mkfs.erofs 1.5 Processing bin ... Processing bin/arch ... Processing bin/ash ... Processing bin/background ... Processing bin/backtick ... Processing bin/base32 ... Processing bin/base64 ... Processing bin/busybox ... Processing bin/case ... Processing bin/cat ... Processing bin/cd ... Processing bin/chattr ... Processing bin/chgrp ... Processing bin/chmod ... Processing bin/chown ... Processing bin/cp ... Processing bin/cpio ... Processing bin/date ... Processing bin/dd ... Processing bin/define ... Processing bin/df ... Processing bin/dmesg ... Processing bin/dnsdomainname ... Processing bin/dollarat ... Processing bin/dumpkmap ... Processing bin/echo ... Processing bin/egrep ... Processing bin/elgetopt ... Processing bin/elgetpositionals ... Processing bin/elglob ... Processing bin/emptyenv ... Processing bin/envfile ... Processing bin/exec ... Processing bin/execline-cd ... Processing bin/execline-umask ... Processing bin/execlineb ... Processing bin/exit ... Processing bin/export ... Processing bin/false ... Processing bin/fdblock ... Processing bin/fdclose ... Processing bin/fdflush ... Processing bin/fdmove ... Processing bin/fdreserve ... Processing bin/fdswap ... Processing bin/fgrep ... Processing bin/forbacktickx ... Processing bin/foreground ... Processing bin/forstdin ... Processing bin/forx ... Processing bin/getcwd ... Processing bin/getopt ... Processing bin/getpid ... Processing bin/grep ... Processing bin/gunzip ... Processing bin/gzip ... Processing bin/heredoc ... Processing bin/homeof ... Processing bin/hostname ... Processing bin/if ... Processing bin/ifelse ... Processing bin/ifte ... Processing bin/ifthenelse ... Processing bin/importas ... Processing bin/kill ... Processing bin/link ... Processing bin/linux32 ... Processing bin/linux64 ... Processing bin/ln ... Processing bin/login ... Processing bin/loopwhilex ... Processing bin/ls ... Processing bin/lsattr ... Processing bin/mkdir ... Processing bin/mknod ... Processing bin/mktemp ... Processing bin/more ... Processing bin/mount ... Processing bin/mountpoint ... Processing bin/mt ... Processing bin/multidefine ... Processing bin/multisubstitute ... Processing bin/mv ... Processing bin/netstat ... Processing bin/nice ... Processing bin/nuke ... Processing bin/pidof ... Processing bin/ping ... Processing bin/pipe_progress ... Processing bin/pipeline ... Processing bin/piperw ... Processing bin/posix-cd ... Processing bin/posix-umask ... Processing bin/printenv ... Processing bin/ps ... Processing bin/pwd ... Processing bin/redirfd ... Processing bin/resume ... Processing bin/rm ... Processing bin/rmdir ... Processing bin/run-parts ... Processing bin/runblock ... Processing bin/s6-accessrules-cdb-from-fs ... Processing bin/s6-accessrules-fs-from-cdb ... Processing bin/s6-applyuidgid ... Processing bin/s6-cleanfifodir ... Processing bin/s6-clockadd ... Processing bin/s6-clockview ... Processing bin/s6-connlimit ... Processing bin/s6-dnsip ... Processing bin/s6-dnsip4 ... Processing bin/s6-dnsip4-filter ... Processing bin/s6-dnsip6 ... Processing bin/s6-dnsip6-filter ... Processing bin/s6-dnsmx ... Processing bin/s6-dnsname ... Processing bin/s6-dnsname-filter ... Processing bin/s6-dnsns ... Processing bin/s6-dnsq ... Processing bin/s6-dnsqr ... Processing bin/s6-dnsqualify ... Processing bin/s6-dnssoa ... Processing bin/s6-dnssrv ... Processing bin/s6-dnstxt ... Processing bin/s6-envdir ... Processing bin/s6-envuidgid ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-daemon ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-delete ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-getdump ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-list ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-retrieve ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-setdump ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-store ... Processing bin/s6-fdholder-transferdump ... Processing bin/s6-fdholderd ... Processing bin/s6-fghack ... Processing bin/s6-ftrig-listen ... Processing bin/s6-ftrig-listen1 ... Processing bin/s6-ftrig-notify ... Processing bin/s6-ftrig-wait ... Processing bin/s6-ftrigrd ... Processing bin/s6-getservbyname ... Processing bin/s6-ident-client ... Processing bin/s6-ioconnect ... Processing bin/s6-ipcclient ... Processing bin/s6-ipcserver ... Processing bin/s6-ipcserver-access ... Processing bin/s6-ipcserver-socketbinder ... Processing bin/s6-ipcserverd ... Processing bin/s6-log ... Processing bin/s6-mkfifodir ... Processing bin/s6-notifyoncheck ... Processing bin/s6-permafailon ... Processing bin/s6-randomip ... Processing bin/s6-setlock ... Processing bin/s6-setsid ... Processing bin/s6-setuidgid ... Processing bin/s6-sntpclock ... Processing bin/s6-socklog ... Processing bin/s6-softlimit ... Processing bin/s6-sudo ... Processing bin/s6-sudoc ... Processing bin/s6-sudod ... Processing bin/s6-supervise ... Processing bin/s6-svc ... Processing bin/s6-svdt ... Processing bin/s6-svdt-clear ... Processing bin/s6-svlink ... Processing bin/s6-svlisten ... Processing bin/s6-svlisten1 ... Processing bin/s6-svok ... Processing bin/s6-svperms ... Processing bin/s6-svscan ... Processing bin/s6-svscanctl ... Processing bin/s6-svstat ... Processing bin/s6-svunlink ... Processing bin/s6-svwait ... Processing bin/s6-tai64n ... Processing bin/s6-tai64nlocal ... Processing bin/s6-taiclock ... Processing bin/s6-taiclockd ... Processing bin/s6-tcpclient ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver-access ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver4 ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver4-socketbinder ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver4d ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver6 ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver6-socketbinder ... Processing bin/s6-tcpserver6d ... Processing bin/s6-tlsc ... Processing bin/s6-tlsc-io ... Processing bin/s6-tlsclient ... Processing bin/s6-tlsd ... Processing bin/s6-tlsd-io ... Processing bin/s6-tlsserver ... Processing bin/s6-ucspitlsc ... Processing bin/s6-ucspitlsd ... Processing bin/s6-usertree-maker ... Processing bin/s6lockd ... Processing bin/sed ... Processing bin/setarch ... Processing bin/setpriv ... Processing bin/setserial ... Processing bin/sh ... Processing bin/shift ... Processing bin/skadnsd ... Processing bin/sleep ... Processing bin/stty ... Processing bin/su ... Processing bin/sync ... Processing bin/tar ... Processing bin/touch ... Processing bin/trap ... Processing bin/true ... Processing bin/tryexec ... Processing bin/ucspilogd ... Processing bin/umask ... Processing bin/umount ... Processing bin/uname ... Processing bin/unexport ... Processing bin/usleep ... Processing bin/vi ... Processing bin/wait ... Processing bin/watch ... Processing bin/withstdinas ... Processing bin/zcat ... Processing dev ... Processing dev/console ... Processing dev/fb0 ... Processing dev/fb1 ... Processing dev/fb2 ... Processing dev/fb3 ... Processing dev/fd ... Processing dev/hda ... Processing dev/hda1 ... Processing dev/hda10 ... Processing dev/hda11 ... Processing dev/hda12 ... Processing dev/hda13 ... Processing dev/hda14 ... Processing dev/hda15 ... Processing dev/hda2 ... Processing dev/hda3 ... Processing dev/hda4 ... Processing dev/hda5 ... Processing dev/hda6 ... Processing dev/hda7 ... Processing dev/hda8 ... Processing dev/hda9 ... Processing dev/hdb ... Processing dev/hdb1 ... Processing dev/hdb10 ... Processing dev/hdb11 ... Processing dev/hdb12 ... Processing dev/hdb13 ... Processing dev/hdb14 ... Processing dev/hdb15 ... Processing dev/hdb2 ... Processing dev/hdb3 ... Processing dev/hdb4 ... Processing