:$ORIGI │ │ 0x00400ba8 4e2f2e2e 2f676f62 6a656374 3a244f52 N/../gobject:$OR │ │ 0x00400bb8 4947494e 2f2e2e2f 676d6f64 756c653a IGIN/../gmodule: │ │ 0x00400bc8 2f686f6d 652f7065 6b6f2f61 75746f62 /home/peko/autob │ │ 0x00400bd8 75696c64 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f uild/instance-1/ │ │ - 0x00400be8 6f757470 75742d31 2f706572 2d706163 output-1/per-pac │ │ + 0x00400be8 6f757470 75742d32 2f706572 2d706163 output-2/per-pac │ │ 0x00400bf8 6b616765 2f6c6962 676c6962 322f686f kage/libglib2/ho │ │ 0x00400c08 73742f61 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 st/aarch64_be-bu │ │ 0x00400c18 696c6472 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e ildroot-linux-gn │ │ 0x00400c28 752f7379 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 u/sysroot/usr/li │ │ 0x00400c38 622f2e2e 2f6c6962 36340047 4c494243 b/../lib64.GLIBC │ │ 0x00400c48 5f322e31 3700 _2.17. ├── ./usr/bin/gsettings │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ │ │ 0x004014f8 645f5f00 5f5f656e 645f5f00 5f656e64 d__.__end__._end │ │ 0x00401508 00244f52 4947494e 2f3a244f 52494749 .$ORIGIN/:$ORIGI │ │ 0x00401518 4e2f2e2e 2f676c69 623a244f 52494749 N/../glib:$ORIGI │ │ 0x00401528 4e2f2e2e 2f676f62 6a656374 3a244f52 N/../gobject:$OR │ │ 0x00401538 4947494e 2f2e2e2f 676d6f64 756c653a IGIN/../gmodule: │ │ 0x00401548 2f686f6d 652f7065 6b6f2f61 75746f62 /home/peko/autob │ │ 0x00401558 75696c64 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f uild/instance-1/ │ │ - 0x00401568 6f757470 75742d31 2f706572 2d706163 output-1/per-pac │ │ + 0x00401568 6f757470 75742d32 2f706572 2d706163 output-2/per-pac │ │ 0x00401578 6b616765 2f6c6962 676c6962 322f686f kage/libglib2/ho │ │ 0x00401588 73742f61 61726368 36345f62 652d6275 st/aarch64_be-bu │ │ 0x00401598 696c6472 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e ildroot-linux-gn │ │ 0x004015a8 752f7379 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 u/sysroot/usr/li │ │ 0x004015b8 622f2e2e 2f6c6962 36340047 4c494243 b/../lib64.GLIBC │ │ 0x004015c8 5f322e31 3700 _2.17. ├── ./usr/bin/mpv │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --dynamic {} │ │ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ │ │ │ │ Dynamic section at offset 0x13ac90 contains 47 entries: │ │ Tag Type Name/Value │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libasound.so.2] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavutil.so.56] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjpeg.so.8] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libm.so.6] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavcodec.so.58] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavformat.so.58] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libswscale.so.5] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavfilter.so.7] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libswresample.so.3] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [liblcms2.so.2] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libarchive.so.13] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [librt.so.1] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjpeg.so.8] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libSDL2-2.0.so.0] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdl.so.2] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavdevice.so.58] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjack.so.0] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libz.so.1] │ │ + 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libm.so.6] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libwayland-client.so.0] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libwayland-cursor.so.0] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libxkbcommon.so.0] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdl.so.2] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libz.so.1] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [liblcms2.so.2] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [librt.so.1] │ │ - 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjack.so.0] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libatomic.so.1] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libpthread.so.0] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libc.so.6] │ │ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [ld-linux-aarch64_be.so.1] │ │ 0x000000000000000c (INIT) 0x40c618 │ │ 0x000000000000000d (FINI) 0x4e93ec │ │ 0x0000000000000019 (INIT_ARRAY) 0x54aac0 │ ├── /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/aarch64_be-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {} │ │ @@ -195,431 +195,431 @@ │ │ 0x00406060 675f6465 6661756c 745f6361 6c6c6261 g_default_callba │ │ 0x00406070 636b0061 765f6672 616d655f 6765745f ck.av_frame_get_ │ │ 0x00406080 73696465 5f646174 61006176 5f687764 side_data.av_hwd │ │ 0x00406090 65766963 655f6765 745f6877 6672616d evice_get_hwfram │ │ 0x004060a0 655f636f 6e737472 61696e74 73006176 e_constraints.av │ │ 0x004060b0 5f6c7a6f 31785f64 65636f64 65006176 _lzo1x_decode.av │ │ 0x004060c0 5f726564 75636500 61765f62 75666665 _reduce.av_buffe │ │ - 0x004060d0 725f7265 66006c69 626a7065 672e736f r_ref.libjpeg.so │ │ - 0x004060e0 2e38006a 7065675f 7365745f 64656661 .8.jpeg_set_defa │ │ - 0x004060f0 756c7473 006a7065 675f7374 6172745f ults.jpeg_start_ │ │ - 0x00406100 636f6d70 72657373 006a7065 675f4372 compress.jpeg_Cr │ │ - 0x00406110 65617465 436f6d70 72657373 006a7065 eateCompress.jpe │ │ - 0x00406120 675f7374 645f6572 726f7200 6a706567 g_std_error.jpeg │ │ - 0x00406130 5f736574 5f717561 6c697479 006a7065 _set_quality.jpe │ │ - 0x00406140 675f7374 64696f5f 64657374 006a7065 g_stdio_dest.jpe │ │ - 0x00406150 675f7772 6974655f 7363616e 6c696e65 g_write_scanline │ │ - 0x00406160 73006a70 65675f66 696e6973 685f636f s.jpeg_finish_co │ │ - 0x00406170 6d707265 7373006a 7065675f 64657374 mpress.jpeg_dest │ │ - 0x00406180 726f795f 636f6d70 72657373 006c6962 roy_compress.lib │ │ - 0x00406190 6d2e736f 2e36006a 31007369 6e636f73 m.so.6.j1.sincos │ │ - 0x004061a0 006c6f67 31300070 6f776600 666d6f64 .log10.powf.fmod │ │ - 0x004061b0 66006c6f 67006c72 6f756e64 66006578 f.log.lroundf.ex │ │ - 0x004061c0 70007369 6e007371 72740065 78706600 p.sin.sqrt.expf. │ │ - 0x004061d0 6c6c7269 6e740070 6f77006c 69626176 llrint.pow.libav │ │ - 0x004061e0 636f6465 632e736f 2e353800 61765f70 codec.so.58.av_p │ │ - 0x004061f0 61636b65 745f616c 6c6f6300 6176636f acket_alloc.avco │ │ - 0x00406200 6465635f 73656e64 5f667261 6d650061 dec_send_frame.a │ │ - 0x00406210 76636f64 65635f73 656e645f 7061636b vcodec_send_pack │ │ - 0x00406220 65740061 76636f64 65635f70 6172616d et.avcodec_param │ │ - 0x00406230 65746572 735f6672 65650069 6e666c61 eters_free.infla │ │ - 0x00406240 7465456e 64006176 636f6465 635f7072 teEnd.avcodec_pr │ │ - 0x00406250 6f66696c 655f6e61 6d650061 76636f64 ofile_name.avcod │ │ - 0x00406260 65635f66 696e645f 656e636f 6465725f ec_find_encoder_ │ │ - 0x00406270 62795f6e 616d6500 61765f70 61727365 by_name.av_parse │ │ - 0x00406280 725f636c 6f736500 6176636f 6465635f r_close.avcodec_ │ │ - 0x00406290 6f70656e 32006176 5f706163 6b65745f open2.av_packet_ │ │ - 0x004062a0 66726565 00617663 6f646563 5f726563 free.avcodec_rec │ │ - 0x004062b0 65697665 5f667261 6d650061 76636f64 eive_frame.avcod │ │ - 0x004062c0 65635f67 65745f68 775f6672 616d6573 ec_get_hw_frames │ │ - 0x004062d0 5f706172 616d6574 65727300 6176636f _parameters.avco │ │ - 0x004062e0 6465635f 76657273 696f6e00 6176636f dec_version.avco │ │ - 0x004062f0 6465635f 66696e64 5f656e63 6f646572 dec_find_encoder │ │ - 0x00406300 00617663 6f646563 5f676574 5f68775f .avcodec_get_hw_ │ │ - 0x00406310 636f6e66 69670061 765f7061 72736572 config.av_parser │ │ - 0x00406320 5f696e69 74006176 636f6465 635f7061 _init.avcodec_pa │ │ - 0x00406330 72616d65 74657273 5f636f70 79006176 rameters_copy.av │ │ - 0x00406340 636f6465 