{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./usr/bin/mc", "source2": "./usr/bin/mc", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -942,15 +942,15 @@\n 0x000c20a0 6c696173 3d737061 72632d62 75696c64 lias=sparc-build\n 0x000c20b0 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d75 636c6962 root-linux-uclib\n 0x000c20c0 63272027 74617267 65745f61 6c696173 c' 'target_alias\n 0x000c20d0 3d737061 72632d62 75696c64 726f6f74 =sparc-buildroot\n 0x000c20e0 2d6c696e 75782d75 636c6962 63272027 -linux-uclibc' '\n 0x000c20f0 43433d2f 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 CC=/home/peko/au\n 0x000c2100 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 tobuild/instance\n- 0x000c2110 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -1/output-1/host\n+ 0x000c2110 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -1/output-2/host\n 0x000c2120 2f62696e 2f737061 72632d6c 696e7578 /bin/sparc-linux\n 0x000c2130 2d676363 27202743 464c4147 533d2d44 -gcc' 'CFLAGS=-D\n 0x000c2140 5f4c4152 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 _LARGEFILE_SOURC\n 0x000c2150 45202d44 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 E -D_LARGEFILE64\n 0x000c2160 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f _SOURCE -D_FILE_\n 0x000c2170 4f464653 45545f42 4954533d 36342020 OFFSET_BITS=64 \n 0x000c2180 2d4f3220 2d673020 2720274c 44464c41 -O2 -g0 ' 'LDFLA\n@@ -958,20 +958,20 @@\n 0x000c21a0 50464c41 47533d2d 445f4c41 52474546 PFLAGS=-D_LARGEF\n 0x000c21b0 494c455f 534f5552 4345202d 445f4c41 ILE_SOURCE -D_LA\n 0x000c21c0 52474546 494c4536 345f534f 55524345 RGEFILE64_SOURCE\n 0x000c21d0 202d445f 46494c45 5f4f4646 5345545f -D_FILE_OFFSET_\n 0x000c21e0 42495453 3d363427 20274350 503d2f68 BITS=64' 'CPP=/h\n 0x000c21f0 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 ome/peko/autobui\n 0x000c2200 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 ld/instance-1/ou\n- 0x000c2210 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+ 0x000c2210 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 0x000c2220 73706172 632d6c69 6e75782d 63707027 sparc-linux-cpp'\n 0x000c2230 2027504b 475f434f 4e464947 3d2f686f 'PKG_CONFIG=/ho\n 0x000c2240 6d652f70 656b6f2f 6175746f 6275696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0x000c2250 642f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 d/instance-1/out\n- 0x000c2260 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-1/host/bin/p\n+ 0x000c2260 7075742d 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-2/host/bin/p\n 0x000c2270 6b672d63 6f6e6669 67270000 00000000 kg-config'......\n 0x000c2280 57697468 20737562 7368656c 6c207375 With subshell su\n 0x000c2290 70706f72 74206173 20646566 61756c74 pport as default\n 0x000c22a0 00000000 00000000 57697468 20737570 ........With sup\n 0x000c22b0 706f7274 20666f72 20626163 6b67726f port for backgro\n 0x000c22c0 756e6420 6f706572 6174696f 6e730000 und operations..\n 0x000c22d0 57697468 206d6f75 73652073 7570706f With mouse suppo\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.28-gdb.py", "source2": "./usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.28-gdb.py", "unified_diff": "@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@\n # along with this program. If not, see .\n \n import sys\n import gdb\n import os\n import os.path\n \n-pythondir = '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/opt/ext-toolchain/share/gcc-10.3.0/python'\n-libdir = \"/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/sparc-buildroot-linux-uclibc/sysroot/lib\"\n+pythondir = '/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/host/opt/ext-toolchain/share/gcc-10.3.0/python'\n+libdir = \"/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/host/sparc-buildroot-linux-uclibc/sysroot/lib\"\n \n # This file might be loaded when there is no current objfile. This\n # can happen if the user loads it manually. In this case we don't\n # update sys.path; instead we just hope the user managed to do that\n # beforehand.\n if gdb.current_objfile () is not None:\n # Update module path. We want to find the relative path from libdir\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libvlccore.so.9.0.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/libvlccore.so.9.0.