dev/hdb5 ... Processing dev/hdb6 ... Processing dev/hdb7 ... Processing dev/hdb8 ... Processing dev/hdb9 ... Processing dev/hvc0 ... Processing dev/hvc1 ... Processing dev/hvc2 ... Processing dev/hvc3 ... Processing dev/i2c-0 ... Processing dev/i2c-1 ... Processing dev/i2c-2 ... Processing dev/i2c-3 ... Processing dev/input ... Processing dev/input/event0 ... Processing dev/input/event1 ... Processing dev/input/event2 ... Processing dev/input/event3 ... Processing dev/input/mice ... Processing dev/input/mouse0 ... Processing dev/input/mouse1 ... Processing dev/input/mouse2 ... Processing dev/input/mouse3 ... Processing dev/kmem ... Processing dev/log ... Processing dev/loop0 ... Processing dev/loop1 ... Processing dev/mem ... Processing dev/mtd0 ... Processing dev/mtd1 ... Processing dev/mtd2 ... Processing dev/mtd3 ... Processing dev/mtdblock0 ... Processing dev/mtdblock1 ... Processing dev/mtdblock2 ... Processing dev/mtdblock3 ... Processing dev/net ... Processing dev/net/tun ... Processing dev/null ... Processing dev/psaux ... Processing dev/ptmx ... Processing dev/pts ... Processing dev/ptyp0 ... Processing dev/ptyp1 ... Processing dev/ptyp2 ... Processing dev/ptyp3 ... Processing dev/ptyp4 ... Processing dev/ptyp5 ... Processing dev/ptyp6 ... Processing dev/ptyp7 ... Processing dev/ptyp8 ... Processing dev/ptyp9 ... Processing dev/ram ... Processing dev/ram0 ... Processing dev/ram1 ... Processing dev/ram2 ... Processing dev/ram3 ... Processing dev/random ... Processing dev/rtc ... Processing dev/sda ... Processing dev/sda1 ... Processing dev/sda10 ... Processing dev/sda11 ... Processing dev/sda12 ... Processing dev/sda13 ... Processing dev/sda14 ... Processing dev/sda15 ... Processing dev/sda2 ... Processing dev/sda3 ... Processing dev/sda4 ... Processing dev/sda5 ... Processing dev/sda6 ... Processing dev/sda7 ... Processing dev/sda8 ... Processing dev/sda9 ... Processing dev/sdb ... Processing dev/sdb1 ... Processing dev/sdb10 ... Processing dev/sdb11 ... Processing dev/sdb12 ... Processing dev/sdb13 ... Processing dev/sdb14 ... Processing dev/sdb15 ... Processing dev/sdb2 ... Processing dev/sdb3 ... Processing dev/sdb4 ... Processing dev/sdb5 ... Processing dev/sdb6 ... Processing dev/sdb7 ... Processing dev/sdb8 ... Processing dev/sdb9 ... Processing dev/shm ... Processing dev/stderr ... Processing dev/stdin ... Processing dev/stdout ... Processing dev/tty ... Processing dev/tty0 ... Processing dev/tty1 ... Processing dev/tty2 ... Processing dev/tty3 ... Processing dev/tty4 ... Processing dev/tty5 ... Processing dev/tty6 ... Processing dev/tty7 ... Processing dev/ttyAM0 ... Processing dev/ttyAM1 ... Processing dev/ttyAM2 ... Processing dev/ttyAMA0 ... Processing dev/ttyAMA1 ... Processing dev/ttyAMA2 ... Processing dev/ttyAMA3 ... Processing dev/ttyBF0 ... Processing dev/ttyBF1 ... Processing dev/ttyCPM0 ... Processing dev/ttyCPM1 ... Processing dev/ttyCPM2 ... Processing dev/ttyCPM3 ... Processing dev/ttyP0 ... Processing dev/ttyP1 ... Processing dev/ttyP2 ... Processing dev/ttyP3 ... Processing dev/ttyPSC0 ... Processing dev/ttyPSC1 ... Processing dev/ttyPSC2 ... Processing dev/ttyPSC3 ... Processing dev/ttyS0 ... Processing dev/ttyS1 ... Processing dev/ttyS2 ... Processing dev/ttyS3 ... Processing dev/ttySAC0 ... Processing dev/ttySAC1 ... Processing dev/ttySAC2 ... Processing dev/ttySAC3 ... Processing dev/ttySC0 ... Processing dev/ttySC1 ... Processing dev/ttySC2 ... Processing dev/ttySC3 ... Processing dev/ttySC4 ... Processing dev/ttySC5 ... Processing dev/ttySC6 ... Processing dev/ttySC7 ... Processing dev/ttyUL0 ... Processing dev/ttyUL1 ... Processing dev/ttyUL2 ... Processing dev/ttyUL3 ... Processing dev/ttymxc0 ... Processing dev/ttymxc1 ... Processing dev/ttymxc2 ... Processing dev/ttymxc3 ... Processing dev/ttyp0 ... Processing dev/ttyp1 ... Processing dev/ttyp2 ... Processing dev/ttyp3 ... Processing dev/ttyp4 ... Processing dev/ttyp5 ... Processing dev/ttyp6 ... Processing dev/ttyp7 ... Processing dev/ttyp8 ... Processing dev/ttyp9 ... Processing dev/uba ... Processing dev/uba1 ... Processing dev/uba2 ... Processing dev/uba3 ... Processing dev/uba4 ... Processing dev/uba5 ... Processing dev/uba6 ... Processing dev/ubb ... Processing dev/ubb1 ... Processing dev/ubb2 ... Processing dev/ubb3 ... Processing dev/ubb4 ... Processing dev/ubb5 ... Processing dev/ubb6 ... Processing dev/urandom ... Processing dev/video0 ... Processing dev/video1 ... Processing dev/video2 ... 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Processing etc/mtab ... Processing etc/network ... Processing etc/network/if-down.d ... Processing etc/network/if-post-down.d ... Processing etc/network/if-pre-up.d ... Processing etc/network/if-up.d ... Processing etc/ngircd.conf ... Processing etc/nsswitch.conf ... Processing etc/os-release ... Processing etc/passwd ... Processing etc/profile ... Processing etc/profile.d ... Processing etc/profile.d/ ... Processing etc/protocols ... Processing etc/resolv.conf ... Processing etc/screenrc ... Processing etc/services ... Processing etc/shadow ... Processing etc/shells ... Processing etc/sockd.conf ... Processing etc/ssl ... Processing etc/ssl/certs ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/002c0b4f.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/02265526.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/062cdee6.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/064e0aa9.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/06dc52d5.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/08063a00.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/09789157.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/0a775a30.0 ... 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Processing etc/ssl/certs/SwissSign_Gold_CA_-_G2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/SwissSign_Silver_CA_-_G2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_3.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TUBITAK_Kamu_SM_SSL_Kok_Sertifikasi_-_Surum_1.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TWCA_Global_Root_CA.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TeliaSonera_Root_CA_v1.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/Telia_Root_CA_v2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TrustCor_ECA-1.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TrustCor_RootCert_CA-1.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TrustCor_RootCert_CA-2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/Trustwave_Global_Certification_Authority.pem ... Processing []ssl/certs/Trustwave_Global_ECC_P256_Certification_Authority.pem ... Processing []ssl/certs/Trustwave_Global_ECC_P384_Certification_Authority.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/TunTrust_Root_CA.pem ... 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Processing etc/ssl/certs/cd58d51e.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/cd8c0d63.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/ce5e74ef.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/certSIGN_ROOT_CA.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/certSIGN_Root_CA_G2.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/d4dae3dd.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/d52c538d.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/d6325660.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/d7e8dc79.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/d887a5bb.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/dc4d6a89.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/dd8e9d41.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/de6d66f3.