{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./usr/bin/cannelloni", "source2": "./usr/bin/cannelloni", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@\n 0x000182ec 70706f72 74656420 696e2074 68697320 pported in this \n 0x000182fc 6275696c 642e0052 656d6f74 65204950 build..Remote IP\n 0x0001830c 206e6f74 20737570 706c6965 64004f6e not supplied.On\n 0x0001831c 6c79206e 6f6e2d7a 65726f20 74696d65 ly non-zero time\n 0x0001832c 6f757473 20617265 20616c6c 6f776564 outs are allowed\n 0x0001833c 00455252 4f523a00 2f686f6d 652f6e61 .ERROR:./home/na\n 0x0001834c 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x0001835c 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x0001835c 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x0001836c 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 6e692d32 ild/cannelloni-2\n 0x0001837c 30313630 3431342f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 0160414/cannello\n 0x0001838c 6e692e63 7070005d 3a006d61 696e0055 ni.cpp.]:.main.U\n 0x0001839c 6e61626c 6520746f 206f7065 6e200045 nable to open .E\n 0x000183ac 72726f72 20776869 6c652070 61727369 rror while parsi\n 0x000183bc 6e672000 4572726f 72207768 696c6520 ng .Error while \n 0x000183cc 636c6f73 696e6700 494e464f 3a004e6f closing.INFO:.No\n@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@\n 0x000184fc 3c850100 00000000 00000000 a0530100 <............S..\n 0x0001850c 60530100 e4240100 e4240100 4e313063 `S...$...$..N10c\n 0x0001851c 616e6e65 6c6c6f6e 69313643 6f6e6e65 annelloni16Conne\n 0x0001852c 6374696f 6e546872 65616445 00000000 ctionThreadE....\n 0x0001853c c49e0200 18850100 20870100 2f686f6d ........ .../hom\n 0x0001854c 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x0001855c 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x0001856c 312f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 1/build/cannello\n+ 0x0001856c 322f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 2/build/cannello\n 0x0001857c 6e692d32 30313630 3431342f 6672616d ni-20160414/fram\n 0x0001858c 65627566 6665722e 63707000 64656275 ebuffer.cpp.debu\n 0x0001859c 67004672 616d6550 6f6f6c3a 20002028 g.FramePool: . (\n 0x000185ac 656c656d 656e7473 29200020 28627974 elements) . (byt\n 0x000185bc 65732900 696e7465 726d6564 69617465 es).intermediate\n 0x000185cc 42756666 65723a20 00726573 697a6550 Buffer: .resizeP\n 0x000185dc 6f6f6c00 4e657720 506f6f6c 73697a65 ool.New Poolsize\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 0x000186dc cc860100 c4540100 e4540100 00550100 .....T...T...U..\n 0x000186ec 00000000 20870100 00000000 00000000 .... ...........\n 0x000186fc a0530100 60530100 e4240100 4e313063 .S..`S...$..N10c\n 0x0001870c 616e6e65 6c6c6f6e 69365468 72656164 annelloni6Thread\n 0x0001871c 45000000 989e0200 08870100 2f686f6d E.........../hom\n 0x0001872c 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x0001873c 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x0001874c 312f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 1/build/cannello\n+ 0x0001874c 322f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 2/build/cannello\n 0x0001875c 6e692d32 30313630 3431342f 75647074 ni-20160414/udpt\n 0x0001876c 68726561 642e6370 70007472 616e736d hread.cpp.transm\n 0x0001877c 69744672 616d6500 466f756e 64207469 itFrame.Found ti\n 0x0001878c 6d656f75 7420656e 74727920 666f7220 meout entry for \n 0x0001879c 49442000 2e204164 6a757374 696e6720 ID .. Adjusting \n 0x000187ac 74696d65 722e0057 41524e49 4e473a00 timer..WARNING:.\n 0x000187bc 70617273 65506163 6b657400 436f756c parsePacket.Coul\n@@ -168,15 +168,15 @@\n 0x00018a0c 00000000 4c8a0100 086c0100 446c0100 ....L....l..Dl..\n 0x00018a1c cc680100 7c6a0100 f8610100 ac550100 .h..|j...a...U..\n 0x00018a2c 24550100 4e313063 616e6e65 6c6c6f6e $U..N10cannellon\n 0x00018a3c 69395544 50546872 65616445 00000000 i9UDPThreadE....\n 0x00018a4c c49e0200 308a0100 3c850100 2f686f6d ....0...<.../hom\n 0x00018a5c 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00018a6c 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x00018a7c 312f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 1/build/cannello\n+ 0x00018a7c 322f6275 696c642f 63616e6e 656c6c6f 2/build/cannello\n 0x00018a8c 6e692d32 30313630 3431342f 63616e74 ni-20160414/cant\n 0x00018a9c 68726561 642e6370 70007472 616e736d hread.cpp.transm\n 0x00018aac 69744275 66666572 00526563 65697665 itBuffer.Receive\n 0x00018abc 64206120 43414e20 46442066 6f722061 d a CAN FD for a\n 0x00018acc 20736f63 6b657420 74686174 206f6e6c socket that onl\n 0x00018adc 79207375 70706f72 74732028 43414e20 y supports (CAN \n 0x00018aec 322e3029 2e004341 4e207772 69746520 2.0)..CAN write \n@@ -200,15 +200,15 @@\n 0x00018c0c 8c9e0200 8c9e0200 00000000 508c0100 ............P...\n 0x00018c1c 606c0100 906c0100 28760100 bc7a0100 `l...l..(v...z..\n 0x00018c2c f06f0100 0c760100 4e313063 616e6e65 .o...v..N10canne\n 0x00018c3c 6c6c6f6e 69394341 4e546872 65616445 lloni9CANThreadE\n 0x00018c4c 00000000 c49e0200 348c0100 3c850100 ........4...<...\n 0x00018c5c 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x00018c6c 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x00018c7c 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 63616e6e put-1/build/cann\n+ 0x00018c7c 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 63616e6e put-2/build/cann\n 0x00018c8c 656c6c6f 6e692d32 30313630 3431342f elloni-20160414/\n 0x00018c9c 74696d65 722e6370 70005469 6d657200 timer.cpp.Timer.\n 0x00018cac 74696d65 7266645f 63726561 74652065 timerfd_create e\n 0x00018cbc 72726f72 00726561 64007469 6d657266 rror.read.timerf\n 0x00018ccc 64207265 61642065 72726f72 00000000 d read error....\n 0x00018cdc 8c9e0200 8c9e0200 ........