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -8803,15 +8803,15 @@\n 0x000e64b0 6c696173 3d737061 72632d62 75696c64 lias=sparc-build\n 0x000e64c0 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d75 636c6962 root-linux-uclib\n 0x000e64d0 63272027 74617267 65745f61 6c696173 c' 'target_alias\n 0x000e64e0 3d737061 72632d62 75696c64 726f6f74 =sparc-buildroot\n 0x000e64f0 2d6c696e 75782d75 636c6962 63272027 -linux-uclibc' '\n 0x000e6500 43433d2f 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 CC=/home/peko/au\n 0x000e6510 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 tobuild/instance\n- 0x000e6520 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -1/output-1/host\n+ 0x000e6520 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -1/output-2/host\n 0x000e6530 2f62696e 2f737061 72632d6c 696e7578 /bin/sparc-linux\n 0x000e6540 2d676363 27202743 464c4147 533d2d44 -gcc' 'CFLAGS=-D\n 0x000e6550 5f4c4152 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 _LARGEFILE_SOURC\n 0x000e6560 45202d44 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 E -D_LARGEFILE64\n 0x000e6570 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f _SOURCE -D_FILE_\n 0x000e6580 4f464653 45545f42 4954533d 36342020 OFFSET_BITS=64 \n 0x000e6590 2d4f3220 2d673020 2720274c 44464c41 -O2 -g0 ' 'LDFLA\n@@ -8819,30 +8819,30 @@\n 0x000e65b0 6d696327 20274350 50464c41 47533d2d mic' 'CPPFLAGS=-\n 0x000e65c0 445f4c41 52474546 494c455f 534f5552 D_LARGEFILE_SOUR\n 0x000e65d0 4345202d 445f4c41 52474546 494c4536 CE -D_LARGEFILE6\n 0x000e65e0 345f534f 55524345 202d445f 46494c45 4_SOURCE -D_FILE\n 0x000e65f0 5f4f4646 5345545f 42495453 3d363427 _OFFSET_BITS=64'\n 0x000e6600 20274358 583d2f68 6f6d652f 70656b6f 'CXX=/home/peko\n 0x000e6610 2f617574 6f627569 6c642f69 6e737461 /autobuild/insta\n- 0x000e6620 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 nce-1/output-1/h\n+ 0x000e6620 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 nce-1/output-2/h\n 0x000e6630 6f73742f 62696e2f 73706172 632d6c69 ost/bin/sparc-li\n 0x000e6640 6e75782d 672b2b27 20274358 58464c41 nux-g++' 'CXXFLA\n 0x000e6650 47533d2d 445f4c41 52474546 494c455f GS=-D_LARGEFILE_\n 0x000e6660 534f5552 4345202d 445f4c41 52474546 SOURCE -D_LARGEF\n 0x000e6670 494c4536 345f534f 55524345 202d445f ILE64_SOURCE -D_\n 0x000e6680 46494c45 5f4f4646 5345545f 42495453 FILE_OFFSET_BITS\n 0x000e6690 3d363420 202d4f32 202d6730 20272027 =64 -O2 -g0 ' '\n 0x000e66a0 4350503d 2f686f6d 652f7065 6b6f2f61 CPP=/home/peko/a\n 0x000e66b0 75746f62 75696c64 2f696e73 74616e63 utobuild/instanc\n- 0x000e66c0 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 e-1/output-1/hos\n+ 0x000e66c0 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 e-1/output-2/hos\n 0x000e66d0 742f6269 6e2f7370 6172632d 6c696e75 t/bin/sparc-linu\n 0x000e66e0 782d6370 70272027 504b475f 434f4e46 x-cpp' 'PKG_CONF\n 0x000e66f0 49473d2f 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 IG=/home/peko/au\n 0x000e6700 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 tobuild/instance\n- 0x000e6710 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -1/output-1/host\n+ 0x000e6710 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -1/output-2/host\n 0x000e6720 2f62696e 2f706b67 2d636f6e 66696727 /bin/pkg-config'\n 0x000e6730 00000000 00000000 636f6e66 69677572 ........configur\n 0x000e6740 65642077 69746820 25730000 00000000 ed with %s......\n 0x000e6750 6d657373 61676520 6c6f7374 00000000 message lost....\n 0x000e6760 766c635f 4c6f6753 65740000 00000000 vlc_LogSet......\n 0x000e6770 766c635f 4c6f6750 7265696e 69740000 vlc_LogPreinit..\n 0x000e6780 74657874 2f706c61 696e0000 00000000 text/plain......\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/libexec/mc/extfs.d/s3+", "source2": "./usr/libexec/mc/extfs.d/s3+", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-#! /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/python\n+#! /home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/python\n # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n \n #\n # Midnight Commander compatible EXTFS for accessing Amazon Web Services S3.\n # Written by Jakob Kemi 2009\n #\n # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/squid", "source2": "./usr/sbin/squid", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -9671,15 +9671,15 @@\n 0x00603240 3d737061 72632d62 75696c64 726f6f74 =sparc-buildroot\n 0x00603250 2d6c696e 75782d75 636c6962 63272027 -linux-uclibc' '\n 0x00603260 74617267 65745f61 6c696173 3d737061 target_alias=spa\n 0x00603270 72632d62 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e rc-buildroot-lin\n 0x00603280 75782d75 636c6962 63272027 43433d2f ux-uclibc' 'CC=/\n 0x00603290 686f6d65 2f70656b 6f2f6175 746f6275 home/peko/autobu\n 0x006032a0 696c642f 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f ild/instance-1/o\n- 0x006032b0 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-1/host/bin\n+ 0x006032b0 