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e-Szigno_Root_CA_2017.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e113c810.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e18bfb83.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e35234b1.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e36a6752.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e73d606e.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e868b802.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/e8de2f56.0 ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/ePKI_Root_Certification_Authority.pem ... Processing etc/ssl/certs/ecccd8db.0 ... 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Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-constants.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-debug.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-domain.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-engine.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-fmt.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-ip46.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-message.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-rci.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns-resolve.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/s6dns.h ... Processing include/s6-dns/skadns.h ... Processing include/s6-networking ... Processing include/s6-networking/config.h ... Processing include/s6-networking/ident.h ... Processing include/s6-networking/s6net.h ... Processing include/s6-networking/sbearssl.h ... Processing include/s6-networking/stls.h ... Processing include/skalibs ... Processing include/skalibs/alarm.h ... Processing include/skalibs/alloc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/allreadwrite.h ... Processing include/skalibs/ancil.h ... Processing include/skalibs/avlnode.h ... Processing include/skalibs/avltree.h ... Processing include/skalibs/avltreen.h ... Processing include/skalibs/bigkv.h ... Processing include/skalibs/bitarray.h ... Processing include/skalibs/blake2s.h ... Processing include/skalibs/bsdsnowflake.h ... Processing include/skalibs/bufalloc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/buffer.h ... Processing include/skalibs/bytestr.h ... Processing include/skalibs/cbuffer.h ... Processing include/skalibs/cdb.h ... Processing include/skalibs/cdbmake.h ... Processing include/skalibs/config.h ... Processing include/skalibs/datastruct.h ... Processing include/skalibs/direntry.h ... Processing include/skalibs/disize.h ... Processing include/skalibs/diuint.h ... Processing include/skalibs/diuint32.h ... Processing include/skalibs/djbtime.h ... Processing include/skalibs/djbunix.h ... Processing include/skalibs/env.h ... Processing include/skalibs/envalloc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/error.h ... Processing include/skalibs/exec.h ... Processing include/skalibs/fmtscan.h ... Processing include/skalibs/functypes.h ... Processing include/skalibs/gccattributes.h ... Processing include/skalibs/genalloc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/genqdyn.h ... Processing include/skalibs/genset.h ... Processing include/skalibs/gensetdyn.h ... Processing include/skalibs/genwrite.h ... Processing include/skalibs/iopause.h ... Processing include/skalibs/ip46.h ... Processing include/skalibs/kolbak.h ... Processing include/skalibs/lolstdio.h ... Processing include/skalibs/netstring.h ... Processing include/skalibs/nonposix.h ... Processing include/skalibs/nsig.h ... Processing include/skalibs/posixishard.h ... Processing include/skalibs/posixplz.h ... Processing include/skalibs/random.h ... Processing include/skalibs/segfault.h ... Processing include/skalibs/selfpipe.h ... Processing include/skalibs/setgroups.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sgetopt.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sha1.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sha256.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sha512.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sig.h ... Processing include/skalibs/siovec.h ... Processing include/skalibs/skaclient.h ... Processing include/skalibs/skalibs.h ... Processing include/skalibs/skamisc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/socket.h ... Processing include/skalibs/stdcrypto.h ... Processing include/skalibs/stddjb.h ... Processing include/skalibs/stralloc.h ... Processing include/skalibs/strerr.h ... Processing include/skalibs/strerr2.h ... Processing include/skalibs/surf.h ... Processing include/skalibs/sysdeps.h ... Processing include/skalibs/tai.h ... Processing include/skalibs/textclient.h ... Processing include/skalibs/textmessage.h ... Processing include/skalibs/types.h ... Processing include/skalibs/uint16.h ... Processing include/skalibs/uint32.h ... Processing include/skalibs/uint64.h ... Processing include/skalibs/unix-timed.h ... Processing include/skalibs/unix-transactional.h ... Processing include/skalibs/unixconnection.h ... 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Processing sbin/init ... Processing sbin/insmod ... Processing sbin/ip ... Processing sbin/ipaddr ... Processing sbin/iplink ... Processing sbin/ipneigh ... Processing sbin/iproute ... Processing sbin/iprule ... Processing sbin/iptunnel ... Processing sbin/klogd ... Processing sbin/loadkmap ... Processing sbin/losetup ... Processing sbin/lsmod ... Processing sbin/makedevs ... Processing sbin/mdev ... Processing sbin/mkdosfs ... Processing sbin/mke2fs ... Processing sbin/mkswap ... Processing sbin/modprobe ... Processing sbin/nameif ... Processing sbin/pivot_root ... Processing sbin/poweroff ... Processing sbin/reboot ... Processing sbin/rmmod ... Processing sbin/route ... Processing sbin/run-init ... Processing sbin/runlevel ... Processing sbin/setconsole ... Processing sbin/start-stop-daemon ... Processing sbin/sulogin ... Processing sbin/swapoff ... Processing sbin/swapon ... Processing sbin/switch_root ... Processing sbin/sysctl ... Processing sbin/syslogd ... 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Processing usr/bin/cksum ... Processing usr/bin/clear ... Processing usr/bin/cmp ... Processing usr/bin/corkscrew ... Processing usr/bin/crc32 ... Processing usr/bin/crontab ... Processing usr/bin/cut ... Processing usr/bin/cvs ... Processing usr/bin/dc ... Processing usr/bin/deallocvt ... Processing usr/bin/dhcpdump ... Processing usr/bin/diff ... Processing usr/bin/dirname ... Processing usr/bin/dos2unix ... Processing usr/bin/du ... Processing usr/bin/earlyoom ... Processing usr/bin/eject ... Processing usr/bin/env ... Processing usr/bin/expr ... Processing usr/bin/faad ... Processing usr/bin/factor ... Processing usr/bin/fallocate ... Processing usr/bin/fc-cache ... Processing usr/bin/fc-cat ... Processing usr/bin/fc-conflist ... Processing usr/bin/fc-list ... Processing usr/bin/fc-match ... Processing usr/bin/fc-pattern ... Processing usr/bin/fc-query ... Processing usr/bin/fc-scan ... Processing usr/bin/fc-validate ... Processing usr/bin/find ... Processing usr/bin/flock ... Processing usr/bin/fold ... Processing usr/bin/free ... Processing usr/bin/fuser ... Processing usr/bin/gensiot ... Processing usr/bin/git ... Processing usr/bin/git-cvsserver ... Processing usr/bin/git-receive-pack ... Processing usr/bin/git-shell ... Processing usr/bin/git-upload-archive ... Processing usr/bin/git-upload-pack ... Processing usr/bin/greflector ... Processing usr/bin/gsound ... Processing usr/bin/gtlssh ... Processing usr/bin/gtlssh-keygen ... Processing usr/bin/gtlssync ... Processing usr/bin/head ... Processing usr/bin/hexdump ... Processing usr/bin/hexedit ... Processing usr/bin/hostid ... Processing usr/bin/id ... Processing usr/bin/install ... Processing usr/bin/ipcrm ... Processing usr/bin/ipcs ... Processing usr/bin/iptables-xml ... Processing usr/bin/jimsh ... Processing usr/bin/joe ... Processing usr/bin/killall ... Processing usr/bin/last ... Processing usr/bin/lbreakout2 ... Processing usr/bin/lbreakout2server ... Processing usr/bin/less ... Processing usr/bin/line ... Processing usr/bin/logger ... Processing usr/bin/logname ... Processing usr/bin/lsof ... Processing usr/bin/lspci ... Processing usr/bin/lsscsi ... Processing usr/bin/lsusb ... Processing usr/bin/lzcat ... Processing usr/bin/lzcmp ... Processing usr/bin/lzdiff ... Processing usr/bin/lzegrep ... Processing usr/bin/lzfgrep ... Processing usr/bin/lzgrep ... Processing usr/bin/lzless ... Processing usr/bin/lzma ... Processing usr/bin/lzmadec ... Processing usr/bin/lzmainfo ... Processing usr/bin/lzmore ... Processing usr/bin/lzopcat ... Processing usr/bin/madplay ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-request-data ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-request-data-multi-reply ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-scan ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-scan-secondary ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-select-secondary ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-serial-switch-baudrate ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-tcp-request-data ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-tcp-request-data-multi-reply ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-tcp-scan ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-tcp-scan-secondary ... Processing usr/bin/mbus-tcp-select-secondary ... Processing usr/bin/mbw ... Processing usr/bin/md5sum ... Processing usr/bin/mesg ... Processing usr/bin/microcom ... Processing usr/bin/mkfifo ... Processing usr/bin/mkpasswd ... Processing usr/bin/mute ... Processing usr/bin/nl ... Processing usr/bin/nohup ... Processing usr/bin/nproc ... Processing usr/bin/nslookup ... Processing usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe ... Processing usr/bin/od ... Processing usr/bin/openvt ... Processing usr/bin/pageant ... Processing usr/bin/passwd ... Processing usr/bin/paste ... Processing usr/bin/patch ... Processing usr/bin/pkg-config ... Processing usr/bin/pkgconf ... Processing usr/bin/plink ... Processing usr/bin/pngquant ... Processing usr/bin/printf ... Processing usr/bin/pscp ... Processing usr/bin/psftp ... Processing usr/bin/psl ... 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Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/LoadCPAN/Mail/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/Memoize ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/Memoize/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/Git/ ... Processing usr/share/perl5/ ... Processing usr/share/ptpd ... Processing usr/share/ptpd/PTPBASE-MIB.txt ... Processing usr/share/ptpd/leap-seconds.list.28dec2015 ... Processing usr/share/ptpd/ptpd2.conf.default-full ... Processing usr/share/ptpd/ptpd2.conf.minimal ... Processing usr/share/screen ... Processing usr/share/screen/utf8encodings ... 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Processing usr/share/terminfo/d/dumb ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/l ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/l/linux ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/p ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/p/putty ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/p/putty-256color ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/p/putty-vt100 ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/s ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/s/screen ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/s/screen-256color ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v/vt100 ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v/vt100-putty ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v/vt102 ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v/vt200 ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/v/vt220 ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm+256color ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-color ... Processing usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-xfree86 ... Processing usr/share/udhcpc ... 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Build completed. >>> Generating filesystem image rootfs.f2fs mkdir -p /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images rm -rf /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs mkdir -p /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs rsync -auH --exclude=/THIS_IS_NOT_YOUR_ROOT_FILESYSTEM /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/ /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target echo '#!/bin/sh' > /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "set -e" >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "chown -h -R 0:0 /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target" >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot PATH="/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/home/autobuild/make:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl" /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot/support/scripts/mkusers /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_users_table.txt /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/makedevs -d /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target" >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' rm -rf /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/ /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/etc/udev/hwdb.d/\n' >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "find /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/run/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "find /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/tmp/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' find /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target -print0 | xargs -0 -r touch -hd @1685637361\n' >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' rm -f -f /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n truncate -s 5G /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin/mkfs.f2fs -f -l "" -t 0 -o 0 /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin/sload.f2fs -f /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n' >> /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot chmod a+x /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot PATH="/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/home/autobuild/make:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl" FAKEROOTDONTTRYCHOWN=1 /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/fakeroot -- /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot rootdir=/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target table='/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt' F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.16.0 (2023-04-11) Info: Disable heap-based policy Info: Debug level = 0 Info: Trim is disabled Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: sector size = 512 Info: total sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: zone aligned segment0 blkaddr: 512 Info: format version with "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" Info: Overprovision ratio = 2.150% Info: Overprovision segments = 55 (GC reserved = 53) Info: format successful Info: MKFS version "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" Info: FSCK version from "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" to "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" Info: superblock features = 0 : Info: superblock encrypt level = 0, salt = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: total FS sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: CKPT version = 6b24c713 Info: Duplicate valid checkpoint to mirror position 512 -> 1024 Info: Write valid nat_bits in checkpoint [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 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0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 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0x9cf [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ | ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cf [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ce [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cb [ | ] Free segments: 0x9cb [ * ] Free segments: 0x9cb [ - ] Free segments: 0x9cb [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ca [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c8 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 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0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c3 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c3 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c3 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c3 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9c2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9c1 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9c1 [ - ] Free segments: 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0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b6 [ | ] Free segments: 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0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a7 [ * ] Free segments: 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0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 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0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9a4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9a4[FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[0] 3 -> 4 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[1] 4f4 -> 42 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[2] 279 -> 44 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[3] 0 -> 43 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[4] 1 -> 16 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[5] 2 -> 1 after 2c00 Info: Write valid nat_bits in checkpoint Info: MKFS version "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" Info: FSCK version from "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" to "Linux version 6.3.0-asahi-8-1-ARCH (linux-asahi@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.38) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:44 +0000" Info: superblock features = 0 : Info: superblock encrypt level = 0, salt = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: total FS sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: CKPT version = 6b24c713 Info: Checked valid nat_bits in checkpoint Info: checkpoint state = 81 : nat_bits unmount [FSCK] Check node 1 / 2141 (0.05%) [FSCK] Check node 215 / 2141 (10.05%) [FSCK] Check node 429 / 2141 (20.05%) [FSCK] Check node 643 / 2141 (30.05%) [FSCK] Check node 857 / 2141 (40.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1071 / 2141 (50.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1285 / 2141 (60.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1499 / 2141 (70.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1713 / 2141 (80.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1927 / 2141 (90.05%) [FSCK] Check node 2141 / 2141 (100.05%) [FSCK] Max image size: 168 MB, Free space: 4952 MB [FSCK] Unreachable nat entries [Ok..] [0x0] [FSCK] SIT valid block bitmap checking [Ok..] [FSCK] Hard link checking for regular file [Ok..] [0x5] [FSCK] valid_block_count matching with CP [Ok..] [0x7a3a] [FSCK] valid_node_count matching with CP (de lookup) [Ok..] [0x85d] [FSCK] valid_node_count matching with CP (nat lookup) [Ok..] [0x85d] [FSCK] valid_inode_count matched with CP [Ok..] [0x85c] [FSCK] free segment_count matched with CP [Ok..] [0x9a6] [FSCK] next block offset is free [Ok..] [FSCK] fixing SIT types [FSCK] other corrupted bugs [Ok..] Done: 4.305036 secs ln -snf /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/mips64el-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/staging make: Leaving directory '/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot' make: Entering directory '/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot' >>> Buildroot 2023.05-257-ga7e4f557f5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 9755181e27175cb3510b4da8629caa406fb355a19aa8e7d55f06bf8ab33323c4) >>> toolchain-buildroot Collecting legal info >>> host-fakedate Collecting legal info >>> host-skeleton Collecting legal info >>> host-gcc-final 11.4.0 Collecting legal info >>> glibc 2.37-2-g9f8513dc64119a424b312db97cef5d87d376defa Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) LICENSES: OK (sha256: b33d0bd9f685b46853548814893a6135e74430d12f6d94ab3eba42fc591f83bc) >>> host-bison 3.8.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> host-m4 1.4.19 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> host-gawk 5.2.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-gcc-initial 11.4.0 Collecting legal info >>> host-binutils 2.39 Collecting legal info COPYING3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: 56bdea73b6145ef6ac5259b3da390b981d840c24cb03b8e1cbc678de7ecfa18d) >>> host-gmp 6.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSERv3: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) COPYINGv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-mpc 1.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: da7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768) >>> host-mpfr 4.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: e3a994d82e644b03a792a930f574002658412f62407f5fee083f2555c5f23118) >>> linux-headers 6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fb5a425bd3b3cd6071a3a9aff9909a859e7c1158d54d32e07658398cd67eb6a0) LICENSES/preferred/GPL-2.0: OK (sha256: f6b78c087c3ebdf0f3c13415070dd480a3f35d8fc76f3d02180a407c1c812f79) LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note: OK (sha256: 8e378ab93586eb55135d3bc119cce787f7324f48394777d00c34fa3d0be3303f) >>> skeleton Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-sysv Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-common Collecting legal info >>> toolchain Collecting legal info >>> aer-inject 9bd5e2c7886fca72f139cd8402488a2235957d41 Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 659a191d8775e05c6c6a9a4ba66b3577c577342bb83f20d393135eb6633c8973) >>> host-flex 2.6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 97fd685958d93be7f8dab939bb8161dbd6afb0718c63bfc337c24321aea44273) >>> host-autoconf 2.71 Collecting legal info COPYINGv3: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) COPYING.EXCEPTION: OK (sha256: 1f1cde9fb68b9b3cff18c420894bec5bd4defacd700b7d13df54a887301e5350) >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) libltdl/COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-automake 1.16.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) >>> host-gettext Collecting legal info >>> host-gettext-tiny 0.3.