{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./usr/bin/aircrack-ng", "source2": "./usr/bin/aircrack-ng", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1670,19 +1670,19 @@\n 0x000293e8 35313200 2d783836 2d617678 32000000 512.-x86-avx2...\n 0x000293f8 2d783836 2d617678 00000000 2d783836 -x86-avx....-x86\n 0x00029408 2d737365 32000000 2d61726d 2d6e656f -sse2...-arm-neo\n 0x00029418 6e000000 2d707063 2d706f77 65723800 n...-ppc-power8.\n 0x00029428 2d707063 2d616c74 69766563 00000000 -ppc-altivec....\n 0x00029438 2f686f6d 652f7065 6b6f2f61 75746f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0x00029448 75696c64 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f uild/instance-0/\n- 0x00029458 6f757470 75742d31 2f627569 6c642f61 output-1/build/a\n+ 0x00029458 6f757470 75742d32 2f627569 6c642f61 output-2/build/a\n 0x00029468 69726372 61636b2d 6e672d31 2e360000 ircrack-ng-1.6..\n 0x00029478 25732573 00000000 2f686f6d 652f7065 %s%s..../home/pe\n 0x00029488 6b6f2f61 75746f62 75696c64 2f696e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n- 0x00029498 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-0/output-1\n+ 0x00029498 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0x000294a8 2f627569 6c642f61 69726372 61636b2d /build/aircrack-\n 0x000294b8 6e672d31 2e362f00 2e6c6962 732f0000 ng-1.6/..libs/..\n 0x000294c8 2f757372 2f6c6962 00000000 25732f25 /usr/lib....%s/%\n 0x000294d8 73257325 73000000 6c696200 2e736f00 s%s%s...lib..so.\n 0x000294e8 7838362d 61767835 31320000 7838362d x86-avx512..x86-\n 0x000294f8 61767832 00000000 7838362d 61767800 avx2....x86-avx.\n 0x00029508 7838362d 73736532 00000000 61726d2d x86-sse2....arm-\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/dtach", "source2": "./usr/bin/dtach", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@\n 0x0000b16c 2e0a2020 2d7a0909 44697361 626c6520 .. -z..Disable \n 0x0000b17c 70726f63 65737369 6e67206f 66207468 processing of th\n 0x0000b18c 65207375 7370656e 64206b65 792e0a0a e suspend key...\n 0x0000b19c 5265706f 72742061 6e792062 75677320 Report any bugs \n 0x0000b1ac 746f203c 63726967 6c657240 75736572 to ......0.9.Dec \n- 0x0000b1dc 20362032 30323000 32313a33 323a3230 6 2020.21:32:20\n+ 0x0000b1dc 20362032 30323000 32323a30 363a3232 6 2020.22:06:22\n 0x0000b1ec 00000000 2d2d6865 6c700000 2d2d7665 ....--help..--ve\n 0x0000b1fc 7273696f 6e000000 64746163 68202d20 rsion...dtach - \n 0x0000b20c 76657273 696f6e20 25732c20 636f6d70 version %s, comp\n 0x0000b21c 696c6564 206f6e20 25732061 74202573 iled on %s at %s\n 0x0000b22c 2e0a0000 25733a20 496e7661 6c696420 ....%s: Invalid \n 0x0000b23c 6d6f6465 20272d25 63270a00 54727920 mode '-%c'..Try \n 0x0000b24c 27257320 2d2d6865 6c702720 666f7220 '%s --help' for \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/fetchmailconf", "source2": "./usr/bin/fetchmailconf", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@\n #! /bin/sh\n-exec /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.py \"$@\"\n+exec /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.py \"$@\"\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libsvn_subr-1.so.0.0.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/libsvn_subr-1.so.0.0.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-readelf --wide --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -4603,15 +4603,15 @@\n 0x0006de98 27257327 25733a20 666f756e 64202564 '%s'%s: found %d\n 0x0006dea8 2e25642e 25642573 2c206578 70656374 .%d.%d%s, expect\n 0x0006deb8 65642025 642e2564 2e256425 73000000 ed %d.%d.%d%s...\n 0x0006dec8 20286578 70656374 696e6720 65717561 (expecting equa\n 0x0006ded8 6c697479 29000000 20286578 70656374 lity)... (expect\n 0x0006dee8 696e6720 636f6d70 61746962 696c6974 ing compatibilit\n 0x0006def8 79290000 44656320 20362032 30323000 y)..Dec 6 2020.\n- 0x0006df08 32313a34 303a3438 00000000 61726d2d 21:40:48....arm-\n+ 0x0006df08 32323a31 343a3430 00000000 61726d2d 22:14:40....arm-\n 0x0006df18 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d buildroot-linux-\n 0x0006df28 676e7565 61626900 436f7079 72696768 gnueabi.Copyrigh\n 0x0006df38 74202843 29203230 31392054 68652041 t (C) 2019 The A\n 0x0006df48 70616368 6520536f 66747761 72652046 pache Software F\n 0x0006df58 6f756e64 6174696f 6e2e0a54 68697320 oundation..This \n 0x0006df68 736f6674 77617265 20636f6e 73697374 software consist\n 0x0006df78 73206f66 20636f6e 74726962 7574696f s of contributio\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.pyc", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 134e cd5f 6300 0000 0000 0000 .....N._c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 1156 cd5f 6300 0000 0000 0000 .....V._c.......\n 00000010: 0008 0000 0040 2001 0073 2408 0000 6400 .....@ ..s$...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 006d 0100 5a01 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000030: 0064 0200 6c00 006d 0200 5a02 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000040: 0064 0300 6c03 006d 0400 5a04 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000050: 0064 0400 6c05 006d 0600 5a06 0001 6506 .d..l..m..Z...e.\n 00000060: 006a 0700 8300 0001 6400 0064 0500 6c08 .j......d..d..l.\n 00000070: 006d 0900 5a09 0001 6400 0064 0600 6c08 .m..Z...d..d..l.\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.pyo", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 134e cd5f 6300 0000 0000 0000 .....N._c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 1156 cd5f 6300 0000 0000 0000 .....V._c.......\n 00000010: 0008 0000 0040 2001 0073 2408 0000 6400 .....@ ..s$...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 006d 0100 5a01 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000030: 0064 0200 6c00 006d 0200 5a02 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000040: 0064 0300 6c03 006d 0400 5a04 0001 6400 .d..l..m..Z...d.\n 00000050: 0064 0400 6c05 006d 0600 5a06 0001 6506 .d..l..m..Z...e.\n 00000060: 006a 0700 8300 0001 6400 0064 0500 6c08 .j......d..d..l.\n 00000070: 006d 0900 5a09 0001 6400 0064 0600 6c08 .m..Z...d..d..l.\n" } ] }