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-2/host/bin\n 0x006032c0 2f737061 72632d6c 696e7578 2d676363 /sparc-linux-gcc\n 0x006032d0 27202743 464c4147 533d2d44 5f4c4152 ' 'CFLAGS=-D_LAR\n 0x006032e0 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 45202d44 GEFILE_SOURCE -D\n 0x006032f0 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 5f534f55 _LARGEFILE64_SOU\n 0x00603300 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 RCE -D_FILE_OFFS\n 0x00603310 45545f42 4954533d 36342020 2d4f3220 ET_BITS=64 -O2 \n 0x00603320 2d673020 2720274c 44464c41 47533d27 -g0 ' 'LDFLAGS='\n@@ -9687,37 +9687,37 @@\n 0x00603340 20274350 50464c41 47533d2d 445f4c41 'CPPFLAGS=-D_LA\n 0x00603350 52474546 494c455f 534f5552 4345202d RGEFILE_SOURCE -\n 0x00603360 445f4c41 52474546 494c4536 345f534f D_LARGEFILE64_SO\n 0x00603370 55524345 202d445f 46494c45 5f4f4646 URCE -D_FILE_OFF\n 0x00603380 5345545f 42495453 3d363427 20274358 SET_BITS=64' 'CX\n 0x00603390 583d2f68 6f6d652f 70656b6f 2f617574 X=/home/peko/aut\n 0x006033a0 6f627569 6c642f69 6e737461 6e63652d obuild/instance-\n- 0x006033b0 312f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 1/output-1/host/\n+ 0x006033b0 312f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 1/output-2/host/\n 0x006033c0 62696e2f 73706172 632d6c69 6e75782d bin/sparc-linux-\n 0x006033d0 672b2b27 20274358 58464c41 47533d2d g++' 'CXXFLAGS=-\n 0x006033e0 445f4c41 52474546 494c455f 534f5552 D_LARGEFILE_SOUR\n 0x006033f0 4345202d 445f4c41 52474546 494c4536 CE -D_LARGEFILE6\n 0x00603400 345f534f 55524345 202d445f 46494c45 4_SOURCE -D_FILE\n 0x00603410 5f4f4646 5345545f 42495453 3d363420 _OFFSET_BITS=64 \n 0x00603420 202d4f32 202d6730 20272027 4255494c -O2 -g0 ' 'BUIL\n 0x00603430 44435858 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f672b DCXX=/usr/bin/g+\n 0x00603440 2b272027 4350503d 2f686f6d 652f7065 +' 'CPP=/home/pe\n 0x00603450 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 2f696e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n- 0x00603460 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-1/output-1\n+ 0x00603460 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-1/output-2\n 0x00603470 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f7370 6172632d /host/bin/sparc-\n 0x00603480 6c696e75 782d6370 70272027 504b475f linux-cpp' 'PKG_\n 0x00603490 434f4e46 49473d2f 686f6d65 2f70656b CONFIG=/home/pek\n 0x006034a0 6f2f6175 746f6275 696c642f 696e7374 o/autobuild/inst\n- 0x006034b0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-1/output-1/\n+ 0x006034b0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-1/output-2/\n 0x006034c0 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706b67 2d636f6e host/bin/pkg-con\n 0x006034d0 66696727 20274255 494c4443 5858464c fig' 'BUILDCXXFL\n 0x006034e0 4147533d 2d4f3220 2d492f68 6f6d652f AGS=-O2 -I/home/\n 0x006034f0 70656b6f 2f617574 6f627569 6c642f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0x00603500 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 nstance-1/output\n- 0x00603510 2d312f68 6f73742f 696e636c 75646527 -1/host/include'\n+ 0x00603510 2d322f68 6f73742f 696e636c 75646527 -2/host/include'\n 0x00603520 00000000 00000000 636f6e66 69677572 ........configur\n 0x00603530 65206f70 74696f6e 733a2025 730a0000 e options: %s...\n 0x00603540 6d61696e 5265636f 6e666967 75726546 mainReconfigureF\n 0x00603550 696e6973 68000000 66696e69 7368696e inish...finishin\n 0x00603560 67207265 636f6e66 69677572 696e6700 g reconfiguring.\n 0x00603570 5741524e 494e473a 20436861 6e67696e WARNING: Changin\n 0x00603580 67202777 6f726b65 72732720 2866726f g 'workers' (fro\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/share/mc/syntax/Syntax", "source2": "./usr/share/mc/syntax/Syntax", "unified_diff": "@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@\n \n file ..\\*\\\\.((?i:ini)|desktop|busname|(auto)?mount|net(dev|work)|link|path|service|slice|socket|swap|target|timer)$ INI-based\\sFile\n include ini.syntax\n \n file ..\\*\\\\.((?i:pl|pm|psgi)|t)$ Perl\\sProgram ^#!.\\*([\\s/]perl|/usr/bin/perl)\n include perl.syntax\n \n-file ..\\*\\\\.(?i:py)$ Python\\sProgram ^#!.\\*([\\s/]python|/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/python)\n+file ..\\*\\\\.(?i:py)$ Python\\sProgram ^#!.\\*([\\s/]python|/home/peko/autobuild/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/python)\n include python.syntax\n \n file ..\\*\\\\.(pyx|pxd|pxi)$ Cython\\sor\\sPyrex\\sProgram\n include cython.syntax\n \n file ..\\*\\\\.(?i:rb)$ Ruby\\sProgram ^#!.\\*([\\s/]ruby|/usr/bin/ruby)\n include ruby.syntax\n" } ] }