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 4c938aa3d8fa3c184bba5e87a8a2febc89560627c9d0567536879e3eca1a7b4f) extra/COPYING: OK (sha256: e79e9c8a0c85d735ff98185918ec94ed7d175efc377012787aebcf3b80f0d90b) >>> host-android-tools 4.2.2+git20130218 Collecting legal info debian/copyright: OK (sha256: 170c5939bf8c8eed1db8f66f2d6155e8c1a3e799e390b55e7aad253195b1ebf5) >>> host-libselinux 3.5 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 86657b4c0fe868d7cbd977cb04c63b6c667e08fa51595a7bc846ad4bed8fc364) >>> host-libsepol 3.5 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 6095e9ffa777dd22839f7801aa845b31c9ed07f3d6bf8a26dc5d2dec8ccc0ef3) >>> host-pcre2 10.42 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 87d884eceb7fc54611470ce9f74280d28612b0c877adfc767e9676892a638987) >>> host-pkgconf 1.6.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 07ee94b50a41ee3fc4e13a9b9c60b26fc28488494c465639f7e5f07a3952ec04) >>> host-python-pip 22.3.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 634300a669d49aeae65b12c6c48c924c51a4cdf3d1ff086dc3456dc8bcaa2104) >>> host-python-setuptools 68.0.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 86da0f01aeae46348a3c3d465195dc1ceccde79f79e87769a64b8da04b2a4741) >>> host-python-installer 0.7.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 37b8b9f2569892fa54406383d431169dbb2115980d78b7efba6eeae5664c484f) >>> host-python-flit-core 3.9.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 35b4f1dec512e617077fd6980dbb43ef8c2887adc5d0185edb4c04da175dd816) >>> host-python3 3.11.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 3b2f81fe21d181c499c59a256c8e1968455d6689d269aa85373bfb6af41da3bf) >>> host-autoconf-archive 2023.02.20 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: e6037104443f9a7829b2aa7c5370d0789a7bda3ca65a0b904cdc0c2e285d9195) COPYING.EXCEPTION: OK (sha256: 23ed0b84fa023bfa33433b498192cd08a3bfb1f4864a8ed791a84f3eb48b2dd2) >>> host-bzip2 1.0.8 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: c6dbbf828498be844a89eaa3b84adbab3199e342eb5cb2ed2f0d4ba7ec0f38a3) >>> host-expat 2.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 122f2c27000472a201d337b9b31f7eb2b52d091b02857061a8880371612d9534) >>> host-libffi 3.4.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 2c9c2acb9743e6b007b91350475308aee44691d96aa20eacef8e199988c8c388) >>> host-openssl Collecting legal info >>> host-libopenssl 1.1.1u Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: c32913b33252e71190af2066f08115c69bc9fddadf3bf29296e20c835389841c) >>> host-zlib Collecting legal info >>> host-libzlib 1.2.13 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 845efc77857d485d91fb3e0b884aaa929368c717ae8186b66fe1ed2495753243) >>> host-python-pypa-build 0.10.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: aaf9a29ca5907971ccf07de025375db34539a8d5eeebce20b46099805722106f) >>> host-python-packaging 23.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: cad1ef5bd340d73e074ba614d26f7deaca5c7940c3d8c34852e65c4909686c48) LICENSE.APACHE: OK (sha256: 0d542e0c8804e39aa7f37eb00da5a762149dc682d7829451287e11b938e94594) LICENSE.BSD: OK (sha256: b70e7e9b742f1cc6f948b34c16aa39ffece94196364bc88ff0d2180f0028fac5) >>> host-python-pyproject-hooks 1.0.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 1b22b049b5267d6dfc23a67bf4a84d8ec04b9fdfb1a51d360e42b4342c8b4154) >>> host-python-wheel 0.40.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 30c23618679108f3e8ea1d2a658c7ca417bdfc891c98ef1a89fa4ff0c9828654) >>> host-swig 4.1.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: f53abaeed775018d519a1b9615f0ca17894772bd9ca21c2a156bf340ac41c13e) LICENSE-GPL: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) LICENSE-UNIVERSITIES: OK (sha256: 7f50d942373a871211c5efee03f3db2f9efd1cff1002b0ef8e3748baa611a5c2) >>> ascii-invaders 1.0.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha512: 1e455684996d7733b2f1ccd4606d034694d16ceff6ede6125d7f1537d20dabe05976cca4cef5cbf6c31352cbd62a515fd8e34a2ffb54dae1181c1116b24c6cf7) >>> ncurses 6.4-20230603 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0413b2f4ea863194c174673032f0fca84f1ea1ed4eed6476baea68c075a631ce) >>> host-ncurses 6.4-20230603 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0413b2f4ea863194c174673032f0fca84f1ea1ed4eed6476baea68c075a631ce) >>> aumix 2.9.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 1ca3e8f71b7de618968e7ea9fe47822d9e704dc476aef8544033abedec355225) >>> bearssl 0.6 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 771bf18c8633ea69ec9b07d2e604c4b99b7bef41b0f5ce6385d24df4448f61ca) >>> bitwise 0.43 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> readline 8.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> bridge-utils 1.7.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 995a31f60a9ddb4c609214cc7d17ca94cc3cbc7f37e1e64dba81e7f8ea9d4f91) >>> busybox 1.36.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: bbfc9843646d483c334664f651c208b9839626891d8f17604db2146962f43548) archival/libarchive/bz/LICENSE: OK (sha256: b5a136ed67798e51fe2e0ca0b2a21cb01b904ff0c9f7d563a6292e276607e58f) >>> util-linux 2.38 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 869660b5269f4f40a8a679da7f403ea3a6e71d46087aab5e14871b09bcb55955) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3-Clause: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-4-Clause-UC: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPL-2.0-or-later: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.ISC: OK (sha256: e53348ce276358e9997014071c5294b36a18c4b34f32f00ee57b9acce0aafd63) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPL-2.1-or-later: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> zlib Collecting legal info >>> libzlib 1.2.13 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 845efc77857d485d91fb3e0b884aaa929368c717ae8186b66fe1ed2495753243) >>> bzip2 1.0.8 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: c6dbbf828498be844a89eaa3b84adbab3199e342eb5cb2ed2f0d4ba7ec0f38a3) >>> ca-certificates 20230311 Collecting legal info debian/copyright: OK (sha256: e85e1bcad3a915dc7e6f41412bc5bdeba275cadd817896ea0451f2140a93967c) >>> cairo 1.16.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 67228a9f7c5f9b67c58f556f1be178f62da4d9e2e6285318d8c74d567255abdf) COPYING-LGPL-2.1: OK (sha256: 9e9e8608c4cdda51a78cc3a385f4ec9a2e4c96d5ecad74ac8bca5fca3e563b7d) COPYING-MPL-1.1: OK (sha256: 53692a2ed6c6a2c6ec9b32dd0b820dfae91e0a1fcdf625ca9ed0bdf8705fcc4f) >>> fontconfig 2.14.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 51a51aa9823704fd90bccc616cdd17ebabb5b2b3e9cbde886ca02c7002288067) >>> expat 2.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 122f2c27000472a201d337b9b31f7eb2b52d091b02857061a8880371612d9534) >>> freetype 2.13.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE.TXT: OK (sha256: 2e3bbb7d7c5c396368dd0853a790ec29ce5b8647163dde42a0493fb0d6556b2b) docs/FTL.TXT: OK (sha256: 08c135755dd589039470f1fdbb400daaabaaa50d0b366d19cebff4d22986baa1) docs/GPLv2.TXT: OK (sha256: c4120c6752c910c299e3bd9cb3a46ff262c268303ca2069b61f92f10a5656c18) >>> libpng 1.6.40 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 5c0bb4b05b1354ae7c173532b6702ea68b611047ff9b91c4d3af77da39c195d9) >>> host-gperf 3.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> lzo 2.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-cmake 3.22.3 Collecting legal info Copyright.txt: OK (sha256: f1a4326266aada65b307dac05161a9d02d3dba4fb08b50cb26e3c24cc8a86e97) >>> pixman 0.42.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fac9270f0987b96ff4533fca3548c633e02083cbba4a0172a3b149b2e4019793) >>> catatonit 0.1.7 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> host-checksec 2.6.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 55154b4be6dfcb3ff29d1e3648d0d07b3943a5fcc3af7c2e0e799b074734f722) >>> corkscrew 2.