\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/yanglint", "source2": "./usr/bin/yanglint", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -442,15 +442,15 @@\n 0x0001cadc 756c7420 6d6f6465 2025730a 00000000 ult mode %s.....\n 0x0001caec 74726565 00000000 74726565 2d726663 tree....tree-rfc\n 0x0001cafc 00000000 6a736f6e 73000000 79616e67 ....jsons...yang\n 0x0001cb0c 6c696e74 20657272 6f723a20 756e6b6e lint error: unkn\n 0x0001cb1c 6f776e20 6f757470 75742066 6f726d61 own output forma\n 0x0001cb2c 74202573 0a000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 t %s..../home/na\n 0x0001cb3c 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x0001cb4c 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x0001cb4c 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x0001cb5c 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e ild/libyang-1.0.\n 0x0001cb6c 3130392f 746f6f6c 732f6c69 6e742f6d 109/tools/lint/m\n 0x0001cb7c 61696e5f 6e692e63 00000000 79616e67 ain_ni.c....yang\n 0x0001cb8c 6c696e74 20657272 6f723a20 4d656d6f lint error: Memo\n 0x0001cb9c 72792061 6c6c6f63 6174696f 6e206661 ry allocation fa\n 0x0001cbac 696c6564 20282573 3a25642c 20257329 iled (%s:%d, %s)\n 0x0001cbbc 00000000 79616e67 6c696e74 20657272 ....yanglint err\n@@ -863,15 +863,15 @@\n 0x0001e52c 73636865 6d612d70 6174682d 6c656166 schema-path-leaf\n 0x0001e53c 2d6f722d 6c656166 6c697374 3e000000 -or-leaflist>...\n 0x0001e54c 09736368 656d612d 70617468 3a092820 .schema-path:.( \n 0x0001e55c 2f3c6d6f 64756c65 2d6e616d 653e3a3c /:<\n 0x0001e56c 6e6f6465 2d696465 6e746966 6965723e node-identifier>\n 0x0001e57c 20292b00 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 )+./home/naourr\n 0x0001e58c 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x0001e59c 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x0001e59c 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x0001e5ac 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x0001e5bc 746f6f6c 732f6c69 6e742f63 6f6d6d61 tools/lint/comma\n 0x0001e5cc 6e64732e 63000000 68663a67 6f3a6775 nds.c...hf:go:gu\n 0x0001e5dc 503a4c3a 00000000 696e666f 00000000 P:L:....info....\n 0x0001e5ec 556e6b6e 6f776e20 6f757470 75742066 Unknown output f\n 0x0001e5fc 6f726d61 74202225 73222e0a 00000000 ormat \"%s\"......\n 0x0001e60c 4f757470 75742073 70656369 66696564 Output specified\n@@ -1035,15 +1035,15 @@\n 0x0001efec 65786974 00000000 61646420 00000000 exit....add ....\n 0x0001effc 73656172 63687061 74682000 636f6e66 searchpath .conf\n 0x0001f00c 69672000 66696c74 65722000 78706174 ig .filter .xpat\n 0x0001f01c 68200000 636c6561 72200000 7072696e h ..clear ..prin\n 0x0001f02c 74200000 66656174 75726520 00000000 t ..feature ....\n 0x0001f03c 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x0001f04c 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x0001f05c 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x0001f05c 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x0001f06c 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 746f6f6c ang-1.0.109/tool\n 0x0001f07c 732f6c69 6e742f63 6f6d706c 6574696f s/lint/completio\n 0x0001f08c 6e2e6300 44657465 726d696e 696e6720 n.c.Determining \n 0x0001f09c 686f6d65 20646972 6563746f 72792066 home directory f\n 0x0001f0ac 61696c65 64202825 73292e0a 00000000 ailed (%s)......\n 0x0001f0bc 4d656d6f 72792061 6c6c6f63 6174696f Memory allocatio\n 0x0001f0cc 6e206661 696c6564 20282573 292e0a00 n failed (%s)...\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/znc", "source2": "./usr/bin/znc", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -2349,15 +2349,15 @@\n 0x000ee248 68205761 726e696e 67205468 72657368 h Warning Thresh\n 0x000ee258 6f6c6420 68617320 6265656e 20686974 old has been hit\n 0x000ee268 00496620 796f7520 646f6e27 74206361 .If you don't ca\n 0x000ee278 72652c20 7468656e 20736574 20536574 re, then set Set\n 0x000ee288 4d617842 75666665 72546872 6573686f MaxBufferThresho\n 0x000ee298 6c642074 6f203000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 ld to 0./home/na\n 0x000ee2a8 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x000ee2b8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x000ee2b8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x000ee2c8 696c642f 7a6e632d 312e372e 352f7372 ild/znc-1.7.5/sr\n 0x000ee2d8 632f4373 6f636b65 742e6370 70005468 c/Csocket.cpp.Th\n 0x000ee2e8 69732073 686f756c 64206265 206f7665 is should be ove\n 0x000ee2f8 72726964 64656e00 5741524e 494e473a rridden.WARNING:\n 0x000ee308 2053534c 20436c69 656e7420 4d657468 SSL Client Meth\n 0x000ee318 6f64206f 74686572 20746861 6e205353 od other than SS\n 0x000ee328 4c763233 20737065 63696669 65642c20 Lv23 specified, \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libnetconf2.so.1.1.3", "source2": "./usr/lib/libnetconf2.so.1.1.3", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.rodata':\n 0x00021e20 53657373 696f6e20 25753a20 696e7661 Session %u: inva\n 0x00021e30 6c696420 73657373 696f6e20 746f2070 lid session to p\n 0x00021e40 6f6c6c2e 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 oll...../home/na\n 0x00021e50 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00021e60 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00021e60 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x00021e70 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d ild/libnetconf2-\n 0x00021e80 312e312e 332f7372 632f696f 2e630000 1.1.3/src/io.c..\n 0x00021e90 25733a20 696e7465 726e616c 20657272 %s: internal err\n 0x00021ea0 6f722028 25733a25 64292e00 53657373 or (%s:%d)..Sess\n 0x00021eb0 696f6e20 25753a20 706f6c6c 20657272 ion %u: poll err\n 0x00021ec0 6f722028 2573292e 00000000 53657373 or (%s).....Sess\n 0x00021ed0 696f6e20 25753a20 636f6d6d 756e6963 ion %u: communic\n@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@\n 0x000228c0 6e635f72 6561645f 6d73675f 706f6c6c nc_read_msg_poll\n 0x000228d0 5f696f00 25733a20 25730a00 5b455252 _io.