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 codec_parameters │ │ - 0x00406350 5f746f5f 636f6e74 65787400 6176636f _to_context.avco │ │ - 0x00406360 6465635f 66696e64 5f646563 6f646572 dec_find_decoder │ │ - 0x00406370 0061765f 636f6465 635f6973 5f656e63 .av_codec_is_enc │ │ - 0x00406380 6f646572 0061765f 636f6465 635f6973 oder.av_codec_is │ │ - 0x00406390 5f646563 6f646572 0061765f 70617273 _decoder.av_pars │ │ - 0x004063a0 65725f70 61727365 32006176 636f6465 er_parse2.avcode │ │ - 0x004063b0 635f636c 6f736500 696e666c 61746500 c_close.inflate. │ │ - 0x004063c0 61765f6e 65775f70 61636b65 74006176 av_new_packet.av │ │ - 0x004063d0 5f696e69 745f7061 636b6574 00617663 _init_packet.avc │ │ - 0x004063e0 6f646563 5f726563 65697665 5f706163 odec_receive_pac │ │ - 0x004063f0 6b657400 61765f70 61636b65 745f7265 ket.av_packet_re │ │ - 0x00406400 66006176 636f6465 635f6465 73637269 f.avcodec_descri │ │ - 0x00406410 70746f72 5f676574 00617663 6f646563 ptor_get.avcodec │ │ - 0x00406420 5f646573 63726970 746f725f 6765745f _descriptor_get_ │ │ - 0x00406430 62795f6e 616d6500 6176636f 6465635f by_name.avcodec_ │ │ - 0x00406440 6465636f 64655f73 75627469 746c6532 decode_subtitle2 │ │ - 0x00406450 00617663 6f646563 5f66696e 645f6465 .avcodec_find_de │ │ - 0x00406460 636f6465 725f6279 5f6e616d 65006176 coder_by_name.av │ │ - 0x00406470 636f6465 635f616c 6c6f635f 636f6e74 codec_alloc_cont │ │ - 0x00406480 65787433 00617663 6f646563 5f646566 ext3.avcodec_def │ │ - 0x00406490 61756c74 5f676574 5f627566 66657232 ault_get_buffer2 │ │ - 0x004064a0 00617663 6f646563 5f706172 616d6574 .avcodec_paramet │ │ - 0x004064b0 6572735f 66726f6d 5f636f6e 74657874 ers_from_context │ │ - 0x004064c0 00617663 6f646563 5f666c75 73685f62 .avcodec_flush_b │ │ - 0x004064d0 75666665 72730061 76636f64 65635f70 uffers.avcodec_p │ │ - 0x004064e0 6172616d 65746572 735f616c 6c6f6300 arameters_alloc. │ │ - 0x004064f0 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 5f626573 avcodec_find_bes │ │ - 0x00406500 745f7069 785f666d 745f6f66 5f6c6973 t_pix_fmt_of_lis │ │ - 0x00406510 74006176 636f6465 635f616c 69676e5f t.avcodec_align_ │ │ - 0x00406520 64696d65 6e73696f 6e733200 61765f70 dimensions2.av_p │ │ - 0x00406530 61636b65 745f6e65 775f7369 64655f64 acket_new_side_d │ │ - 0x00406540 61746100 61767375 62746974 6c655f66 ata.avsubtitle_f │ │ - 0x00406550 72656500 61765f70 61636b65 745f636c ree.av_packet_cl │ │ - 0x00406560 6f6e6500 61765f70 61636b65 745f636f one.av_packet_co │ │ - 0x00406570 70795f70 726f7073 00617663 6f646563 py_props.avcodec │ │ - 0x00406580 5f667265 655f636f 6e746578 74006176 _free_context.av │ │ - 0x00406590 5f706163 6b65745f 756e7265 6600696e _packet_unref.in │ │ - 0x004065a0 666c6174 65496e69 745f0061 765f6765 flateInit_.av_ge │ │ - 0x004065b0 745f6269 74735f70 65725f73 616d706c t_bits_per_sampl │ │ - 0x004065c0 65006176 5f706163 6b65745f 72657363 e.av_packet_resc │ │ - 0x004065d0 616c655f 74730061 765f636f 6465635f ale_ts.av_codec_ │ │ - 0x004065e0 69746572 61746500 6176636f 6465635f iterate.avcodec_ │ │ - 0x004065f0 656e756d 5f746f5f 6368726f 6d615f70 enum_to_chroma_p │ │ - 0x00406600 6f730061 76636f64 65635f69 735f6f70 os.avcodec_is_op │ │ - 0x00406610 656e0061 76636f64 65635f64 65666175 en.avcodec_defau │ │ - 0x00406620 6c745f67 65745f66 6f726d61 74006c69 lt_get_format.li │ │ - 0x00406630 62617666 6f726d61 742e736f 2e353800 bavformat.so.58. │ │ - 0x00406640 6176666f 726d6174 5f6e6577 5f737472 avformat_new_str │ │ - 0x00406650 65616d00 6176666f 726d6174 5f636c6f eam.avformat_clo │ │ - 0x00406660 73655f69 6e707574 0061765f 77726974 se_input.av_writ │ │ - 0x00406670 655f7472 61696c65 72006176 666f726d e_trailer.avform │ │ - 0x00406680 61745f6f 70656e5f 696e7075 74006176 at_open_input.av │ │ - 0x00406690 5f777269 74655f66 72616d65 00617666 _write_frame.avf │ │ - 0x004066a0 6f726d61 745f6669 6e645f73 74726561 ormat_find_strea │ │ - 0x004066b0 6d5f696e 666f0061 765f6669 6e645f69 m_info.av_find_i │ │ - 0x004066c0 6e707574 5f666f72 6d617400 61765f6d nput_format.av_m │ │ - 0x004066d0 75786572 5f697465 72617465 00617669 uxer_iterate.avi │ │ - 0x004066e0 6f5f7265 61645f70 61727469 616c0061 o_read_partial.a │ │ - 0x004066f0 76666f72 6d61745f 77726974 655f6865 vformat_write_he │ │ - 0x00406700 61646572 0061765f 64656d75 7865725f ader.av_demuxer_ │ │ - 0x00406710 69746572 61746500 61765f73 74726561 iterate.av_strea │ │ - 0x00406720 6d5f6765 745f7369 64655f64 61746100 m_get_side_data. │ │ - 0x00406730 6176666f 726d6174 5f616c6c 6f635f63 avformat_alloc_c │ │ - 0x00406740 6f6e7465 78740061 765f7365 656b5f66 ontext.av_seek_f │ │ - 0x00406750 72616d65 0061765f 70726f62 655f696e rame.av_probe_in │ │ - 0x00406760 7075745f 666f726d 61743200 6176666f put_format2.avfo │ │ - 0x00406770 726d6174 5f676574 5f6d6f76 5f766964 rmat_get_mov_vid │ │ - 0x00406780 656f5f74 61677300 6176666f 726d6174 eo_tags.avformat │ │ - 0x00406790 5f766572 73696f6e 00617669 6f5f7365 _version.avio_se │ │ - 0x004067a0 656b5f74 696d6500 6176696f 5f616c6c ek_time.avio_all │ │ - 0x004067b0 6f635f63 6f6e7465 78740061 765f636f oc_context.av_co │ │ - 0x004067c0 6465635f 6765745f 69640061 76696f5f dec_get_id.avio_ │ │ - 0x004067d0 636c6f73 65700061 76696f5f 77726974 closep.avio_writ │ │ - 0x004067e0 65006176 666f726d 61745f66 7265655f e.avformat_free_ │ │ - 0x004067f0 636f6e74 65787400 61765f67 75657373 context.av_guess │ │ - 0x00406800 5f666f72 6d617400 6176666f 726d6174 _format.avformat │ │ - 0x00406810 5f676574 5f6d6f76 5f617564 696f5f74 _get_mov_audio_t │ │ - 0x00406820 61677300 6176666f 726d6174 5f6e6574 ags.avformat_net │ │ - 0x00406830 776f726b 5f696e69 74006176 696f5f6f work_init.avio_o │ │ - 0x00406840 70656e00 6176696f 5f636c6f 73650061 pen.avio_close.a │ │ - 0x00406850 765f6775 6573735f 636f6465 63006176 v_guess_codec.av │ │ - 0x00406860 5f726561 645f6672 616d6500 6176666f _read_frame.avfo │ │ - 0x00406870 726d6174 5f676574 5f726966 665f7669 rmat_get_riff_vi │ │ - 0x00406880 64656f5f 74616773 00617669 6f5f7369 deo_tags.avio_si │ │ - 0x00406890 7a650061 76666f72 6d61745f 6765745f ze.avformat_get_ │ │ - 0x004068a0 72696666 5f617564 696f5f74 61677300 riff_audio_tags. │ │ - 0x004068b0 6176696f 5f666c75 73680061 76696f5f avio_flush.avio_ │ │ - 0x004068c0 6f70656e 32006176 5f696e74 65726c65 open2.av_interle │ │ - 0x004068d0 61766564 5f777269 74655f66 72616d65 aved_write_frame │ │ - 0x004068e0 00617669 6f5f7365 656b006c 69627377 .avio_seek.libsw │ │ - 0x004068f0 7363616c 652e736f 2e350073 77735f67 scale.so.5.sws_g │ │ - 0x00406900 65744465 6661756c 7446696c 74657200 etDefaultFilter. │ │ - 0x00406910 7377735f 696e6974 5f636f6e 74657874 sws_init_context │ │ - 0x00406920 00737773 5f667265 6546696c 74657200 .sws_freeFilter. │ │ - 0x00406930 73777363 616c655f 76657273 696f6e00 swscale_version. │ │ - 0x00406940 7377735f 69735375 70706f72 74656449 sws_isSupportedI │ │ - 0x00406950 6e707574 00737773 5f697353 7570706f nput.sws_isSuppo │ │ - 0x00406960 72746564 4f757470 75740073 77735f73 rtedOutput.sws_s │ │ - 0x00406970 63616c65 00737773 5f736574 436f6c6f cale.sws_setColo │ │ - 0x00406980 72737061 63654465 7461696c 73007377 rspaceDetails.sw │ │ - 0x00406990 735f6765 74436f65 66666963 69656e74 s_getCoefficient │ │ - 0x004069a0 73007377 735f6672 6565436f 6e746578 s.sws_freeContex │ │ - 0x004069b0 74007377 735f616c 6c6f635f 636f6e74 t.sws_alloc_cont │ │ - 0x004069c0 65787400 6c696261 7666696c 7465722e ext.libavfilter. │ │ - 0x004069d0 736f2e37 00617666 696c7465 725f696e so.7.avfilter_in │ │ - 0x004069e0 69745f73 74720061 765f6275 66666572 it_str.av_buffer │ │ - 0x004069f0 7372635f 6164645f 6672616d 65006176 src_add_frame.av │ │ - 0x00406a00 66696c74 65725f76 65727369 6f6e0061 filter_version.a │ │ - 0x00406a10 7666696c 7465725f 7061645f 636f756e vfilter_pad_coun │ │ - 0x00406a20 74006176 66696c74 65725f67 72617068 t.avfilter_graph │ │ - 0x00406a30 5f637265 6174655f 66696c74 65720061 _create_filter.a │ │ - 0x00406a40 7666696c 7465725f 67726170 685f616c vfilter_graph_al │ │ - 0x00406a50 6c6f635f 66696c74 65720061 7666696c loc_filter.avfil │ │ - 0x00406a60 7465725f 67726170 685f7061 72736532 ter_graph_parse2 │ │ - 0x00406a70 0061765f 62756666 65727369 6e6b5f67 .av_buffersink_g │ │ - 0x00406a80 65745f66 72616d65 5f726174 65006176 et_frame_rate.av │ │ - 0x00406a90 66696c74 65725f69 6e6f7574 5f667265 filter_inout_fre │ │ - 0x00406aa0 65006176 5f66696c 7465725f 69746572 e.av_filter_iter │ │ - 0x00406ab0 61746500 61765f62 75666665 7273696e ate.av_buffersin │ │ - 0x00406ac0 6b5f6765 745f6672 616d655f 666c6167 k_get_frame_flag │ │ - 0x00406ad0 73006176 5f627566 66657273 72635f70 s.av_buffersrc_p │ │ - 0x00406ae0 6172616d 65746572 735f7365 74006176 arameters_set.av │ │ - 0x00406af0 66696c74 65725f67 65745f62 795f6e61 filter_get_by_na │ │ - 0x00406b00 6d650061 7666696c 7465725f 67726170 me.avfilter_grap │ │ - 0x00406b10 685f616c 6c6f6300 61766669 6c746572 h_alloc.avfilter │ │ - 0x00406b20 5f6c696e 6b006176 66696c74 65725f67 _link.avfilter_g │ │ - 0x00406b30 72617068 5f64756d 70006176 5f627566 raph_dump.av_buf │ │ - 0x00406b40 66657273 72635f67 65745f6e 625f6661 fersrc_get_nb_fa │ │ - 0x00406b50 696c6564 5f726571 75657374 73006176 iled_requests.av │ │ - 0x00406b60 5f627566 66657273 72635f70 6172616d _buffersrc_param │ │ - 0x00406b70 65746572 735f616c 6c6f6300 61766669 eters_alloc.avfi │ │ - 0x00406b80 6c746572 5f677261 70685f66 72656500 lter_graph_free. │ │ - 0x00406b90 61766669 6c746572 5f677261 70685f63 avfilter_graph_c │ │ - 0x00406ba0 6f6e6669 67006176 66696c74 65725f70 onfig.avfilter_p │ │ - 0x00406bb0 61645f67 65745f74 79706500 61766669 ad_get_type.avfi │ │ - 0x00406bc0 6c746572 5f677261 70685f73 656e645f lter_graph_send_ │ │ - 0x00406bd0 636f6d6d 616e6400 61766669 6c746572 command.avfilter │ │ - 0x00406be0 5f706164 5f676574 5f6e616d 65006c69 _pad_get_name.li │ │ - 0x00406bf0 62737772 6573616d 706c652e 736f2e33 bswresample.so.3 │ │ - 0x00406c00 00737772 5f676574 5f64656c 61790073 .swr_get_delay.s │ │ - 0x00406c10 77725f61 6c6c6f63 00737772 6573616d wr_alloc.swresam │ │ - 0x00406c20 706c655f 76657273 696f6e00 7377725f ple_version.swr_ │ │ - 0x00406c30 636f6e76 65727400 7377725f 7365745f convert.swr_set_ │ │ - 0x00406c40 6368616e 6e656c5f 6d617070 696e6700 channel_mapping. │ │ - 0x00406c50 7377725f 66726565 00737772 5f636c6f swr_free.swr_clo │ │ - 0x00406c60 73650073 77725f69 6e697400 7377725f se.swr_init.swr_ │ │ - 0x00406c70 7365745f 636f6d70 656e7361 74696f6e set_compensation │ │ - 0x00406c80 00737772 5f676574 5f6f7574 5f73616d .swr_get_out_sam │ │ - 0x00406c90 706c6573 006c6962 61726368 6976652e ples.libarchive. │ │ - 0x00406ca0 736f2e31 33006172 63686976 655f7265 so.13.archive_re │ │ - 0x00406cb0 61645f73 7570706f 72745f66 696c7465 ad_support_filte │ │ - 0x00406cc0 725f787a 00617263 68697665 5f656e74 r_xz.archive_ent │ │ - 0x00406cd0 72795f70 6174686e 616d6500 61726368 ry_pathname.arch │ │ - 0x00406ce0 6976655f 72656164 5f737570 706f7274 ive_read_support │ │ - 0x00406cf0 5f666f72 6d61745f 72617200 61726368 _format_rar.arch │ │ - 0x00406d00 6976655f 72656164 5f6f7065 6e310061 ive_read_open1.a │ │ - 0x00406d10 72636869 76655f72 6561645f 73757070 rchive_read_supp │ │ - 0x00406d20 6f72745f 666f726d 61745f37 7a697000 ort_format_7zip. │ │ - 0x00406d30 61726368 6976655f 72656164 5f736574 archive_read_set │ │ - 0x00406d40 5f636c6f 73655f63 616c6c62 61636b00 _close_callback. │ │ - 0x00406d50 61726368 6976655f 72656164 5f737570 archive_read_sup │ │ - 0x00406d60 706f7274 5f666f72 6d61745f 69736f39 port_format_iso9 │ │ - 0x00406d70 36363000 61726368 6976655f 656e7472 660.archive_entr │ │ - 0x00406d80 795f6669 6c657479 70650061 72636869 y_filetype.archi │ │ - 0x00406d90 76655f72 6561645f 7365745f 736b6970 ve_read_set_skip │ │ - 0x00406da0 5f63616c 6c626163 6b006172 63686976 _callback.archiv │ │ - 0x00406db0 655f7265 61645f66 72656500 61726368 e_read_free.arch │ │ - 0x00406dc0 6976655f 72656164 5f737570 706f7274 ive_read_support │ │ - 0x00406dd0 5f66696c 7465725f 677a6970 00617263 _filter_gzip.arc │ │ - 0x00406de0 68697665 5f726561 645f6170 70656e64 hive_read_append │ │ - 0x00406df0 5f63616c 6c626163 6b5f6461 74610061 _callback_data.a │ │ - 0x00406e00 72636869 76655f72 6561645f 7365745f rchive_read_set_ │ │ - 0x00406e10 7365656b 5f63616c 6c626163 6b006172 seek_callback.ar │ │ - 0x00406e20 63686976 655f7265 61645f73 7570706f chive_read_suppo │ │ - 0x00406e30 72745f66 6f726d61 745f7a69 705f7374 rt_format_zip_st │ │ - 0x00406e40 7265616d 61626c65 00617263 68697665 reamable.archive │ │ - 0x00406e50 5f726561 645f6461 74610061 72636869 _read_data.archi │ │ - 0x00406e60 76655f65 72726f72 5f737472 696e6700 ve_error_string. │ │ - 0x00406e70 61726368 6976655f 72656164 5f737570 archive_read_sup │ │ - 0x00406e80 706f7274 5f666f72 6d61745f 676e7574 port_format_gnut │ │ - 0x00406e90 61720061 72636869 76655f72 6561645f ar.archive_read_ │ │ - 0x00406ea0 7365745f 6f70656e 5f63616c 6c626163 set_open_callbac │ │ - 0x00406eb0 6b006172 63686976 655f7265 61645f73 k.archive_read_s │ │ - 0x00406ec0 7570706f 72745f66 696c7465 725f627a upport_filter_bz │ │ - 0x00406ed0 69703200 61726368 6976655f 72656164 ip2.archive_read │ │ - 0x00406ee0 5f636c6f 73650061 72636869 76655f72 _close.archive_r │ │ - 0x00406ef0 6561645f 73757070 6f72745f 666f726d ead_support_form │ │ - 0x00406f00 61745f7a 69705f73 65656b61 626c6500 at_zip_seekable. │ │ - 0x00406f10 61726368 6976655f 656e7472 795f7369 archive_entry_si │ │ - 0x00406f20 7a655f69 735f7365 74006172 63686976 ze_is_set.archiv │ │ - 0x00406f30 655f7265 61645f6e 6578745f 68656164 e_read_next_head │ │ - 0x00406f40 65720061 72636869 76655f73 65656b5f er.archive_seek_ │ │ - 0x00406f50 64617461 00617263 68697665 5f726561 data.archive_rea │ │ - 0x00406f60 645f6e65 77006172 63686976 655f7265 d_new.archive_re │ │ - 0x00406f70 61645f73 65745f72 6561645f 63616c6c ad_set_read_call │ │ - 0x00406f80 6261636b 00617263 68697665 5f726561 back.archive_rea │ │ - 0x00406f90 645f7375 70706f72 745f666f 726d6174 d_support_format │ │ - 0x00406fa0 5f746172 00617263 68697665 5f726561 _tar.archive_rea │ │ - 0x00406fb0 645f7375 70706f72 745f666f 726d6174 d_support_format │ │ - 0x00406fc0 5f726172 35006172 63686976 655f656e _rar5.archive_en │ │ - 0x00406fd0 7472795f 73697a65 006c6962 53444c32 try_size.libSDL2 │ │ - 0x00406fe0 2d322e30 2e736f2e 30005344 4c5f5365 -2.0.so.0.SDL_Se │ │ - 0x00406ff0 7457696e 646f7746 756c6c73 63726565 tWindowFullscree │ │ - 0x00407000 6e005344 4c5f4765 74437572 72656e74 n.SDL_GetCurrent │ │ - 0x00407010 44697370 6c61794d 6f646500 53444c5f DisplayMode.SDL_ │ │ - 0x00407020 44657374 726f7957 696e646f 77005344 DestroyWindow.SD │ │ - 0x00407030 4c5f4973 53637265 656e5361 76657245 L_IsScreenSaverE │ │ - 0x00407040 6e61626c 65640053 444c5f53 686f7757 nabled.SDL_ShowW │ │ - 0x00407050 696e646f 77005344 4c5f496e 69745375 indow.SDL_InitSu │ │ - 0x00407060 62537973 74656d00 53444c5f 47616d65 bSystem.SDL_Game │ │ - 0x00407070 436f6e74 726f6c6c 6572436c 6f736500 ControllerClose. │ │ - 0x00407080 53444c5f 456e6162 6c655363 7265656e SDL_EnableScreen │ │ - 0x00407090 53617665 72005344 4c5f5265 6e646572 Saver.SDL_Render │ │ - 0x004070a0 52656164 50697865 6c730053 444c5f53 ReadPixels.SDL_S │ │ - 0x004070b0 65744869 6e745769 74685072 696f7269 etHintWithPriori │ │ - 0x004070c0 74790053 444c5f52 65676973 74657245 ty.SDL_RegisterE │ │ - 0x004070d0 76656e74 73005344 4c5f5368 6f774375 vents.SDL_ShowCu │ │ - 0x004070e0 72736f72 0053444c 5f4c6f63 6b417564 rsor.SDL_LockAud │ │ - 0x004070f0 696f0053 444c5f44 65737472 6f795465 io.SDL_DestroyTe │ │ - 0x00407100 78747572 65005344 4c5f5175 69745375 xture.SDL_QuitSu │ │ - 0x00407110 62537973 74656d00 53444c5f 53657454 bSystem.SDL_SetT │ │ - 0x00407120 65787475 7265436f 6c6f724d 6f640053 extureColorMod.S │ │ - 0x00407130 444c5f55 70646174 65546578 74757265 DL_UpdateTexture │ │ - 0x00407140 0053444c 5f437265 61746554 65787475 .SDL_CreateTextu │ │ - 0x00407150 72650053 444c5f47 65745769 6e646f77 re.SDL_GetWindow │ │ - 0x00407160 466c6167 73005344 4c5f5265 6e646572 Flags.SDL_Render │ │ - 0x00407170 436c6561 72005344 4c5f5365 74546578 Clear.SDL_SetTex │ │ - 0x00407180 74757265 426c656e 644d6f64 65005344 tureBlendMode.SD │ │ - 0x00407190 4c5f4469 7361626c 65536372 65656e53 L_DisableScreenS │ │ - 0x004071a0 61766572 0053444c 5f576173 496e6974 aver.SDL_WasInit │ │ - 0x004071b0 0053444c 5f476574 48696e74 0053444c .SDL_GetHint.SDL │ │ - 0x004071c0 5f476574 4e756d52 656e6465 72447269 _GetNumRenderDri │ │ - 0x004071d0 76657273 0053444c 5f4a6f79 73746963 vers.SDL_Joystic │ │ - 0x004071e0 6b496e73 74616e63 65494400 53444c5f kInstanceID.SDL_ │ │ - 0x004071f0 57616974 4576656e 74005344 4c5f4465 WaitEvent.SDL_De │ │ - 0x00407200 7374726f 7952656e 64657265 72005344 stroyRenderer.SD │ │ - 0x00407210 4c5f4f70 656e4175 64696f00 53444c5f L_OpenAudio.SDL_ │ │ - 0x00407220 43726561 74655265 6e646572 65720053 CreateRenderer.S │ │ - 0x00407230 444c5f4c 6f636b54 65787475 72650053 DL_LockTexture.S │ │ - 0x00407240 444c5f50 61757365 41756469 6f005344 DL_PauseAudio.SD │ │ - 0x00407250 4c5f4761 6d65436f 6e74726f 6c6c6572 L_GameController │ │ - 0x00407260 4f70656e 0053444c 5f437265 61746557 Open.SDL_CreateW │ │ - 0x00407270 696e646f 77005344 4c5f556e 6c6f636b indow.SDL_Unlock │ │ - 0x00407280 54657874 75726500 53444c5f 4765744d Texture.SDL_GetM │ │ - 0x00407290 6f645374 61746500 53444c5f 49734761 odState.SDL_IsGa │ │ - 0x004072a0 6d65436f 6e74726f 6c6c6572 0053444c meController.SDL │ │ - 0x004072b0 5f476574 52656e64 65726572 496e666f _GetRendererInfo │ │ - 0x004072c0 0053444c 5f436f6e 76657274 50697865 .SDL_ConvertPixe │ │ - 0x004072d0 6c730053 444c5f47 65745265 6e646572 ls.SDL_GetRender │ │ - 0x004072e0 44726976 6572496e 666f0053 444c5f53 DriverInfo.SDL_S │ │ - 0x004072f0 65745265 6e646572 44726177 436f6c6f etRenderDrawColo │ │ - 0x00407300 72005344 4c5f4765 74457272 6f720053 r.SDL_GetError.S │ │ - 0x00407310 444c5f47 616d6543 6f6e7472 6f6c6c65 DL_GameControlle │ │ - 0x00407320 724e616d 65005344 4c5f4761 6d65436f rName.SDL_GameCo │ │ - 0x00407330 6e74726f 6c6c6572 4765744a 6f797374 ntrollerGetJoyst │ │ - 0x00407340 69636b00 53444c5f 52656e64 6572436f ick.SDL_RenderCo │ │ - 0x00407350 70790053 444c5f52 656e6465 72507265 py.SDL_RenderPre │ │ - 0x00407360 73656e74 0053444c 5f576169 74457665 sent.SDL_WaitEve │ │ - 0x00407370 6e745469 6d656f75 74005344 4c5f4765 ntTimeout.SDL_Ge │ │ - 0x00407380 7457696e 646f7744 6973706c 6179496e tWindowDisplayIn │ │ - 0x00407390 64657800 53444c5f 47657457 696e646f dex.SDL_GetWindo │ │ - 0x004073a0 7753697a 65005344 4c5f5265 6e646572 wSize.SDL_Render │ │ - 0x004073b0 5365744c 6f676963 616c5369 7a650053 SetLogicalSize.S │ │ - 0x004073c0 444c5f53 65745769 6e646f77 53697a65 DL_SetWindowSize │ │ - 0x004073d0 0053444c 5f507573 68457665 6e740053 .SDL_PushEvent.S │ │ - 0x004073e0 444c5f53 65745769 6e646f77 5469746c DL_SetWindowTitl │ │ - 0x004073f0 65005344 4c5f5365 7457696e 646f7750 e.SDL_SetWindowP │ │ - 0x00407400 6f736974 696f6e00 6c696261 76646576 osition.libavdev │ │ - 0x00407410 6963652e 736f2e35 38006176 64657669 ice.so.58.avdevi │ │ - 0x00407420 63655f72 65676973 7465725f 616c6c00 ce_register_all. │ │ - 0x00407430 6c696277 61796c61 6e642d63 6c69656e libwayland-clien │ │ - 0x00407440 742e736f 2e300077 6c5f7375 72666163 t.so.0.wl_surfac │ │ - 0x00407450 655f696e 74657266 61636500 776c5f70 e_interface.wl_p │ │ - 0x00407460 726f7879 5f6d6172 7368616c 5f636f6e roxy_marshal_con │ │ - 0x00407470 73747275 63746f72 5f766572 73696f6e structor_version │ │ - 0x00407480 65640077 6c5f7072 6f78795f 7365745f ed.wl_proxy_set_ │ │ - 0x00407490 75736572 5f646174 6100776c 5f646973 user_data.wl_dis │ │ - 0x004074a0 706c6179 5f646973 70617463 685f7065 play_dispatch_pe │ │ - 0x004074b0 6e64696e 6700776c 5f646174 615f6465 nding.wl_data_de │ │ - 0x004074c0 76696365 5f696e74 65726661 63650077 vice_interface.w │ │ - 0x004074d0 6c5f6b65 79626f61 72645f69 6e746572 l_keyboard_inter │ │ - 0x004074e0 66616365 00776c5f 706f696e 7465725f face.wl_pointer_ │ │ - 0x004074f0 696e7465 72666163 6500776c 5f646973 interface.wl_dis │ │ - 0x00407500 706c6179 5f676574 5f666400 776c5f64 play_get_fd.wl_d │ │ - 0x00407510 6973706c 61795f63 6f6e6e65 63740077 isplay_connect.w │ │ - 0x00407520 6c5f6469 73706c61 795f7072 65706172 l_display_prepar │ │ - 0x00407530 655f7265 61640077 6c5f746f 7563685f e_read.wl_touch_ │ │ - 0x00407540 696e7465 72666163 6500776c 5f646973 interface.wl_dis │ │ - 0x00407550 706c6179 5f726561 645f6576 656e7473 play_read_events │ │ - 0x00407560 00776c5f 70726f78 795f6d61 72736861 .wl_proxy_marsha │ │ - 0x00407570 6c5f636f 6e737472 7563746f 7200776c l_constructor.wl │ │ - 0x00407580 5f70726f 78795f61 64645f6c 69737465 _proxy_add_liste │ │ - 0x00407590 6e657200 776c5f6f 75747075 745f696e ner.wl_output_in │ │ - 0x004075a0 74657266 61636500 776c5f63 6f6d706f terface.wl_compo │ │ - 0x004075b0 7369746f 725f696e 74657266 61636500 sitor_interface. │ │ - 0x004075c0 776c5f6c 6973745f 696e6974 00776c5f wl_list_init.wl_ │ │ - 0x004075d0 6c697374 5f72656d 6f766500 776c5f73 list_remove.wl_s │ │ - 0x004075e0 686d5f69 6e746572 66616365 00776c5f hm_interface.wl_ │ │ - 0x004075f0 72656769 73747279 5f696e74 65726661 registry_interfa │ │ - 0x00407600 63650077 6c5f6469 73706c61 795f6469 ce.wl_display_di │ │ - 0x00407610 73706174 63680077 6c5f6469 73706c61 spatch.wl_displa │ │ - 0x00407620 795f726f 756e6474 72697000 776c5f6c y_roundtrip.wl_l │ │ - 0x00407630 6973745f 6c656e67 74680077 6c5f6469 ist_length.wl_di │ │ - 0x00407640 73706c61 795f6469 73636f6e 6e656374 splay_disconnect │ │ - 0x00407650 00776c5f 64617461 5f646576 6963655f .wl_data_device_ │ │ - 0x00407660 6d616e61 6765725f 696e7465 72666163 manager_interfac │ │ - 0x00407670 6500776c 5f6c6973 745f696e 73657274 e.wl_list_insert │ │ - 0x00407680 00776c5f 70726f78 795f6465 7374726f .wl_proxy_destro │ │ - 0x00407690 7900776c 5f736561 745f696e 74657266 y.wl_seat_interf │ │ - 0x004076a0 61636500 776c5f70 726f7879 5f6d6172 ace.wl_proxy_mar │ │ - 0x004076b0 7368616c 00776c5f 64697370 6c61795f shal.wl_display_ │ │ - 0x004076c0 666c7573 68006c69 62776179 6c616e64 flush.libwayland │ │ - 0x004076d0 2d637572 736f722e 736f2e30 00776c5f -cursor.so.0.wl_ │ │ - 0x004076e0 63757273 6f725f74 68656d65 5f646573 cursor_theme_des │ │ - 0x004076f0 74726f79 00776c5f 63757273 6f725f69 troy.wl_cursor_i │ │ - 0x00407700 6d616765 5f676574 5f627566 66657200 mage_get_buffer. │ │ - 0x00407710 776c5f63 7572736f 725f7468 656d655f wl_cursor_theme_ │ │ - 0x00407720 6765745f 63757273 6f720077 6c5f6375 get_cursor.wl_cu │ │ - 0x00407730 72736f72 5f746865 6d655f6c 6f616400 rsor_theme_load. │ │ - 0x00407740 6c696278 6b62636f 6d6d6f6e 2e736f2e libxkbcommon.so. │ │ - 0x00407750 3000786b 625f6b65 796d6170 5f756e72 0.xkb_keymap_unr │ │ - 0x00407760 65660078 6b625f73 74617465 5f6b6579 ef.xkb_state_key │ │ - 0x00407770 5f676574 5f6f6e65 5f73796d 00786b62 _get_one_sym.xkb │ │ - 0x00407780 5f737461 74655f75 70646174 655f6d61 _state_update_ma │ │ - 0x00407790 736b0078 6b625f73 74617465 5f6e6577 sk.xkb_state_new │ │ - 0x004077a0 00786b62 5f6b6579 6d61705f 6d6f645f .xkb_keymap_mod_ │ │ - 0x004077b0 6765745f 696e6465 7800786b 625f7374 get_index.xkb_st │ │ - 0x004077c0 6174655f 756e7265 6600786b 625f636f ate_unref.xkb_co │ │ - 0x004077d0 6e746578 745f756e 72656600 786b625f ntext_unref.xkb_ │ │ - 0x004077e0 636f6e74 6578745f 6e657700 786b625f context_new.xkb_ │ │ - 0x004077f0 6b657973 796d5f74 6f5f7574 66380078 keysym_to_utf8.x │ │ - 0x00407800 6b625f73 74617465 5f6d6f64 5f696e64 kb_state_mod_ind │ │ - 0x00407810 65785f69 735f6163 74697665 00786b62 ex_is_active.xkb │ │ - 0x00407820 5f6b6579 6d61705f 6e65775f 66726f6d _keymap_new_from │ │ - 0x00407830 5f737472 696e6700 786b625f 73746174 _string.xkb_stat │ │ - 0x00407840 655f6d6f 645f696e 6465785f 69735f63 e_mod_index_is_c │ │ - 0x00407850 6f6e7375 6d656400 6c696264 6c2e736f onsumed.libdl.so │ │ - 0x00407860 2e320064 6c73796d 00646c65 72726f72 .2.dlsym.dlerror │ │ - 0x00407870 00646c6f 70656e00 6c69627a 2e736f2e .dlopen.libz.so. │ │ - 0x00407880 31006c69 626c636d 73322e73 6f2e3200 1.liblcms2.so.2. │ │ - 0x00407890 636d7344 656c6574 65547261 6e73666f cmsDeleteTransfo │ │ - 0x004078a0 726d0063 6d73436c 6f736550 726f6669 rm.cmsCloseProfi │ │ - 0x004078b0 6c650063 6d73446f 5472616e 73666f72 le.cmsDoTransfor │ │ - 0x004078c0 6d00636d 73437265 61746552 47425072 m.cmsCreateRGBPr │ │ - 0x004078d0 6f66696c 65544852 00636d73 46726565 ofileTHR.cmsFree │ │ - 0x004078e0 546f6e65 43757276 6500636d 73427569 ToneCurve.cmsBui │ │ - 0x004078f0 6c644761 6d6d6100 636d7344 656c6574 ldGamma.cmsDelet │ │ - 0x00407900 65436f6e 74657874 00636d73 47657443 eContext.cmsGetC │ │ - 0x00407910 6f6e7465 78745573 65724461 74610063 ontextUserData.c │ │ - 0x00407920 6d734465 74656374 426c6163 6b506f69 msDetectBlackPoi │ │ - 0x00407930 6e740063 6d734f70 656e5072 6f66696c nt.cmsOpenProfil │ │ - 0x00407940 6546726f 6d4d656d 54485200 636d7353 eFromMemTHR.cmsS │ │ - 0x00407950 65744c6f 67457272 6f724861 6e646c65 etLogErrorHandle │ │ - 0x00407960 72544852 00636d73 43726561 7465436f rTHR.cmsCreateCo │ │ - 0x00407970 6e746578 7400636d 73437265 61746554 ntext.cmsCreateT │ │ - 0x00407980 72616e73 666f726d 54485200 636d7343 ransformTHR.cmsC │ │ - 0x00407990 72656174 6558595a 50726f66 696c6500 reateXYZProfile. │ │ - 0x004079a0 636d7342 75696c64 50617261 6d657472 cmsBuildParametr │ │ - 0x004079b0 6963546f 6e654375 72766500 6c696272 icToneCurve.libr │ │ - 0x004079c0 742e736f 2e31006c 69626a61 636b2e73 t.so.1.libjack.s │ │ - 0x004079d0 6f2e3000 6a61636b 5f706f72 745f7265 o.0.jack_port_re │ │ - 0x004079e0 67697374 6572006a 61636b5f 636c6965 gister.jack_clie │ │ - 0x004079f0 6e745f63 6c6f7365 006a6163 6b5f636f nt_close.jack_co │ │ - 0x00407a00 6e6e6563 74006a61 636b5f73 65745f70 nnect.jack_set_p │ │ - 0x00407a10 726f6365 73735f63 616c6c62 61636b00 rocess_callback. │ │ - 0x00407a20 6a61636b 5f636c69 656e745f 6f70656e jack_client_open │ │ - 0x00407a30 006a6163 6b5f6765 745f706f 72747300 .jack_get_ports. │ │ - 0x00407a40 6a61636b 5f616374 69766174 65006a61 jack_activate.ja │ │ - 0x00407a50 636b5f70 6f72745f 6765745f 6c617465 ck_port_get_late │ │ - 0x00407a60 6e63795f 72616e67 65006a61 636b5f70 ncy_range.jack_p │ │ - 0x00407a70 6f72745f 6765745f 62756666 6572006a ort_get_buffer.j │ │ - 0x00407a80 61636b5f 7365745f 62756666 65725f73 ack_set_buffer_s │ │ - 0x00407a90 697a655f 63616c6c 6261636b 006a6163 ize_callback.jac │ │ - 0x00407aa0 6b5f706f 72745f6e 616d6500 6a61636b k_port_name.jack │ │ - 0x00407ab0 5f676574 5f73616d 706c655f 72617465 _get_sample_rate │ │ - 0x00407ac0 006a6163 6b5f7365 745f6772 6170685f .jack_set_graph_ │ │ - 0x00407ad0 6f726465 725f6361 6c6c6261 636b006c order_callback.l │ │ + 0x004060d0 725f7265 66006c69 62617663 6f646563 r_ref.libavcodec │ │ + 0x004060e0 2e736f2e 35380061 765f7061 636b6574 .so.58.av_packet │ │ + 0x004060f0 5f616c6c 6f630061 76636f64 65635f73 _alloc.avcodec_s │ │ + 0x00406100 656e645f 6672616d 65006176 636f6465 end_frame.avcode │ │ + 0x00406110 635f7365 6e645f70 61636b65 74006176 c_send_packet.av │ │ + 0x00406120 636f6465 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 codec_parameters │ │ + 0x00406130 5f667265 6500696e 666c6174 65456e64 _free.inflateEnd │ │ + 0x00406140 00617663 6f646563 5f70726f 66696c65 .avcodec_profile │ │ + 0x00406150 5f6e616d 65006176 636f6465 635f6669 _name.avcodec_fi │ │ + 0x00406160 6e645f65 6e636f64 65725f62 795f6e61 nd_encoder_by_na │ │ + 0x00406170 6d650061 765f7061 72736572 5f636c6f me.av_parser_clo │ │ + 0x00406180 73650061 76636f64 65635f6f 70656e32 se.avcodec_open2 │ │ + 0x00406190 0061765f 7061636b 65745f66 72656500 .av_packet_free. │ │ + 0x004061a0 6176636f 6465635f 72656365 6976655f avcodec_receive_ │ │ + 0x004061b0 6672616d 65006176 636f6465 635f6765 frame.avcodec_ge │ │ + 0x004061c0 745f6877 5f667261 6d65735f 70617261 t_hw_frames_para │ │ + 0x004061d0 6d657465 72730061 76636f64 65635f76 meters.avcodec_v │ │ + 0x004061e0 65727369 6f6e0061 76636f64 65635f66 ersion.avcodec_f │ │ + 0x004061f0 696e645f 656e636f 64657200 6176636f ind_encoder.avco │ │ + 0x00406200 6465635f 6765745f 68775f63 6f6e6669 dec_get_hw_confi │ │ + 0x00406210 67006176 5f706172 7365725f 696e6974 g.av_parser_init │ │ + 0x00406220 00617663 6f646563 5f706172 616d6574 .avcodec_paramet │ │ + 0x00406230 6572735f 636f7079 00617663 6f646563 ers_copy.avcodec │ │ + 0x00406240 5f706172 616d6574 6572735f 746f5f63 _parameters_to_c │ │ + 0x00406250 6f6e7465 78740061 76636f64 65635f66 ontext.avcodec_f │ │ + 0x00406260 696e645f 6465636f 64657200 61765f63 ind_decoder.av_c │ │ + 0x00406270 6f646563 5f69735f 656e636f 64657200 odec_is_encoder. │ │ + 0x00406280 61765f63 6f646563 5f69735f 6465636f av_codec_is_deco │ │ + 0x00406290 64657200 61765f70 61727365 725f7061 der.av_parser_pa │ │ + 0x004062a0 72736532 00617663 6f646563 5f636c6f rse2.avcodec_clo │ │ + 0x004062b0 73650069 6e666c61 74650061 765f6e65 se.inflate.av_ne │ │ + 0x004062c0 775f7061 636b6574 0061765f 696e6974 w_packet.av_init │ │ + 0x004062d0 5f706163 6b657400 6176636f 6465635f _packet.avcodec_ │ │ + 0x004062e0 72656365 6976655f 7061636b 65740061 receive_packet.a │ │ + 0x004062f0 765f7061 636b6574 5f726566 00617663 v_packet_ref.avc │ │ + 0x00406300 6f646563 5f646573 63726970 746f725f odec_descriptor_ │ │ + 0x00406310 67657400 6176636f 6465635f 64657363 get.avcodec_desc │ │ + 0x00406320 72697074 6f725f67 65745f62 795f6e61 riptor_get_by_na │ │ + 0x00406330 6d650061 76636f64 65635f64 65636f64 me.avcodec_decod │ │ + 0x00406340 655f7375 62746974 6c653200 6176636f e_subtitle2.avco │ │ + 0x00406350 6465635f 66696e64 5f646563 6f646572 dec_find_decoder │ │ + 0x00406360 5f62795f 6e616d65 00617663 6f646563 _by_name.avcodec │ │ + 0x00406370 5f616c6c 6f635f63 6f6e7465 78743300 _alloc_context3. │ │ + 0x00406380 6176636f 6465635f 64656661 756c745f avcodec_default_ │ │ + 0x00406390 6765745f 62756666 65723200 6176636f get_buffer2.avco │ │ + 0x004063a0 6465635f 70617261 6d657465 72735f66 dec_parameters_f │ │ + 0x004063b0 726f6d5f 636f6e74 65787400 6176636f rom_context.avco │ │ + 0x004063c0 6465635f 666c7573 685f6275 66666572 dec_flush_buffer │ │ + 0x004063d0 73006176 636f6465 635f7061 72616d65 s.avcodec_parame │ │ + 0x004063e0 74657273 5f616c6c 6f630061 76636f64 ters_alloc.avcod │ │ + 0x004063f0 65635f66 696e645f 62657374 5f706978 ec_find_best_pix │ │ + 0x00406400 5f666d74 5f6f665f 6c697374 00617663 _fmt_of_list.avc │ │ + 0x00406410 6f646563 5f616c69 676e5f64 696d656e odec_align_dimen │ │ + 0x00406420 73696f6e 73320061 765f7061 636b6574 sions2.av_packet │ │ + 0x00406430 5f6e6577 5f736964 655f6461 74610061 _new_side_data.a │ │ + 0x00406440 76737562 7469746c 655f6672 65650061 vsubtitle_free.a │ │ + 0x00406450 765f7061 636b6574 5f636c6f 6e650061 v_packet_clone.a │ │ + 0x00406460 765f7061 636b6574 5f636f70 795f7072 v_packet_copy_pr │ │ + 0x00406470 6f707300 6176636f 6465635f 66726565 ops.avcodec_free │ │ + 0x00406480 5f636f6e 74657874 0061765f 7061636b _context.av_pack │ │ + 0x00406490 65745f75 6e726566 00696e66 6c617465 et_unref.inflate │ │ + 0x004064a0 496e6974 5f006176 5f676574 5f626974 Init_.av_get_bit │ │ + 0x004064b0 735f7065 725f7361 6d706c65 0061765f s_per_sample.av_ │ │ + 0x004064c0 7061636b 65745f72 65736361 6c655f74 packet_rescale_t │ │ + 0x004064d0 73006176 5f636f64 65635f69 74657261 s.av_codec_itera │ │ + 0x004064e0 74650061 76636f64 65635f65 6e756d5f te.avcodec_enum_ │ │ + 0x004064f0 746f5f63 68726f6d 615f706f 73006176 to_chroma_pos.av │ │ + 0x00406500 636f6465 635f6973 5f6f7065 6e006176 codec_is_open.av │ │ + 0x00406510 636f6465 635f6465 6661756c 745f6765 codec_default_ge │ │ + 0x00406520 745f666f 726d6174 006c6962 6176666f t_format.libavfo │ │ + 0x00406530 726d6174 2e736f2e 35380061 76666f72 rmat.so.58.avfor │ │ + 0x00406540 6d61745f 6e65775f 73747265 616d0061 mat_new_stream.a │ │ + 0x00406550 76666f72 6d61745f 636c6f73 655f696e vformat_close_in │ │ + 0x00406560 70757400 61765f77 72697465 5f747261 put.av_write_tra │ │ + 0x00406570 696c6572 00617666 6f726d61 745f6f70 iler.avformat_op │ │ + 0x00406580 656e5f69 6e707574 0061765f 77726974 en_input.av_writ │ │ + 0x00406590 655f6672 616d6500 6176666f 726d6174 e_frame.avformat │ │ + 0x004065a0 5f66696e 645f7374 7265616d 5f696e66 _find_stream_inf │ │ + 0x004065b0 6f006176 5f66696e 645f696e 7075745f o.av_find_input_ │ │ + 0x004065c0 666f726d 61740061 765f6d75 7865725f format.av_muxer_ │ │ + 0x004065d0 69746572 61746500 6176696f 5f726561 iterate.avio_rea │ │ + 0x004065e0 645f7061 72746961 6c006176 666f726d d_partial.avform │ │ + 0x004065f0 61745f77 72697465 5f686561 64657200 at_write_header. │ │ + 0x00406600 61765f64 656d7578 65725f69 74657261 av_demuxer_itera │ │ + 0x00406610 74650061 765f7374 7265616d 5f676574 te.av_stream_get │ │ + 0x00406620 5f736964 655f6461 74610061 76666f72 _side_data.avfor │ │ + 0x00406630 6d61745f 616c6c6f 635f636f 6e746578 mat_alloc_contex │ │ + 0x00406640 74006176 5f736565 6b5f6672 616d6500 t.av_seek_frame. │ │ + 0x00406650 61765f70 726f6265 5f696e70 75745f66 av_probe_input_f │ │ + 0x00406660 6f726d61 74320061 76666f72 6d61745f ormat2.avformat_ │ │ + 0x00406670 6765745f 6d6f765f 76696465 6f5f7461 get_mov_video_ta │ │ + 0x00406680 67730061 76666f72 6d61745f 76657273 gs.avformat_vers │ │ + 0x00406690 696f6e00 6176696f 5f736565 6b5f7469 ion.avio_seek_ti │ │ + 0x004066a0 6d650061 76696f5f 616c6c6f 635f636f me.avio_alloc_co │ │ + 0x004066b0 6e746578 74006176 5f636f64 65635f67 ntext.av_codec_g │ │ + 0x004066c0 65745f69 64006176 696f5f63 6c6f7365 et_id.avio_close │ │ + 0x004066d0 70006176 696f5f77 72697465 00617666 p.avio_write.avf │ │ + 0x004066e0 6f726d61 745f6672 65655f63 6f6e7465 ormat_free_conte │ │ + 0x004066f0 78740061 765f6775 6573735f 666f726d xt.av_guess_form │ │ + 0x00406700 61740061 76666f72 6d61745f 6765745f at.avformat_get_ │ │ + 0x00406710 6d6f765f 61756469 6f5f7461 67730061 mov_audio_tags.a │ │ + 0x00406720 76666f72 6d61745f 6e657477 6f726b5f vformat_network_ │ │ + 0x00406730 696e6974 00617669 6f5f6f70 656e0061 init.avio_open.a │ │ + 0x00406740 76696f5f 636c6f73 65006176 5f677565 vio_close.av_gue │ │ + 0x00406750 73735f63 6f646563 0061765f 72656164 ss_codec.av_read │ │ + 0x00406760 5f667261 6d650061 76666f72 6d61745f _frame.avformat_ │ │ + 0x00406770 6765745f 72696666 5f766964 656f5f74 get_riff_video_t │ │ + 0x00406780 61677300 6176696f 5f73697a 65006176 ags.avio_size.av │ │ + 0x00406790 666f726d 61745f67 65745f72 6966665f format_get_riff_ │ │ + 0x004067a0 61756469 6f5f7461 67730061 76696f5f audio_tags.avio_ │ │ + 0x004067b0 666c7573 68006176 696f5f6f 70656e32 flush.avio_open2 │ │ + 0x004067c0 0061765f 696e7465 726c6561 7665645f .av_interleaved_ │ │ + 0x004067d0 77726974 655f6672 616d6500 6176696f write_frame.avio │ │ + 0x004067e0 5f736565 6b006c69 62737773 63616c65 _seek.libswscale │ │ + 0x004067f0 2e736f2e 35007377 735f6765 74446566 .so.5.sws_getDef │ │ + 0x00406800 61756c74 46696c74 65720073 77735f69 aultFilter.sws_i │ │ + 0x00406810 6e69745f 636f6e74 65787400 7377735f nit_context.sws_ │ │ + 0x00406820 66726565 46696c74 65720073 77736361 freeFilter.swsca │ │ + 0x00406830 6c655f76 65727369 6f6e0073 77735f69 le_version.sws_i │ │ + 0x00406840 73537570 706f7274 6564496e 70757400 sSupportedInput. │ │ + 0x00406850 7377735f 69735375 70706f72 7465644f sws_isSupportedO │ │ + 0x00406860 75747075 74007377 735f7363 616c6500 utput.sws_scale. │ │ + 0x00406870 7377735f 73657443 6f6c6f72 73706163 sws_setColorspac │ │ + 0x00406880 65446574 61696c73 00737773 5f676574 eDetails.sws_get │ │ + 0x00406890 436f6566 66696369 656e7473 00737773 Coefficients.sws │ │ + 0x004068a0 5f667265 65436f6e 74657874 00737773 _freeContext.sws │ │ + 0x004068b0 5f616c6c 6f635f63 6f6e7465 7874006c _alloc_context.l │ │ + 0x004068c0 69626176 66696c74 65722e73 6f2e3700 ibavfilter.so.7. │ │ + 0x004068d0 61766669 6c746572 5f696e69 745f7374 avfilter_init_st │ │ + 0x004068e0 72006176 5f627566 66657273 72635f61 r.av_buffersrc_a │ │ + 0x004068f0 64645f66 72616d65 00617666 696c7465 dd_frame.avfilte │ │ + 0x00406900 725f7665 7273696f 6e006176 66696c74 r_version.avfilt │ │ + 0x00406910 65725f70 61645f63 6f756e74 00617666 er_pad_count.avf │ │ + 0x00406920 696c7465 725f6772 6170685f 63726561 ilter_graph_crea │ │ + 0x00406930 74655f66 696c7465 72006176 66696c74 te_filter.avfilt │ │ + 0x00406940 65725f67 72617068 5f616c6c 6f635f66 er_graph_alloc_f │ │ + 0x00406950 696c7465 72006176 66696c74 65725f67 ilter.avfilter_g │ │ + 0x00406960 72617068 5f706172 73653200 61765f62 raph_parse2.av_b │ │ + 0x00406970 75666665 7273696e 6b5f6765 745f6672 uffersink_get_fr │ │ + 0x00406980 616d655f 72617465 00617666 696c7465 ame_rate.avfilte │ │ + 0x00406990 725f696e 6f75745f 66726565 0061765f r_inout_free.av_ │ │ + 0x004069a0 66696c74 65725f69 74657261 74650061 filter_iterate.a │ │ + 0x004069b0 765f6275 66666572 73696e6b 5f676574 v_buffersink_get │ │ + 0x004069c0 5f667261 6d655f66 6c616773 0061765f _frame_flags.av_ │ │ + 0x004069d0 62756666 65727372 635f7061 72616d65 buffersrc_parame │ │ + 0x004069e0 74657273 5f736574 00617666 696c7465 ters_set.avfilte │ │ + 0x004069f0 725f6765 745f6279 5f6e616d 65006176 r_get_by_name.av │ │ + 0x00406a00 66696c74 65725f67 72617068 5f616c6c filter_graph_all │ │ + 0x00406a10 6f630061 7666696c 7465725f 6c696e6b oc.avfilter_link │ │ + 0x00406a20 00617666 696c7465 725f6772 6170685f .avfilter_graph_ │ │ + 0x00406a30 64756d70 0061765f 62756666 65727372 dump.av_buffersr │ │ + 0x00406a40 635f6765 745f6e62 5f666169 6c65645f c_get_nb_failed_ │ │ + 0x00406a50 72657175 65737473 0061765f 62756666 requests.av_buff │ │ + 0x00406a60 65727372 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 ersrc_parameters │ │ + 0x00406a70 5f616c6c 6f630061 7666696c 7465725f _alloc.avfilter_ │ │ + 0x00406a80 67726170 685f6672 65650061 7666696c graph_free.avfil │ │ + 0x00406a90 7465725f 67726170 685f636f 6e666967 ter_graph_config │ │ + 0x00406aa0 00617666 696c7465 725f7061 645f6765 .avfilter_pad_ge │ │ + 0x00406ab0 745f7479 70650061 7666696c 7465725f t_type.avfilter_ │ │ + 0x00406ac0 67726170 685f7365 6e645f63 6f6d6d61 graph_send_comma │ │ + 0x00406ad0 6e640061 7666696c 7465725f 7061645f nd.avfilter_pad_ │ │ + 0x00406ae0 6765745f 6e616d65 006c6962 73777265 get_name.libswre │ │ + 0x00406af0 73616d70 6c652e73 6f2e3300 7377725f sample.so.3.swr_ │ │ + 0x00406b00 6765745f 64656c61 79007377 725f616c get_delay.swr_al │ │ + 0x00406b10 6c6f6300 73777265 73616d70 6c655f76 loc.swresample_v │ │ + 0x00406b20 65727369 6f6e0073 77725f63 6f6e7665 ersion.swr_conve │ │ + 0x00406b30 72740073 77725f73 65745f63 68616e6e rt.swr_set_chann │ │ + 0x00406b40 656c5f6d 61707069 6e670073 77725f66 el_mapping.swr_f │ │ + 0x00406b50 72656500 7377725f 636c6f73 65007377 ree.swr_close.sw │ │ + 0x00406b60 725f696e 69740073 77725f73 65745f63 r_init.swr_set_c │ │ + 0x00406b70 6f6d7065 6e736174 696f6e00 7377725f ompensation.swr_ │ │ + 0x00406b80 6765745f 6f75745f 73616d70 6c657300 get_out_samples. │ │ + 0x00406b90 6c69626c 636d7332 2e736f2e 3200636d liblcms2.so.2.cm │ │ + 0x00406ba0 7344656c 65746554 72616e73 666f726d sDeleteTransform │ │ + 0x00406bb0 00636d73 436c6f73 6550726f 66696c65 .cmsCloseProfile │ │ + 0x00406bc0 00636d73 446f5472 616e7366 6f726d00 .cmsDoTransform. │ │ + 0x00406bd0 636d7343 72656174 65524742 50726f66 cmsCreateRGBProf │ │ + 0x00406be0 696c6554 48520063 6d734672 6565546f ileTHR.cmsFreeTo │ │ + 0x00406bf0 6e654375 72766500 636d7342 75696c64 neCurve.cmsBuild │ │ + 0x00406c00 47616d6d 6100636d 7344656c 65746543 Gamma.cmsDeleteC │ │ + 0x00406c10 6f6e7465 78740063 6d734765 74436f6e ontext.cmsGetCon │ │ + 0x00406c20 74657874 55736572 44617461 00636d73 textUserData.cms │ │ + 0x00406c30 44657465 6374426c 61636b50 6f696e74 DetectBlackPoint │ │ + 0x00406c40 00636d73 4f70656e 50726f66 696c6546 .cmsOpenProfileF │ │ + 0x00406c50 726f6d4d 656d5448 5200636d 73536574 romMemTHR.cmsSet │ │ + 0x00406c60 4c6f6745 72726f72 48616e64 6c657254 LogErrorHandlerT │ │ + 0x00406c70 48520063 6d734372 65617465 436f6e74 HR.cmsCreateCont │ │ + 0x00406c80 65787400 636d7343 72656174 65547261 ext.cmsCreateTra │ │ + 0x00406c90 6e73666f 726d5448 5200636d 73437265 nsformTHR.cmsCre │ │ + 0x00406ca0 61746558 595a5072 6f66696c 6500636d ateXYZProfile.cm │ │ + 0x00406cb0 73427569 6c645061 72616d65 74726963 sBuildParametric │ │ + 0x00406cc0 546f6e65 43757276 65006c69 62617263 ToneCurve.libarc │ │ + 0x00406cd0 68697665 2e736f2e 31330061 72636869 hive.so.13.archi │ │ + 0x00406ce0 76655f72 6561645f 73757070 6f72745f ve_read_support_ │ │ + 0x00406cf0 66696c74 65725f78 7a006172 63686976 filter_xz.archiv │ │ + 0x00406d00 655f656e 7472795f 70617468 6e616d65 e_entry_pathname │ │ + 0x00406d10 00617263 68697665 5f726561 645f7375 .archive_read_su │ │ + 0x00406d20 70706f72 745f666f 726d6174 5f726172 pport_format_rar │ │ + 0x00406d30 00617263 68697665 5f726561 645f6f70 .archive_read_op │ │ + 0x00406d40 656e3100 61726368 6976655f 72656164 en1.archive_read │ │ + 0x00406d50 5f737570 706f7274 5f666f72 6d61745f _support_format_ │ │ + 0x00406d60 377a6970 00617263 68697665 5f726561 7zip.archive_rea │ │ + 0x00406d70 645f7365 745f636c 6f73655f 63616c6c d_set_close_call │ │ + 0x00406d80 6261636b 00617263 68697665 5f726561 back.archive_rea │ │ + 0x00406d90 645f7375 70706f72 745f666f 726d6174 d_support_format │ │ + 0x00406da0 5f69736f 39363630 00617263 68697665 _iso9660.archive │ │ + 0x00406db0 5f656e74 72795f66 696c6574 79706500 _entry_filetype. │ │ + 0x00406dc0 61726368 6976655f 72656164 5f736574 archive_read_set │ │ + 0x00406dd0 5f736b69 705f6361 6c6c6261 636b0061 _skip_callback.a │ │ + 0x00406de0 72636869 76655f72 6561645f 66726565 rchive_read_free │ │ + 0x00406df0 00617263 68697665 5f726561 645f7375 .archive_read_su │ │ + 0x00406e00 70706f72 745f6669 6c746572 5f677a69 pport_filter_gzi │ │ + 0x00406e10 70006172 63686976 655f7265 61645f61 p.archive_read_a │ │ + 0x00406e20 7070656e 645f6361 6c6c6261 636b5f64 ppend_callback_d │ │ + 0x00406e30 61746100 61726368 6976655f 72656164 ata.archive_read │ │ + 0x00406e40 5f736574 5f736565 6b5f6361 6c6c6261 _set_seek_callba │ │ + 0x00406e50 636b0061 72636869 76655f72 6561645f ck.archive_read_ │ │ + 0x00406e60 73757070 6f72745f 666f726d 61745f7a support_format_z │ │ + 0x00406e70 69705f73 74726561 6d61626c 65006172 ip_streamable.ar │ │ + 0x00406e80 63686976 655f7265 61645f64 61746100 chive_read_data. │ │ + 0x00406e90 61726368 6976655f 6572726f 725f7374 archive_error_st │ │ + 0x00406ea0 72696e67 00617263 68697665 5f726561 ring.archive_rea │ │ + 0x00406eb0 645f7375 70706f72 745f666f 726d6174 d_support_format │ │ + 0x00406ec0 5f676e75 74617200 61726368 6976655f _gnutar.archive_ │ │ + 0x00406ed0 72656164 5f736574 5f6f7065 6e5f6361 read_set_open_ca │ │ + 0x00406ee0 6c6c6261 636b0061 72636869 76655f72 llback.archive_r │ │ + 0x00406ef0 6561645f 73757070 6f72745f 66696c74 ead_support_filt │ │ + 0x00406f00 65725f62 7a697032 00617263 68697665 er_bzip2.archive │ │ + 0x00406f10 5f726561 645f636c 6f736500 61726368 _read_close.arch │ │ + 0x00406f20 6976655f 72656164 5f737570 706f7274 ive_read_support │ │ + 0x00406f30 5f666f72 6d61745f 7a69705f 7365656b _format_zip_seek │ │ + 0x00406f40 61626c65 00617263 68697665 5f656e74 able.archive_ent │ │ + 0x00406f50 72795f73 697a655f 69735f73 65740061 ry_size_is_set.a │ │ + 0x00406f60 72636869 76655f72 6561645f 6e657874 rchive_read_next │ │ + 0x00406f70 5f686561 64657200 61726368 6976655f _header.archive_ │ │ + 0x00406f80 7365656b 5f646174 61006172 63686976 seek_data.archiv │ │ + 0x00406f90 655f7265 61645f6e 65770061 72636869 e_read_new.archi │ │ + 0x00406fa0 76655f72 6561645f 7365745f 72656164 ve_read_set_read │ │ + 0x00406fb0 5f63616c 6c626163 6b006172 63686976 _callback.archiv │ │ + 0x00406fc0 655f7265 61645f73 7570706f 72745f66 e_read_support_f │ │ + 0x00406fd0 6f726d61 745f7461 72006172 63686976 ormat_tar.archiv │ │ + 0x00406fe0 655f7265 61645f73 7570706f 72745f66 e_read_support_f │ │ + 0x00406ff0 6f726d61 745f7261 72350061 72636869 ormat_rar5.archi │ │ + 0x00407000 76655f65 6e747279 5f73697a 65006c69 ve_entry_size.li │ │ + 0x00407010 6272742e 736f2e31 006c6962 6a706567 brt.so.1.libjpeg │ │ + 0x00407020 2e736f2e 38006a70 65675f73 65745f64 .so.8.jpeg_set_d │ │ + 0x00407030 65666175 6c747300 6a706567 5f737461 efaults.jpeg_sta │ │ + 0x00407040 72745f63 6f6d7072 65737300 6a706567 rt_compress.jpeg │ │ + 0x00407050 5f437265 61746543 6f6d7072 65737300 _CreateCompress. │ │ + 0x00407060 6a706567 5f737464 5f657272 6f72006a jpeg_std_error.j │ │ + 0x00407070 7065675f 7365745f 7175616c 69747900 peg_set_quality. │ │ + 0x00407080 6a706567 5f737464 696f5f64 65737400 jpeg_stdio_dest. │ │ + 0x00407090 6a706567 5f777269 74655f73 63616e6c jpeg_write_scanl │ │ + 0x004070a0 696e6573 006a7065 675f6669 6e697368 ines.jpeg_finish │ │ + 0x004070b0 5f636f6d 70726573 73006a70 65675f64 _compress.jpeg_d │ │ + 0x004070c0 65737472 6f795f63 6f6d7072 65737300 estroy_compress. │ │ + 0x004070d0 6c696253 444c322d 322e302e 736f2e30 libSDL2-2.0.so.0 │ │ + 0x004070e0 0053444c 5f536574 57696e64 6f774675 .SDL_SetWindowFu │ │ + 0x004070f0 6c6c7363 7265656e 0053444c 5f476574 llscreen.SDL_Get │ │ + 0x00407100 43757272 656e7444 6973706c 61794d6f CurrentDisplayMo │ │ + 0x00407110 64650053 444c5f44 65737472 6f795769 de.SDL_DestroyWi │ │ + 0x00407120 6e646f77 0053444c 5f497353 63726565 ndow.SDL_IsScree │ │ + 0x00407130 6e536176 6572456e 61626c65 64005344 nSaverEnabled.SD │ │ + 0x00407140 4c5f5368 6f775769 6e646f77 0053444c L_ShowWindow.SDL │ │ + 0x00407150 5f496e69 74537562 53797374 656d0053 _InitSubSystem.S │ │ + 0x00407160 444c5f47 616d6543 6f6e7472 6f6c6c65 DL_GameControlle │ │ + 0x00407170 72436c6f 73650053 444c5f45 6e61626c rClose.SDL_Enabl │ │ + 0x00407180 65536372 65656e53 61766572 0053444c eScreenSaver.SDL │ │ + 0x00407190 5f52656e 64657252 65616450 6978656c _RenderReadPixel │ │ + 0x004071a0 73005344 4c5f5365 7448696e 74576974 s.SDL_SetHintWit │ │ + 0x004071b0 68507269 6f726974 79005344 4c5f5265 hPriority.SDL_Re │ │ + 0x004071c0 67697374 65724576 656e7473 0053444c gisterEvents.SDL │ │ + 0x004071d0 5f53686f 77437572 736f7200 53444c5f _ShowCursor.SDL_ │ │ + 0x004071e0 4c6f636b 41756469 6f005344 4c5f4465 LockAudio.SDL_De │ │ + 0x004071f0 7374726f 79546578 74757265 0053444c stroyTexture.SDL │ │ + 0x00407200 5f517569 74537562 53797374 656d0053 _QuitSubSystem.S │ │ + 0x00407210 444c5f53 65745465 78747572 65436f6c DL_SetTextureCol │ │ + 0x00407220 6f724d6f 64005344 4c5f5570 64617465 orMod.SDL_Update │ │ + 0x00407230 54657874 75726500 53444c5f 43726561 Texture.SDL_Crea │ │ + 0x00407240 74655465 78747572 65005344 4c5f4765 teTexture.SDL_Ge │ │ + 0x00407250 7457696e 646f7746 6c616773 0053444c tWindowFlags.SDL │ │ + 0x00407260 5f52656e 64657243 6c656172 0053444c _RenderClear.SDL │ │ + 0x00407270 5f536574 54657874 75726542 6c656e64 _SetTextureBlend │ │ + 0x00407280 4d6f6465 0053444c 5f446973 61626c65 Mode.SDL_Disable │ │ + 0x00407290 53637265 656e5361 76657200 53444c5f ScreenSaver.SDL_ │ │ + 0x004072a0 57617349 6e697400 53444c5f 47657448 WasInit.SDL_GetH │ │ + 0x004072b0 696e7400 53444c5f 4765744e 756d5265 int.SDL_GetNumRe │ │ + 0x004072c0 6e646572 44726976 65727300 53444c5f nderDrivers.SDL_ │ │ + 0x004072d0 4a6f7973 7469636b 496e7374 616e6365 JoystickInstance │ │ + 0x004072e0 49440053 444c5f57 61697445 76656e74 ID.SDL_WaitEvent │ │ + 0x004072f0 0053444c 5f446573 74726f79 52656e64 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+ 0x004073e0 6f005344 4c5f5365 7452656e 64657244 o.SDL_SetRenderD │ │ + 0x004073f0 72617743 6f6c6f72 0053444c 5f476574 rawColor.SDL_Get │ │ + 0x00407400 4572726f 72005344 4c5f4761 6d65436f Error.SDL_GameCo │ │ + 0x00407410 6e74726f 6c6c6572 4e616d65 0053444c ntrollerName.SDL │ │ + 0x00407420 5f47616d 65436f6e 74726f6c 6c657247 _GameControllerG │ │ + 0x00407430 65744a6f 79737469 636b0053 444c5f52 etJoystick.SDL_R │ │ + 0x00407440 656e6465 72436f70 79005344 4c5f5265 enderCopy.SDL_Re │ │ + 0x00407450 6e646572 50726573 656e7400 53444c5f nderPresent.SDL_ │ │ + 0x00407460 57616974 4576656e 7454696d 656f7574 WaitEventTimeout │ │ + 0x00407470 0053444c 5f476574 57696e64 6f774469 .SDL_GetWindowDi │ │ + 0x00407480 73706c61 79496e64 65780053 444c5f47 splayIndex.SDL_G │ │ + 0x00407490 65745769 6e646f77 53697a65 0053444c etWindowSize.SDL │ │ + 0x004074a0 5f52656e 64657253 65744c6f 67696361 _RenderSetLogica │ │ + 0x004074b0 6c53697a 65005344 4c5f5365 7457696e lSize.SDL_SetWin │ │ + 0x004074c0 646f7753 697a6500 53444c5f 50757368 dowSize.SDL_Push │ │ + 0x004074d0 4576656e 74005344 4c5f5365 7457696e Event.SDL_SetWin │ │ + 0x004074e0 646f7754 69746c65 0053444c 5f536574 dowTitle.SDL_Set │ │ + 0x004074f0 57696e64 6f77506f 73697469 6f6e006c WindowPosition.l │ │ + 0x00407500 6962646c 2e736f2e 3200646c 73796d00 ibdl.so.2.dlsym. │ │ + 0x00407510 646c6572 726f7200 646c6f70 656e006c dlerror.dlopen.l │ │ + 0x00407520 69626176 64657669 63652e73 6f2e3538 ibavdevice.so.58 │ │ + 0x00407530 00617664 65766963 655f7265 67697374 .avdevice_regist │ │ + 0x00407540 65725f61 6c6c006c 69626a61 636b2e73 er_all.libjack.s │ │ + 0x00407550 6f2e3000 6a61636b 5f706f72 745f7265 o.0.jack_port_re │ │ + 0x00407560 67697374 6572006a 61636b5f 636c6965 gister.jack_clie │ │ + 0x00407570 6e745f63 6c6f7365 006a6163 6b5f636f nt_close.jack_co │ │ + 0x00407580 6e6e6563 74006a61 636b5f73 65745f70 nnect.jack_set_p │ │ + 0x00407590 726f6365 73735f63 616c6c62 61636b00 rocess_callback. │ │ + 0x004075a0 6a61636b 5f636c69 656e745f 6f70656e jack_client_open │ │ + 0x004075b0 006a6163 6b5f6765 745f706f 72747300 .jack_get_ports. │ │ + 0x004075c0 6a61636b 5f616374 69766174 65006a61 jack_activate.ja │ │ + 0x004075d0 636b5f70 6f72745f 6765745f 6c617465 ck_port_get_late │ │ + 0x004075e0 6e63795f 72616e67 65006a61 636b5f70 ncy_range.jack_p │ │ + 0x004075f0 6f72745f 6765745f 62756666 6572006a ort_get_buffer.j │ │ + 0x00407600 61636b5f 7365745f 62756666 65725f73 ack_set_buffer_s │ │ + 0x00407610 697a655f 63616c6c 6261636b 006a6163 ize_callback.jac │ │ + 0x00407620 6b5f706f 72745f6e 616d6500 6a61636b k_port_name.jack │ │ + 0x00407630 5f676574 5f73616d 706c655f 72617465 _get_sample_rate │ │ + 0x00407640 006a6163 6b5f7365 745f6772 6170685f .jack_set_graph_ │ │ + 0x00407650 6f726465 725f6361 6c6c6261 636b006c order_callback.l │ │ + 0x00407660 69627a2e 736f2e31 006c6962 6d2e736f ibz.so.1.libm.so │ │ + 0x00407670 2e36006a 31007369 6e636f73 006c6f67 .6.j1.sincos.log │ │ + 0x00407680 31300070 6f776600 666d6f64 66006c6f 10.powf.fmodf.lo │ │ + 0x00407690 67006c72 6f756e64 66006578 70007369 g.lroundf.exp.si │ │ + 0x004076a0 6e007371 72740065 78706600 6c6c7269 n.sqrt.expf.llri │ │ + 0x004076b0 6e740070 6f77006c 69627761 796c616e nt.pow.libwaylan │ │ + 0x004076c0 642d636c 69656e74 2e736f2e 3000776c d-client.so.0.wl │ │ + 0x004076d0 5f737572 66616365 5f696e74 65726661 _surface_interfa │ │ + 0x004076e0 63650077 6c5f7072 6f78795f 6d617273 ce.wl_proxy_mars │ │ + 0x004076f0 68616c5f 636f6e73 74727563 746f725f hal_constructor_ │ │ + 0x00407700 76657273 696f6e65 6400776c 5f70726f versioned.wl_pro │ │ + 0x00407710 78795f73 65745f75 7365725f 64617461 xy_set_user_data │ │ + 0x00407720 00776c5f 64697370 6c61795f 64697370 .wl_display_disp │ │ + 0x00407730 61746368 5f70656e 64696e67 00776c5f atch_pending.wl_ │ │ + 0x00407740 64617461 5f646576 6963655f 696e7465 data_device_inte │ │ + 0x00407750 72666163 6500776c 5f6b6579 626f6172 rface.wl_keyboar │ │ + 0x00407760 645f696e 74657266 61636500 776c5f70 d_interface.wl_p │ │ + 0x00407770 6f696e74 65725f69 6e746572 66616365 ointer_interface │ │ + 0x00407780 00776c5f 64697370 6c61795f 6765745f .wl_display_get_ │ │ + 0x00407790 66640077 6c5f6469 73706c61 795f636f fd.wl_display_co │ │ + 0x004077a0 6e6e6563 7400776c 5f646973 706c6179 nnect.wl_display │ │ + 0x004077b0 5f707265 70617265 5f726561 6400776c _prepare_read.wl │ │ + 0x004077c0 5f746f75 63685f69 6e746572 66616365 _touch_interface │ │ + 0x004077d0 00776c5f 64697370 6c61795f 72656164 .wl_display_read │ │ + 0x004077e0 5f657665 6e747300 776c5f70 726f7879 _events.wl_proxy │ │ + 0x004077f0 5f6d6172 7368616c 5f636f6e 73747275 _marshal_constru │ │ + 0x00407800 63746f72 00776c5f 70726f78 795f6164 ctor.wl_proxy_ad │ │ + 0x00407810 645f6c69 7374656e 65720077 6c5f6f75 d_listener.wl_ou │ │ + 0x00407820 74707574 5f696e74 65726661 63650077 tput_interface.w │ │ + 0x00407830 6c5f636f 6d706f73 69746f72 5f696e74 l_compositor_int │ │ + 0x00407840 65726661 63650077 6c5f6c69 73745f69 erface.wl_list_i │ │ + 0x00407850 6e697400 776c5f6c 6973745f 72656d6f nit.wl_list_remo │ │ + 0x00407860 76650077 6c5f7368 6d5f696e 74657266 ve.wl_shm_interf │ │ + 0x00407870 61636500 776c5f72 65676973 7472795f ace.wl_registry_ │ │ + 0x00407880 696e7465 72666163 6500776c 5f646973 interface.wl_dis │ │ + 0x00407890 706c6179 5f646973 70617463 6800776c play_dispatch.wl │ │ + 0x004078a0 5f646973 706c6179 5f726f75 6e647472 _display_roundtr │ │ + 0x004078b0 69700077 6c5f6c69 73745f6c 656e6774 ip.wl_list_lengt │ │ + 0x004078c0 6800776c 5f646973 706c6179 5f646973 h.wl_display_dis │ │ + 0x004078d0 636f6e6e 65637400 776c5f64 6174615f connect.wl_data_ │ │ + 0x004078e0 64657669 63655f6d 616e6167 65725f69 device_manager_i │ │ + 0x004078f0 6e746572 66616365 00776c5f 6c697374 nterface.wl_list │ │ + 0x00407900 5f696e73 65727400 776c5f70 726f7879 _insert.wl_proxy │ │ + 0x00407910 5f646573 74726f79 00776c5f 73656174 _destroy.wl_seat │ │ + 0x00407920 5f696e74 65726661 63650077 6c5f7072 _interface.wl_pr │ │ + 0x00407930 6f78795f 6d617273 68616c00 776c5f64 oxy_marshal.wl_d │ │ + 0x00407940 6973706c 61795f66 6c757368 006c6962 isplay_flush.lib │ │ + 0x00407950 7761796c 616e642d 63757273 6f722e73 wayland-cursor.s │ │ + 0x00407960 6f2e3000 776c5f63 7572736f 725f7468 o.0.wl_cursor_th │ │ + 0x00407970 656d655f 64657374 726f7900 776c5f63 eme_destroy.wl_c │ │ + 0x00407980 7572736f 725f696d 6167655f 6765745f ursor_image_get_ │ │ + 0x00407990 62756666 65720077 6c5f6375 72736f72 buffer.wl_cursor │ │ + 0x004079a0 5f746865 6d655f67 65745f63 7572736f _theme_get_curso │ │ + 0x004079b0 7200776c 5f637572 736f725f 7468656d r.wl_cursor_them │ │ + 0x004079c0 655f6c6f 6164006c 6962786b 62636f6d e_load.libxkbcom │ │ + 0x004079d0 6d6f6e2e 736f2e30 00786b62 5f6b6579 mon.so.0.xkb_key │ │ + 0x004079e0 6d61705f 756e7265 6600786b 625f7374 map_unref.xkb_st │ │ + 0x004079f0 6174655f 6b65795f 6765745f 6f6e655f ate_key_get_one_ │ │ + 0x00407a00 73796d00 786b625f 73746174 655f7570 sym.xkb_state_up │ │ + 0x00407a10 64617465 5f6d6173 6b00786b 625f7374 date_mask.xkb_st │ │ + 0x00407a20 6174655f 6e657700 786b625f 6b65796d ate_new.xkb_keym │ │ + 0x00407a30 61705f6d 6f645f67 65745f69 6e646578 ap_mod_get_index │ │ + 0x00407a40 00786b62 5f737461 74655f75 6e726566 .xkb_state_unref │ │ + 0x00407a50 00786b62 5f636f6e 74657874 5f756e72 .xkb_context_unr │ │ + 0x00407a60 65660078 6b625f63 6f6e7465 78745f6e ef.xkb_context_n │ │ + 0x00407a70 65770078 6b625f6b 65797379 6d5f746f ew.xkb_keysym_to │ │ + 0x00407a80 5f757466 3800786b 625f7374 6174655f _utf8.xkb_state_ │ │ + 0x00407a90 6d6f645f 696e6465 785f6973 5f616374 mod_index_is_act │ │ + 0x00407aa0 69766500 786b625f 6b65796d 61705f6e ive.xkb_keymap_n │ │ + 0x00407ab0 65775f66 726f6d5f 73747269 6e670078 ew_from_string.x │ │ + 0x00407ac0 6b625f73 74617465 5f6d6f64 5f696e64 kb_state_mod_ind │ │ + 0x00407ad0 65785f69 735f636f 6e73756d 6564006c ex_is_consumed.l │ │ 0x00407ae0 69626174 6f6d6963 2e736f2e 31006c69 ibatomic.so.1.li │ │ 0x00407af0 62707468 72656164 2e736f2e 30007369 bpthread.so.0.si │ │ 0x00407b00 67616374 696f6e00 70746872 6561645f gaction.pthread_ │ │ 0x00407b10 6d757465 785f756e 6c6f636b 00707468 mutex_unlock.pth │ │ 0x00407b20 72656164 5f6a6f69 6e007074 68726561 read_join.pthrea │ │ 0x00407b30 645f6372 65617465 00726169 73650070 d_create.raise.p │ │ 0x00407b40 74687265 61645f6f 6e636500 5f5f6572 thread_once.__er Max output size reached.