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 204d8eff92f95aac4df6c8122bc1505f468f3a901e5a4cc08940e0ede1938994) >>> host-cramfs 2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 204d8eff92f95aac4df6c8122bc1505f468f3a901e5a4cc08940e0ede1938994) >>> cunit 2.1-3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 5d9d73d41a57dd2f34487ef3978a2c13cdb97294baeeb81fcd274796399eb15f) >>> cvs 1.12.13 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 569c5b876327d899cf444b2277fe910128a38ca71d90755fe4125dd44f8ece02) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: da0e282103fb508894e78db519aab255e36971ce0bc87de585e3b05014b83b1e) lib/glob-libc.h: OK (sha256: ee9a2fbdb626c0ac57fd8e569f357eb2e6d6c80cc6f41efa8bd126d5ea589d72) >>> dante 1.4.3 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 05e2db26147a8575005f090aada119ea6cb40a4382164929d647f00abef3bdfd) >>> dhcpdump 1.8 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: bab6ca76b7e93885396513689b1248dfb0e8fd662695b8bd1b26784ef71a0192) >>> libpcap 1.10.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8a54594d257e14a5260ac770f1633516cb51e3fc28c40136ce2697014eda7afd) >>> earlyoom 1.7 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: e730b3ec729de46d987ae73f30ed337e4cbe832f09205330acfa71848c6e0087) >>> host-erofs-utils 1.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0df042de29b44887355db86c79708a4489ce6e6666f6e33ad02040293f09e6a2) LICENSES/Apache-2.0: OK (sha256: a400f85dd06d230f1b308cde4290a53f345b6e320a376b7904b31c51c2fd4b1a) LICENSES/GPL-2.0: OK (sha256: feee3b3157dcdf78d4f50edefbd5dd7adf8b6d52c11bfaaa746a85a373256713) >>> host-lz4 1.9.4 Collecting legal info lib/LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8b58c446121a109ccf32edc094bba3010a3d85e4ee3702950db55e4d3e87736c) programs/COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-util-linux 2.38 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 869660b5269f4f40a8a679da7f403ea3a6e71d46087aab5e14871b09bcb55955) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3-Clause: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-4-Clause-UC: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPL-2.0-or-later: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.ISC: OK (sha256: e53348ce276358e9997014071c5294b36a18c4b34f32f00ee57b9acce0aafd63) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPL-2.1-or-later: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> execline Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 35126cb8f2ff2a6e359f7bfec46c49004ead6304d8248ba67dcdebcc7d377754) >>> skalibs Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 35126cb8f2ff2a6e359f7bfec46c49004ead6304d8248ba67dcdebcc7d377754) >>> host-f2fs-tools 1.16.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 662abb3a8a80b36ae7036c289dd1e03b361ee5dd2e6fd5211d0d8d029146449f) >>> faad2 2.10.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d3baf3a54943cf12a994c85867a18dec84f810901b2f2878ddfd77efcc3c150f) >>> fan-ctrl 1.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for fan-ctrl.c >>> font-awesome 4.7.0 Collecting legal info >>> gensio 2.5.5 Collecting legal info COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dcac7d447dd81ab96d28dce00a07a6486e623f7ded94e2a2a8e83312405cdf89) COPYING: OK (sha256: 501f3108e6c03e5a0a5585ebaaa369171aead5319cd0a7a4dc1f66211c1f09f1) >>> openssl Collecting legal info >>> libopenssl 1.1.1u Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: c32913b33252e71190af2066f08115c69bc9fddadf3bf29296e20c835389841c) >>> giflib 5.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0c9b7990ecdca88b676db232c226548ac408b279f550d424d996f0d83591dd8e) >>> git 2.41.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 5b2198d1645f767585e8a88ac0499b04472164c0d2da22e75ecf97ef443ab32e) LGPL-2.1: OK (sha256: 1922f45d2c49e390032c9c0ba6d7cac904087f7cec51af30c2b2ad022ce0e76a) >>> libcurl 8.1.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: b1d7feb949ea5023552029fbe0bf5db4f23c2f85e9b8e51e18536f0ecbf9c524) >>> libidn2 2.3.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 73483f797a83373fca1b968c11785b98c4fc4803cdc7d3210811ca8b075d6d76) COPYINGv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING.LESSERv3: OK (sha256: da7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768) COPYING.unicode: OK (sha256: 01d621eef165cf4d3d3dbb737aa0699178d94c6f18cf87e9dde6db3ca7790f46) >>> libunistring 1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) >>> gmp 6.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSERv3: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) COPYINGv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> initscripts Collecting legal info >>> iptables 1.8.9 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> jimtcl 0.81 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 419f1146334e57fb258d6c957d1f94d43455ec0d24b1b54c4447e5f61a353950) >>> joe 4.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> jpeg Collecting legal info >>> libjpeg 9e Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 50c1c5978d490c7f13062d91c4b89affc83774f87bc4568a714f748b62a5b216) >>> lbreakout2 2.6.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 67f82e045cf7acfef853ea0f426575a8359161a0a325e19f02b529a87c4b6c34) >>> sdl 1.2.15 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: bb117c0fbd7f57f64170b690285d7df07c2371b578e3b3cd3aa2e1155ef461a0) >>> libaio 0.3.113 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 5bbcbb737e60fe9deba08ecbd00920cfcc3403ba2e534c64fdeea49d6bb87509) >>> libee 0.4.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 275fecbf835387e042ba96884f0f05356a485a6ea8449b2c5295cc11652ad439) >>> libestr 0.1.11 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 835b4793da5cbb8965fbd63905b55a4cb4310b7d1b882077d23066b08f901ff8) >>> libgta 1.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 36b6d3fa47916943fd5fec313c584784946047ec1337a78b440e5992cb595f89) >>> xz 5.4.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 72d7ef9c98be319fd34ce88b45203b36d5936f9c49e82bf3198ffee5e0c7d87e) COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING.GPLv3: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libid3tag 0.15.1b Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) COPYRIGHT: OK (sha256: 7f12ad28dc075763e91b91bfa60fad04062380011ddad8f6bac21dd7b1f44367) >>> libmad 0.15.1b Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> libmbus 0.8.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ea171a4ae443eca7186f564db2c3cc8b84c1ac343f227f92cd52ec6a948f4a74) >>> libnids 1.26 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 91df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad) >>> libogg 1.3.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d2ab5758336489da61c12cc5bb757da5339c4ae9001f9bb0562b4370249af814) >>> libpsl 0.21.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 776cd11d54f0ea3e5efdd25ff1a0d952a1744215bb5858ea7aeb91808e70c9f7) src/LICENSE.chromium: OK (sha256: 1d7f52747a9169751cdf2641a8299c0098e9ecdf9429296ffd55bdb14c9ed5b3) >>> host-meson 1.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: cfc7749b96f63bd31c3c42b5c471bf756814053e847c10f3eb003417bc523d30) >>> host-ninja 1.11.1.g95dee.kitware.jobserver-1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: eb7e9ab9690124c5c9f42bdc81383d886a3dede26345b6ed15bbad7caf81f7ea) >>> libqrencode 4.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: a9bdde5616ecdd1e980b44f360600ee8783b1f99b8cc83a2beb163a0a390e861) >>> libreplaygain r475 Collecting legal info src/gain_analysis.c: OK (sha256: 511e7b63ce6530b93932d19da3471a6672586339bc131b2699ad4e9b0ee6c9bb) >>> libsndfile 1.2.