%s: %s..[ERR\n 0x000228e0 5d000000 5b57524e 5d000000 5b494e46 ]...[WRN]...[INF\n 0x000228f0 5d000000 5b444247 5d000000 25733a20 ]...[DBG]...%s: \n 0x00022900 696e7661 6c696420 61726775 6d656e74 invalid argument\n 0x00022910 20282573 292e0000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 (%s).../home/na\n 0x00022920 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00022930 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00022930 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x00022940 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d ild/libnetconf2-\n 0x00022950 312e312e 332f7372 632f6d65 73736167 1.1.3/src/messag\n 0x00022960 65735f63 6c69656e 742e6300 786d6c5f es_client.c.xml_\n 0x00022970 73747200 736f7572 63650000 46696c74 str.source..Filt\n 0x00022980 65722069 73206e65 69746865 7220616e er is neither an\n 0x00022990 20584d4c 20737562 74726565 206e6f72 XML subtree nor\n 0x000229a0 20616e20 58506174 68206578 70726573 an XPath expres\n@@ -236,15 +236,15 @@\n 0x00022cb0 61746500 6e635f72 70635f67 65747363 ate.nc_rpc_getsc\n 0x00022cc0 68656d61 00000000 6e635f72 70635f73 hema....nc_rpc_s\n 0x00022cd0 75627363 72696265 00000000 6e635f72 ubscribe....nc_r\n 0x00022ce0 70635f65 64697464 61746100 6e635f72 pc_editdata.nc_r\n 0x00022cf0 70635f67 65746461 74610000 2f686f6d pc_getdata../hom\n 0x00022d00 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00022d10 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x00022d20 312f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 1/build/libnetco\n+ 0x00022d20 322f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 2/build/libnetco\n 0x00022d30 6e66322d 312e312e 332f7372 632f6d65 nf2-1.1.3/src/me\n 0x00022d40 73736167 65735f73 65727665 722e6300 ssages_server.c.\n 0x00022d50 75726e3a 69657466 3a706172 616d733a urn:ietf:params:\n 0x00022d60 786d6c3a 6e733a79 616e673a 31000000 xml:ns:yang:1...\n 0x00022d70 65727200 6572726f 725f6170 705f7461 err.error_app_ta\n 0x00022d80 67000000 6572726f 725f7061 74680000 g...error_path..\n 0x00022d90 6572726f 725f6d65 73736167 65000000 error_message...\n@@ -368,15 +368,15 @@\n 0x000234f0 72725f61 64645f69 6e666f5f 6f746865 rr_add_info_othe\n 0x00023500 72000000 6e635f65 72725f6c 69627961 r...nc_err_libya\n 0x00023510 6e670000 6e635f73 65727665 725f6e6f ng..nc_server_no\n 0x00023520 7469665f 6e657700 6e635f73 65727665 tif_new.nc_serve\n 0x00023530 725f6e6f 7469665f 6765745f 74696d65 r_notif_get_time\n 0x00023540 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 ..../home/naourr\n 0x00023550 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x00023560 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x00023560 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x00023570 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d 312e312e libnetconf2-1.1.\n 0x00023580 332f7372 632f7365 7373696f 6e2e6300 3/src/session.c.\n 0x00023590 63617061 62696c69 74790000 556e6578 capability..Unex\n 0x000235a0 70656374 6564203c 25733e20 656c656d pected <%s> elem\n 0x000235b0 656e7420 696e2063 6c69656e 74277320 ent in client's \n 0x000235c0 3c68656c 6c6f3e2e 00000000 456d7074 .....Empt\n 0x000235d0 79206361 70616269 6c697479 20222573 y capability \"%s\n@@ -571,15 +571,15 @@\n 0x000241a0 74206166 74657220 25647320 28257329 t after %ds (%s)\n 0x000241b0 2e000000 67657473 6f636b6f 70742829 ....getsockopt()\n 0x000241c0 20666169 6c656420 28257329 2e000000 failed (%s)....\n 0x000241d0 67657473 6f636b6f 70742829 20657272 getsockopt() err\n 0x000241e0 6f722028 2573292e 00000000 2f686f6d or (%s)...../hom\n 0x000241f0 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00024200 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x00024210 312f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 1/build/libnetco\n+ 0x00024210 322f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 2/build/libnetco\n 0x00024220 6e66322d 312e312e 332f7372 632f7365 nf2-1.1.3/src/se\n 0x00024230 7373696f 6e5f636c 69656e74 2e630000 ssion_client.c..\n 0x00024240 53657373 696f6e20 25753a20 72656365 Session %u: rece\n 0x00024250 69766564 2061203c 6e6f7469 66696361 ived a but sessio\n 0x00024270 6e206973 206e6f74 20737562 73637269 n is not subscri\n 0x00024280 6265642e 00000000 6d657373 6167652d bed.....message-\n@@ -1027,15 +1027,15 @@\n 0x00025e20 68656d61 5f696e66 6f5f796c 00000000 hema_info_yl....\n 0x00025e30 6e635f63 6f6e6e65 63745f69 6e6f7574 nc_connect_inout\n 0x00025e40 00000000 6e635f63 6f6e6e65 63745f75 ....nc_connect_u\n 0x00025e50 6e697800 6e635f63 6c69656e 745f7365 nix.nc_client_se\n 0x00025e60 7373696f 6e5f7365 745f6e6f 745f7374 ssion_set_not_st\n 0x00025e70 72696374 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 rict..../home/na\n 0x00025e80 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00025e90 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00025e90 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x00025ea0 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d ild/libnetconf2-\n 0x00025eb0 312e312e 332f7372 632f7365 7373696f 1.1.3/src/sessio\n 0x00025ec0 6e5f7365 72766572 2e630000 53636865 n_server.c..Sche\n 0x00025ed0 6d612022 25732220 77617320 72657175 ma \"%s\" was requ\n 0x00025ee0 65737465 642e0000 54686520 72657175 ested...The requ\n 0x00025ef0 65737465 64207665 7273696f 6e206973 ested version is\n 0x00025f00 206e6f74 20737570 706f7274 65642e00 not supported..\n@@ -1304,15 +1304,15 @@\n 0x00026f70 6f746966 5f737461 74757300 6e635f73 otif_status.nc_s\n 0x00026f80 65737369 6f6e5f67 65745f6e 6f746966 ession_get_notif\n 0x00026f90 5f737461 74757300 6e635f73 65737369 _status.nc_sessi\n 0x00026fa0 6f6e5f69 735f6361 6c6c686f 6d650000 on_is_callhome..\n 0x00026fb0 64617465 74696d65 00000000 2f686f6d datetime..../hom\n 0x00026fc0 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00026fd0 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x00026fe0 312f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 1/build/libnetco\n+ 0x00026fe0 322f6275 696c642f 6c69626e 6574636f 2/build/libnetco\n 0x00026ff0 6e66322d 312e312e 332f7372 632f7469 nf2-1.1.3/src/ti\n 0x00027000 6d652e63 00000000 57726f6e 67206461 me.c....Wrong da\n 0x00027010 74652074 696d6520 666f726d 6174206e te time format n\n 0x00027020 6f742063 6f6d706c 69616e74 20746f20 ot compliant to \n 0x00027030 52464320 33333339 2e000000 57726f6e RFC 3339....Wron\n 0x00027040 67206461 74652074 696d6520 73686966 g date time shif\n 0x00027050 7420666f 726d6174 206e6f74 20636f6d t format not com\n@@ -1322,15 +1322,15 @@\n 0x00027090 642d2530 32645425 3032643a 25303264 d-%02dT%02d:%02d\n 0x000270a0 3a253032 64257300 6e635f64 61746574 :%02d%s.nc_datet\n 0x000270b0 696d6532 74696d65 00000000 6e635f74 ime2time....nc_t\n 0x000270c0 696d6532 64617465 74696d65 00000000 ime2datetime....\n 0x000270d0 63615f66 696c6520 616e6420 63615f64 ca_file and ca_d\n 0x000270e0 69720000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 ir../home/naourr\n 0x000270f0 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x00027100 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x00027100 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x00027110 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d 312e312e libnetconf2-1.1.\n 0x00027120 332f7372 632f7365 7373696f 6e5f636c 3/src/session_cl\n 0x00027130 69656e74 5f746c73 2e630000 63726c5f ient_tls.c..crl_\n 0x00027140 66696c65 20616e64 2063726c 5f646972 file and crl_dir\n 0x00027150 00000000 556e6162 6c652074 6f206372 ....Unable to cr\n 0x00027160 65617465 204f7065 6e53534c 20636f6e eate OpenSSL con\n 0x00027170 74657874 20282573 292e0000 4c6f6164 text (%s)...Load\n@@ -1398,15 +1398,15 @@\n 0x00027550 72757374 65645f63 615f7061 74687300 rusted_ca_paths.\n 0x00027560 5f6e635f 636c6965 6e745f74 6c735f67 _nc_client_tls_g\n 0x00027570 65745f63 726c5f70 61746873 00000000 et_crl_paths....\n 0x00027580 6e635f63 6f6e6e65 63745f74 6c730000 nc_connect_tls..\n 0x00027590 6e635f63 6f6e6e65 63745f6c 69627373 nc_connect_libss\n 0x000275a0 6c000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 l.../home/naourr\n 0x000275b0 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000275c0 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000275c0 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000275d0 6c69626e 6574636f 6e66322d 312e312e libnetconf2-1.1.\n 0x000275e0 332f7372 632f7365 7373696f 6e5f7365 3/src/session_se\n 0x000275f0 72766572 5f746c73 2e630000 2d2d2d2d rver_tls.c..----\n 0x00027600 2d424547 494e2043 45525449 46494341 -BEGIN CERTIFICA\n 0x00027610 54452d2d 2d2d2d0a 00000000 0a2d2d2d TE-----......---\n 0x00027620 2d2d454e 44204345 52544946 49434154 --END CERTIFICAT\n 0x00027630 452d2d2d 2d2d0000 43657274 69666963 E-----..Certific\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libyang.so.1.5.5", "source2": "./usr/lib/libyang.so.1.5.5", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@\n 0x000baf04 00000000 6f757470 75740000 65787465 ....output..exte\n 0x000baf14 6e73696f 6e20696e 7374616e 63650000 nsion instance..\n 0x000baf24 75736573 00000000 72706300 61637469 uses....rpc.acti\n 0x000baf34 6f6e0000 496e7465 726e616c 20657272 on..Internal err\n 0x000baf44 6f722028 25733a25 64292e00 2f686f6d or (%s:%d)../hom\n 0x000baf54 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000baf64 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000baf74 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000baf74 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000baf84 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 636f6d6d 1.0.109/src/comm\n 0x000baf94 6f6e2e63 00000000 496e7661 6c696420 on.c....Invalid \n 0x000bafa4 61726775 6d656e74 73202825 73282929 arguments (%s())\n 0x000bafb4 2e000000 200c0a0d 090b2800 4d6f6475 .... .....(.Modu\n 0x000bafc4 6c652070 72656669 78202225 2e2a7322 le prefix \"%.*s\"\n 0x000bafd4 20697320 756e6b6e 6f776e2e 00000000 is unknown.....\n 0x000bafe4 7472616e 73666f72 6d5f786d 6c326a73 transform_xml2js\n@@ -185,15 +185,15 @@\n 0x000bb8c4 00000000 7b617567 6d656e74 7d5b0000 ....{augment}[..\n 0x000bb8d4 3d220000 225d0000 3d270000 275d0000 =\"..\"]..='..']..\n 0x000bb8e4 5b2e3d22 00000000 5b2e3d27 00000000 [.=\"....[.='....\n 0x000bb8f4 7b67726f 7570696e 677d5b00 5d000000 {grouping}[.]...\n 0x000bb904 79616e67 2d646174 61000000 2f686f6d yang-data.../hom\n 0x000bb914 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000bb924 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000bb934 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000bb934 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000bb944 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 6c6f672e 1.0.109/src/log.\n 0x000bb954 63000000 23000000 4d697373 696e6720 c...#...Missing \n 0x000bb964 25732022 2573222e 00000000 496e7661 %s \"%s\".....Inva\n 0x000bb974 6c696420 25732e00 456e636f 756e7465 lid %s..Encounte\n 0x000bb984 72656420 696e7661 6c696420 63686172 red invalid char\n 0x000bb994 61637465 72207365 7175656e 63652022 acter sequence \"\n 0x000bb9a4 252e3130 73222e00 556e6578 70656374 %.10s\"..Unexpect\n@@ -463,25 +463,25 @@\n 0x000bca24 4a000000 4b000000 4c000000 4d000000 J...K...L...M...\n 0x000bca34 25303278 00000000 53747269 6e672022 %02x....String \"\n 0x000bca44 25732220 6e6f7420 66726565 64206672 %s\" not freed fr\n 0x000bca54 6f6d2074 68652064 69637469 6f6e6172 om the dictionar\n 0x000bca64 792c2072 6566636f 756e7420 25640000 y, refcount %d..\n 0x000bca74 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000bca84 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000bca94 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000bca94 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000bcaa4 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000bcab4 68617368 5f746162 6c652e63 00000000 hash_table.c....\n 0x000bcac4 6c796469 63745f76 616c5f65 71000000 lydict_val_eq...\n 0x000bcad4 6c796469 63745f63 6c65616e 00000000 lydict_clean....\n 0x000bcae4 6c796874 5f6e6577 00000000 6c796469 lyht_new....lydi\n 0x000bcaf4 63745f69 6e697400 64696374 5f696e73 ct_init.dict_ins\n 0x000bcb04 65727400 6c796874 5f726573 697a6500 ert.lyht_resize.\n 0x000bcb14 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000bcb24 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000bcb34 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000bcb34 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000bcb44 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000bcb54 7265736f 6c76652e 63000000 54686520 resolve.c...The \n 0x000bcb64 6c656166 72656620 25732069 7320636f leafref %s is co\n 0x000bcb74 6e666967 20627574 20726566 65727320 nfig but refers \n 0x000bcb84 746f2061 206e6f6e 2d636f6e 66696720 to a non-config \n 0x000bcb94 25732e00 54686572 65206973 206e6f20 %s..There is no \n 0x000bcba4 6c656166 72656620 22257322 20776974 leafref \"%s\" wit\n@@ -784,15 +784,15 @@\n 0x000bde34 7265736f 6c76655f 65787465 6e73696f resolve_extensio\n 0x000bde44 6e000000 7265736f 6c76655f 756e7265 n...resolve_unre\n 0x000bde54 735f7363 68656d61 5f697465 6d000000 s_schema_item...\n 0x000bde64 756e7265 735f7363 68656d61 5f647570 unres_schema_dup\n 0x000bde74 00000000 756e7265 735f6461 74615f61 ....unres_data_a\n 0x000bde84 64640000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 dd../home/naourr\n 0x000bde94 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000bdea4 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000bdea4 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000bdeb4 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x000bdec4 7372632f 76616c69 64617469 6f6e2e63 src/validation.c\n 0x000bded4 00000000 42697400 456e756d 00000000 ....Bit.Enum....\n 0x000bdee4 4964656e 74697479 00000000 496e7661 Identity....Inva\n 0x000bdef4 6c696420 706f7369 74696f6e 206f6620 lid position of \n 0x000bdf04 74686520 6b657920 656c656d 656e742e the key element.\n 0x000bdf14 00000000 25732022 25732220 69732064 ....%s \"%s\" is d\n@@ -879,15 +879,15 @@\n 0x000be424 756c6520 22257322 2e000000 546f2061 ule \"%s\"....To a\n 0x000be434 766f6964 20667572 74686572 20697373 void further iss\n 0x000be444 7565732c 20616464 696e6720 7375626d ues, adding subm\n 0x000be454 6f64756c 65202225 73222069 6e746f20 odule \"%s\" into \n 0x000be464 74686520 6d61696e 206d6f64 756c6520 the main module \n 0x000be474 22257322 2e000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 \"%s\"..../home/na\n 0x000be484 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x000be494 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x000be494 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x000be4a4 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e ild/libyang-1.0.\n 0x000be4b4 3130392f 7372632f 70617273 65722e63 109/src/parser.c\n 0x000be4c4 00000000 56616c75 65202225 73222069 ....Value \"%s\" i\n 0x000be4d4 7320746f 6f206c6f 6e672e00 256c6c64 s too long..%lld\n 0x000be4e4 20000000 25302a6c 6c642000 302e3000 ...%0*lld .0.0.\n 0x000be4f4 256c6c64 00000000 256c6c75 00000000 %lld....%llu....\n 0x000be504 25733a20 496e7661 6c696420 6f707469 %s: Invalid opti\n@@ -1303,15 +1303,15 @@\n 0x000bfea4 656d656e 74206973 20666f72 62696464 ement is forbidd\n 0x000bfeb4 656e206f 6e206c65 61662077 69746820 en on leaf with \n 0x000bfec4 74686520 22646566 61756c74 22207374 the \"default\" st\n 0x000bfed4 6174656d 656e742e 00000000 756e6971 atement.....uniq\n 0x000bfee4 75657300 74797065 64656673 00000000 ues.typedefs....\n 0x000bfef4 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000bff04 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000bff14 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000bff14 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000bff24 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000bff34 70617273 65725f79 696e2e63 00000000 parser_yin.c....\n 0x000bff44 72656669 6e657300 6175676d 656e7473 refines.augments\n 0x000bff54 00000000 496e7661 6c696420 72656669 ....Invalid refi\n 0x000bff64 6e652074 61726765 74206e6f 64657479 ne target nodety\n 0x000bff74 70652066 6f722074 68652073 75627374 pe for the subst\n 0x000bff84 6174656d 656e7473 2e000000 54686520 atements....The \n@@ -1474,15 +1474,15 @@\n 0x000c0954 75726e3a 69657466 3a706172 616d733a urn:ietf:params:\n 0x000c0964 786d6c3a 6e733a6e 6574636f 6e663a62 xml:ns:netconf:b\n 0x000c0974 6173653a 312e3000 656c656d 656e7427 ase:1.0.element'\n 0x000c0984 73000000 6e6f6465 20776974 68207465 s...node with te\n 0x000c0994 78742064 61746120 22257322 00000000 xt data \"%s\"....\n 0x000c09a4 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000c09b4 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000c09c4 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000c09c4 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000c09d4 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000c09e4 70617273 65725f78 6d6c2e63 00000000 parser_xml.c....\n 0x000c09f4 496e7661 6c696420 706f7369 74696f6e Invalid position\n 0x000c0a04 206f6620 74686520 6b657920 22257322 of the key \"%s\"\n 0x000c0a14 20696e20 61206c69 73742022 2573222e in a list \"%s\".\n 0x000c0a24 00000000 66696c74 65720000 6e6f7469 ....filter..noti\n 0x000c0a34 66696361 74696f6e 73000000 556e6b6e fications...Unkn\n@@ -1558,15 +1558,15 @@\n 0x000c0e94 69737369 6e672071 756f7461 74696f6e issing quotation\n 0x000c0ea4 206d6172 6b20666f 72206120 73747269 mark for a stri\n 0x000c0eb4 6e672064 61746129 20000000 4a534f4e ng data) ...JSON\n 0x000c0ec4 20646174 6120286d 69737369 6e672065 data (missing e\n 0x000c0ed4 6e642d61 72726179 29000000 2f686f6d nd-array).../hom\n 0x000c0ee4 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000c0ef4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000c0f04 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000c0f04 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000c0f14 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 70617273 1.0.109/src/pars\n 0x000c0f24 65725f6a 736f6e2e 63000000 4a534f4e er_json.c...JSON\n 0x000c0f34 20646174 61202865 78706563 74656420 data (expected \n 0x000c0f44 62656769 6e2d6172 72617929 00000000 begin-array)....\n 0x000c0f54 496e7661 6c696420 63686172 61637465 Invalid characte\n 0x000c0f64 7220696e 204a534f 4e204e75 6d626572 r in JSON Number\n 0x000c0f74 2076616c 75652028 27256327 292e0000 value ('%c')...\n@@ -1616,15 +1616,15 @@\n 0x000c1234 5f746578 74000000 6a736f6e 5f706172 _text...json_par\n 0x000c1244 73655f64 61746100 6c796a73 6f6e5f63 se_data.lyjson_c\n 0x000c1254 6f6e7665 72745f65 6e756d62 65720000 onvert_enumber..\n 0x000c1264 6a736f6e 5f676574 5f76616c 75650000 json_get_value..\n 0x000c1274 6c79645f 70617273 655f6a73 6f6e0000 lyd_parse_json..\n 0x000c1284 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000c1294 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000c12a4 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000c12a4 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000c12b4 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000c12c4 70617273 65725f6c 79622e63 00000000 parser_lyb.c....\n 0x000c12d4 496e7661 6c696420 66697273 74206d61 Invalid first ma\n 0x000c12e4 67696320 6e756d62 65722062 79746520 gic number byte \n 0x000c12f4 22307825 30327822 2e000000 496e7661 \"0x%02x\"....Inva\n 0x000c1304 6c696420 7365636f 6e64206d 61676963 lid second magic\n 0x000c1314 206e756d 62657220 62797465 20223078 number byte \"0x\n@@ -1668,15 +1668,15 @@\n 0x000c1574 655f6461 74615f6d 6f64656c 73000000 e_data_models...\n 0x000c1584 6c79645f 6c79625f 64617461 5f6c656e lyd_lyb_data_len\n 0x000c1594 67746800 52656163 68656420 6c696d69 gth.Reached limi\n 0x000c15a4 74202825 6c6c7529 20666f72 2073746f t (%llu) for sto\n 0x000c15b4 72696e67 2025732e 00000000 2f686f6d ring %s...../hom\n 0x000c15c4 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000c15d4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000c15e4 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000c15e4 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000c15f4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 70617273 1.0.109/src/pars\n 0x000c1604 65725f79 616e675f 6269732e 63000000 er_yang_bis.c...\n 0x000c1614 6964656e 74697479 20726566 73000000 identity refs...\n 0x000c1624 556e6578 70656374 65642074 79706520 Unexpected type \n 0x000c1634 73746174 656d656e 742e0000 756e696f statement...unio\n 0x000c1644 6e207479 70657300 556e6578 70656374 n types.Unexpect\n 0x000c1654 65642070 61747465 726e2073 74617465 ed pattern state\n@@ -4836,15 +4836,15 @@\n 0x000cdb74 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 ................\n 0x000cdb84 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 ................\n 0x000cdb94 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 ................\n 0x000cdba4 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 ................\n 0x000cdbb4 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 9f029f02 ................\n 0x000cdbc4 9f029f02 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 ..../home/naourr\n 0x000cdbd4 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000cdbe4 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000cdbe4 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000cdbf4 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x000cdc04 7372632f 70617273 65725f79 616e672e src/parser_yang.\n 0x000cdc14 63000000 79616e67 20766572 73696f6e c...yang version\n 0x000cdc24 00000000 6572726f 725f6170 705f7461 ....error_app_ta\n 0x000cdc34 67000000 6572726f 725f6d65 73736167 g...error_messag\n 0x000cdc44 65000000 6c656166 6c697374 00000000 e...leaflist....\n 0x000cdc54 42696e61 72792074 79706520 636f756c Binary type coul\n@@ -4931,15 +4931,15 @@\n 0x000ce164 6f757420 22257322 2066696c 6520696e out \"%s\" file in\n 0x000ce174 20222573 22207768 656e2073 65617263 \"%s\" when searc\n 0x000ce184 68696e67 20666f72 20287375 62296d6f hing for (sub)mo\n 0x000ce194 64756c65 73202825 73290000 2e79696e dules (%s)...yin\n 0x000ce1a4 00000000 2e79616e 67000000 2f686f6d .....yang.../hom\n 0x000ce1b4 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000ce1c4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000ce1d4 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000ce1d4 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000ce1e4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 74726565 1.0.109/src/tree\n 0x000ce1f4 5f736368 656d612e 63000000 456d7074 _schema.c...Empt\n 0x000ce204 79207375 626d6f64 756c6520 73636865 y submodule sche\n 0x000ce214 6d612066 696c652e 00000000 5265736f ma file.....Reso\n 0x000ce224 6c76696e 67205850 61746820 65787072 lving XPath expr\n 0x000ce234 65737369 6f6e2022 25732220 6661696c ession \"%s\" fail\n 0x000ce244 65642e00 4d6f6475 6c652022 25732220 ed..Module \"%s\" \n@@ -4993,15 +4993,15 @@\n 0x000ce544 5f646576 735f6175 67730000 6c79735f _devs_augs..lys_\n 0x000ce554 6e6f6465 5f647570 5f726563 75727369 node_dup_recursi\n 0x000ce564 6f6e0000 6c79735f 70617273 655f6d65 on..lys_parse_me\n 0x000ce574 6d5f0000 6c79735f 70617273 655f6664 m_..lys_parse_fd\n 0x000ce584 5f000000 6c79735f 70617273 655f7061 _...lys_parse_pa\n 0x000ce594 74680000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 th../home/naourr\n 0x000ce5a4 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000ce5b4 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000ce5b4 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000ce5c4 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x000ce5d4 7372632f 74726565 5f646174 612e6300 src/tree_data.c.\n 0x000ce5e4 54617267 65742063 6f6e7465 78742064 Target context d\n 0x000ce5f4 6f657320 6e6f7420 636f6e74 61696e20 oes not contain \n 0x000ce604 61207265 71756972 65642073 6368656d a required schem\n 0x000ce614 61206e6f 64652028 25733a25 73292e00 a node (%s:%s)..\n 0x000ce624 25733a20 22666972 73742220 70617261 %s: \"first\" para\n@@ -5252,15 +5252,15 @@\n 0x000cf574 6f727920 22257322 20282573 292e0000 ory \"%s\" (%s)...\n 0x000cf584 4661696c 65642074 6f207374 6f726520 Failed to store \n 0x000cf594 76616c75 65202225 7322206f 66207573 value \"%s\" of us\n 0x000cf5a4 65722074 79706520 22257322 2e000000 er type \"%s\"....\n 0x000cf5b4 66616b65 2d6c6561 66000000 2f686f6d fake-leaf.../hom\n 0x000cf5c4 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000cf5d4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000cf5e4 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000cf5e4 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000cf5f4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 706c7567 1.0.109/src/plug\n 0x000cf604 696e732e 63000000 6c795f72 65676973 ins.c...ly_regis\n 0x000cf614 7465725f 74797065 73000000 6c795f72 ter_types...ly_r\n 0x000cf624 65676973 7465725f 65787473 00000000 egister_exts....\n 0x000cf634 6c795f6c 6f61645f 706c7567 696e735f ly_load_plugins_\n 0x000cf644 64697200 6c795f61 64645f6c 6f616465 dir.ly_add_loade\n 0x000cf654 645f706c 7567696e 00000000 6c79735f d_plugin....lys_\n@@ -5270,15 +5270,15 @@\n 0x000cf694 746d7400 6c797479 70655f73 746f7265 tmt.lytype_store\n 0x000cf6a4 00000000 556e6b6e 6f776e20 6f757470 ....Unknown outp\n 0x000cf6b4 75742066 6f726d61 742e0000 25732573 ut format...%s%s\n 0x000cf6c4 25733a00 6e6f7420 00000000 616e6400 %s:.not ....and.\n 0x000cf6d4 20257320 00000000 28000000 6f720000 %s ....(...or..\n 0x000cf6e4 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000cf6f4 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x000cf704 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-1/build/liby\n+ 0x000cf704 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 put-2/build/liby\n 0x000cf714 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f ang-1.0.109/src/\n 0x000cf724 7072696e 7465722e 63000000 77000000 printer.c...w...\n 0x000cf734 4661696c 65642074 6f206f70 656e2066 Failed to open f\n 0x000cf744 696c6520 22257322 20282573 292e0000 ile \"%s\" (%s)...\n 0x000cf754 74797065 2f000000 54617267 65742025 type/...Target %\n 0x000cf764 7320636f 756c6420 6e6f7420 62652072 s could not be r\n 0x000cf774 65736f6c 7665642e 00000000 67726f75 esolved.....grou\n@@ -5321,15 +5321,15 @@\n 0x000cf9c4 61746f72 28436f6d 70617269 736f6e29 ator(Comparison)\n 0x000cf9d4 00000000 4f706572 61746f72 284d6174 ....Operator(Mat\n 0x000cf9e4 68290000 4f706572 61746f72 28556e69 h)..Operator(Uni\n 0x000cf9f4 6f6e2900 4f706572 61746f72 28506174 on).Operator(Pat\n 0x000cfa04 68290000 4c697465 72616c00 4e756d62 h)..Literal.Numb\n 0x000cfa14 65720000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 er../home/naourr\n 0x000cfa24 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000cfa34 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000cfa34 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000cfa44 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x000cfa54 7372632f 78706174 682e6300 4964656e src/xpath.c.Iden\n 0x000cfa64 74697479 72656620 22257322 20636f6d tityref \"%s\" com\n 0x000cfa74 70617269 736f6e20 77697468 20696465 parison with ide\n 0x000cfa84 6e746974 79202225 73222077 6974686f ntity \"%s\" witho\n 0x000cfa94 75742070 72656669 782c2063 6f6e7369 ut prefix, consi\n 0x000cfaa4 64657220 61646469 6e672061 20707265 der adding a pre\n@@ -5585,15 +5585,15 @@\n 0x000d0a44 73757070 6f727465 64207b0a 00000000 supported {.....\n 0x000d0a54 6e6f742d 73757070 6f727465 643b0a00 not-supported;..\n 0x000d0a64 61646420 7b0a0000 7265706c 61636520 add {...replace \n 0x000d0a74 7b0a0000 64656c65 7465207b 0a000000 {...delete {....\n 0x000d0a84 252a7325 733a2573 00000000 252a7325 %*s%s:%s....%*s%\n 0x000d0a94 73202573 25730000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 s %s%s../home/na\n 0x000d0aa4 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x000d0ab4 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x000d0ab4 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x000d0ac4 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e ild/libyang-1.0.\n 0x000d0ad4 3130392f 7372632f 7072696e 7465725f 109/src/printer_\n 0x000d0ae4 79616e67 2e630000 252a7372 65766973 yang.c..%*srevis\n 0x000d0af4 696f6e20 2573207b 0a000000 252a7372 ion %s {....%*sr\n 0x000d0b04 65766973 696f6e20 25733b0a 00000000 evision %s;.....\n 0x000d0b14 252a7369 662d6665 61747572 65202200 %*sif-feature \".\n 0x000d0b24 28216572 726f7221 29000000 252a7374 (!error!)...%*st\n@@ -5615,15 +5615,15 @@\n 0x000d0c24 252a733c 756e6971 75652074 61673d22 %*s..\n 0x000d0c44 3c2f2573 3a25733e 0a000000 252a733c ....%*s<\n 0x000d0c54 2f25733a 25733e0a 00000000 252a733c /%s:%s>.....%*s<\n 0x000d0c64 25733e00 3c2f2573 3e0a0000 2f686f6d %s>..../hom\n 0x000d0c74 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000d0c84 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000d0c94 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000d0c94 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000d0ca4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 7072696e 1.0.109/src/prin\n 0x000d0cb4 7465725f 79696e2e 63000000 252a733c ter_yin.c...%*s<\n 0x000d0cc4 69662d66 65617475 7265206e 616d653d if-feature name=\n 0x000d0cd4 22000000 252a733c 2f69662d 66656174 \"...%*s....\"/>.....\n 0x000d0cf4 252a733c 6d757374 20636f6e 64697469 %*s...%*s<%s xmlns\n 0x000d14e4 3d222573 22000000 556e6162 6c652074 =\"%s\"...Unable t\n 0x000d14f4 6f207072 696e7420 616e7964 61746120 o print anydata \n@@ -5762,15 +5762,15 @@\n 0x000d1554 61646400 7c202000 20202000 7d3f0000 add.| . .}?..\n 0x000d1564 2b000000 72770000 726f0000 2d2d0000 +...rw..ro..--..\n 0x000d1574 25732d2d 00000000 2d782000 2d6e2000 %s--....-x .-n .\n 0x000d1584 2d752000 3a280000 2d772000 726f2000 -u .:(..-w .ro .\n 0x000d1594 25732000 3f000000 21000000 2f686f6d %s .?...!.../hom\n 0x000d15a4 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000d15b4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000d15c4 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000d15c4 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000d15d4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 7072696e 1.0.109/src/prin\n 0x000d15e4 7465725f 74726565 2e630000 2d3e2025 ter_tree.c..-> %\n 0x000d15f4 73000000 3c25733e 00000000 252e2a73 s...<%s>....%.*s\n 0x000d1604 25730000 0a252a73 00000000 53636865 %s...%*s....Sche\n 0x000d1614 6d612070 61746820 22257322 20646964 ma path \"%s\" did\n 0x000d1624 206e6f74 206d6174 63682061 6e79206e not match any n\n 0x000d1634 6f646573 2e000000 53636865 6d612070 odes....Schema p\n@@ -5835,15 +5835,15 @@\n 0x000d19e4 252d2a73 25732028 2564290a 00000000 %-*s%s (%d).....\n 0x000d19f4 252a7325 73202825 64290a00 4964656e %*s%s (%d)..Iden\n 0x000d1a04 74733a20 20200000 52657175 69726564 ts: ..Required\n 0x000d1a14 3a200000 50617468 3a200000 50617474 : ..Path: ..Patt\n 0x000d1a24 65726e3a 20000000 252a7325 7325730a ern: ...%*s%s%s.\n 0x000d1a34 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 ..../home/naourr\n 0x000d1a44 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 /work/instance-1\n- 0x000d1a54 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x000d1a54 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x000d1a64 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e 3130392f libyang-1.0.109/\n 0x000d1a74 7372632f 7072696e 7465725f 696e666f src/printer_info\n 0x000d1a84 2e630000 554e4b4e 4f574e00 53757065 .c..UNKNOWN.Supe\n 0x000d1a94 72696f72 3a200000 54797065 6465663a rior: ..Typedef:\n 0x000d1aa4 20000000 556e6974 733a2000 44656661 ...Units: .Defa\n 0x000d1ab4 756c743a 20000000 49662d66 65617473 ult: ...If-feats\n 0x000d1ac4 3a200000 41637469 6f6e3a20 00000000 : ..Action: ....\n@@ -5867,15 +5867,15 @@\n 0x000d1be4 5375626d 6f64756c 653a2000 50617265 Submodule: .Pare\n 0x000d1bf4 6e743a20 00000000 5c75252e 34580000 nt: ....\\u%.4X..\n 0x000d1c04 252a7322 25733a64 65666175 6c74223a %*s\"%s:default\":\n 0x000d1c14 22747275 65220000 252a7322 25733a25 \"true\"..%*s\"%s:%\n 0x000d1c24 73223a00 252a7322 2573223a 00000000 s\":.%*s\"%s\":....\n 0x000d1c34 5b6e756c 6c5d0000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 [null]../home/na\n 0x000d1c44 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x000d1c54 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x000d1c54 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x000d1c64 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 312e302e ild/libyang-1.0.\n 0x000d1c74 3130392f 7372632f 7072696e 7465725f 109/src/printer_\n 0x000d1c84 6a736f6e 2e630000 252a7322 25733a25 json.c..%*s\"%s:%\n 0x000d1c94 73223a25 73000000 252a7322 2573223a s\":%s...%*s\"%s\":\n 0x000d1ca4 25730000 2c257325 2a732240 25733a25 %s..,%s%*s\"@%s:%\n 0x000d1cb4 73223a25 737b2573 00000000 2c257325 s\":%s{%s....,%s%\n 0x000d1cc4 2a732240 2573223a 25737b25 73000000 *s\"@%s\":%s{%s...\n@@ -5889,15 +5889,15 @@\n 0x000d1d44 00000000 2c257325 2a732240 2573223a ....,%s%*s\"@%s\":\n 0x000d1d54 25735b25 73000000 252a736e 756c6c00 %s[%s...%*snull.\n 0x000d1d64 22220000 7b257300 252a737d 25730000 \"\"..{%s.%*s}%s..\n 0x000d1d74 7d257300 252a7322 79616e67 3a616374 }%s.%*s\"yang:act\n 0x000d1d84 696f6e22 3a25737b 25730000 2f686f6d ion\":%s{%s../hom\n 0x000d1d94 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x000d1da4 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-1/output-\n- 0x000d1db4 312f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 1/build/libyang-\n+ 0x000d1db4 322f6275 696c642f 6c696279 616e672d 2/build/libyang-\n 0x000d1dc4 312e302e 3130392f 7372632f 7072696e 1.0.109/src/prin\n 0x000d1dd4 7465725f 6c79622e 63000000 4d617869 ter_lyb.c...Maxi\n 0x000d1de4 6d756d20 73757070 6f727465 64206e75 mum supported nu\n 0x000d1df4 6d626572 206f6620 64617461 206e6f64 mber of data nod\n 0x000d1e04 65206174 74726962 75746573 20697320 e attributes is \n 0x000d1e14 25752e00 556e7375 70706f72 74656420 %u..Unsupported \n 0x000d1e24 616e7964 61746120 76616c75 65207479 anydata value ty\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "source2": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n #\n # Configuration file for using the XML library in GNOME applications\n #\n XML2_LIBDIR=\"-L/usr/lib\"\n-XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n+XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n XML2_INCLUDEDIR=\"-I/usr/include/libxml2\"\n MODULE_VERSION=\"xml2-2.9.10\"\n \n" } ] }