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ad01ea5cd2755f6048383c8d54c88459cd6fcb17757c5c8892f8c5ea060f6140) >>> libsrtp 2.4.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8e19d42a1eec9561f3f347253ddf2e385c55f392f025bb0fd41b88dbf38db5ae) >>> libtasn1 4.19.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 7446831f659f7ebfd8d497acc7f05dfa8e31c6cb6ba1b45df33d4895ab80f5a6) doc/COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) doc/COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libtpl 1.6.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8554ddb5779f1ad2f3ea6db1d0df622e63fca11f44bfc3c8b3c207ea0482c746) >>> libudfread 1.1.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libxml2 2.11.4 Collecting legal info Copyright: OK (sha256: c5c63674f8a83c4d2e385d96d1c670a03cb871ba2927755467017317878574bd) >>> libxslt 1.1.38 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 7e48e290b6bfccc2ec1b297023a1d77f2fd87417f71fbb9f50aabef40a851819) >>> libyaml 0.2.5 Collecting legal info License: OK (sha256: c40112449f254b9753045925248313e9270efa36d226b22d82d4cc6c43c57f29) >>> madplay 0.15.2b Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) COPYRIGHT: OK (sha256: 915bfd70548f31d11f9b4ffb21f343d1196af96c79d6aaac5663ea46c39dd3a3) >>> mbw 1.5 Collecting legal info mbw.spec: OK (sha256: 1afb2b8258506742238b9ceb8a865d7030c5889c56ba2911a0c0c042aa1335d1) >>> mpc 1.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: da7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768) >>> mpfr 4.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: e3a994d82e644b03a792a930f574002658412f62407f5fee083f2555c5f23118) >>> mtr 0.95 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> ndisc6 1.0.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) >>> ngircd 26.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-nodejs 16.20.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: ba325815d3df8819bebaf37cad67d6e1f82271e1e4a1189b53abd28e261977d6) >>> host-icu 70-1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 861671f8c712aa046f8f5ac89239e6c33821636516c5d0cc8c4e1973085f27a6) >>> nvidia-modprobe 450.57 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-patchelf 0.13 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> pkgconf 1.6.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 07ee94b50a41ee3fc4e13a9b9c60b26fc28488494c465639f7e5f07a3952ec04) >>> pngquant 2.18.0 Collecting legal info COPYRIGHT: OK (sha256: e4f467f7abf860b4e620f5f60fdd88bc3a63a0fdb98a481fb002b5e511c9b826) >>> popt 1.19 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 2b488b239927935f34769a39309c0680be16e3725a1f55dbb06ed20d53852801) >>> ptpd2 2.3.1 Collecting legal info COPYRIGHT: OK (sha256: 5e101ac565a8e74ef4efbf7e0c95ef9333e00618c05dbf5fb4ed50a5bab1ff09) >>> putty 0.78 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 7b10c93f0d582e820a9e6f8c6abbcff54192e41e60644f4d09b96b14fdbc74f8) >>> host-python-six 1.16.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8bb850c565aa389fdc16f3a46965ad23d82adff60f2393fc2762b63185e8e6c9) >>> host-python-xlrd 2.0.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: b5a5dbce60265e305a815a6cb83ed07f24519d8ba644f2a307994488bced8815) >>> rtc-tools 33ef4aa1c92b0c92a351284d93d1ac5570de9cc7 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 7ae50a5344af14d6231aff6814632a220b3127da4099aea2c6070fd79c407c1a) >>> host-rust-bin 1.70.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE-APACHE: OK (sha256: 62c7a1e35f56406896d7aa7ca52d0cc0d272ac022b5d2796e7d6905db8a3636a) LICENSE-MIT: OK (sha256: 23f18e03dc49df91622fe2a76176497404e46ced8a715d9d2b67a7446571cca3) >>> s6-dns Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 35126cb8f2ff2a6e359f7bfec46c49004ead6304d8248ba67dcdebcc7d377754) >>> s6-networking Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 35126cb8f2ff2a6e359f7bfec46c49004ead6304d8248ba67dcdebcc7d377754) >>> s6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 35126cb8f2ff2a6e359f7bfec46c49004ead6304d8248ba67dcdebcc7d377754) >>> screen 4.9.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> scrypt 1.3.1 Collecting legal info COPYRIGHT: OK (sha256: 1fb4da0e9000287414066a238f378528d5652f89b72b4a1d6b89fdd20031b22d) >>> sdl_gfx 2.0.23 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 4f5df842266c59b2d7e6ef35b53d7f37b13795d93baf3ed211f502c216f7bc89) LICENSE: OK (sha256: 5f3bc98e0bd2de83279bd62868d4bc0c2b4f811ab828b036d36a4a6d1cd5672d) >>> sdparm 1.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 4f98444e14adb18a94a65c3ded5f0dad42d382c6a2288b593a2d5bd5ecc4f46d) >>> ser2net 4.3.8 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 501f3108e6c03e5a0a5585ebaaa369171aead5319cd0a7a4dc1f66211c1f09f1) >>> spandsp 3.0.0-6ec23e5a7e Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 366576cb0b869cd9e95a4882878607314650488ac635e5df0692180382e9666a) >>> tiff 4.5.1 Collecting legal info OK (sha256: 0780558a8bfba0af1160ec1ff11ade4f41c0d7deafd6ecfc796b492a788e380d) >>> speex 1.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 2654a4264b2bfe298dedc508748d140111840c315cc8eb646a3a68c13fa75b01) >>> sshpass 1.09 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> stb 8b5f1f37b5b75829fc72d38e7b5d4bcbf8a26d55 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: bebfe904b14301657e4e5d655c811d51fd31b97c455b9cc2d8600d6bac6cff63) >>> szip 2.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 98cc66747133b26563fefc4630ad4c8c7848c722c7b8a60ecd4afbc4c7d7eb01) >>> tree 2.0.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 204d8eff92f95aac4df6c8122bc1505f468f3a901e5a4cc08940e0ede1938994) >>> vmtouch 1.3.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 13258709ed29c17394e0a3ba8c8b9360af35b85231db514f11a0ba385cecd08e) >>> vtun 3.0.4 Collecting legal info README.OpenSSL: OK (sha256: 5692a9a69dc5abc1aa9cbc54899d114b65c4cefbd9d7fcecc304316a2f26ced3) >>> wolfssl 5.5.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) LICENSING: OK (sha256: b23c1da1f85d699d3288d73c952b4cd02760d23dc1ddc1b221cbb8be82387189) >>> wolftpm 2.7.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> ytree 2.04 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: eb6bf7204569b4fe8eaf9d4dffc57e44047c5efb5deba1b2d99069ddbc99d031) >>> host-zip 3.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8ecd6c1bab449127eb665cef1561e73a8bce52e217375f6f466939e137b1e110) >>> host-acl 2.3.1 Collecting legal info doc/COPYING: OK (sha256: a45a845012742796534f7e91fe623262ccfb99460a2bd04015bd28d66fba95b8) doc/COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: 01b1f9f2c8ee648a7a596a1abe8aa4ed7899b1c9e5551bda06da6e422b04aa55) >>> host-attr 2.5.1 Collecting legal info doc/COPYING: OK (sha256: 98f318493be6b08bff3cd295791cde06c54e17882a3c74a1ed245eaa02533d52) doc/COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: 5decad7e58d90d44335bf2f45ce27563bd911065c6a1a02dfa7647c4efee75c8) >>> host-fakeroot 1.30.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fc82ca8b6fdb18d4e3e85cfd8ab58d1bcd3f1b29abe782895abd91d64763f8e7) >>> host-makedevs Collecting legal info WARNING: the Buildroot source code has not been saved WARNING: gcc-final-11.4.0: cannot save license (HOST_GCC_FINAL_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: gcc-initial-11.4.0: cannot save license (HOST_GCC_INITIAL_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: font-awesome-4.7.0: cannot save license (FONT_AWESOME_LICENSE_FILES not defined) Legal info produced in /home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/legal-info make: Leaving directory '/home/autobuild/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot'