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7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-0/output-\n- 0x000e8c18 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f77 61662063 1/host/bin/waf c\n+ 0x000e8c18 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f77 61662063 2/host/bin/waf c\n 0x000e8c28 6f6e6669 67757265 202d2d70 72656669 onfigure --prefi\n 0x000e8c38 783d2f75 7372202d 2d6c6962 6469723d x=/usr --libdir=\n 0x000e8c48 2f757372 2f6c6962 202d2d70 72656669 /usr/lib --prefi\n 0x000e8c58 783d2f75 7372202d 2d646973 61626c65 x=/usr --disable\n 0x000e8c68 2d616e64 726f6964 202d2d64 69736162 -android --disab\n 0x000e8c78 6c652d63 61636120 2d2d6469 7361626c le-caca --disabl\n 0x000e8c88 652d636f 636f6120 2d2d6469 7361626c e-cocoa --disabl\n@@ -11026,15 +11026,15 @@\n 0x000ebde8 20776869 63682063 6f6e7461 696e2074 which contain t\n 0x000ebdf8 68652067 6976656e 20737472 696e6720 he given string \n 0x000ebe08 696e2074 68656972 206e616d 650a0a00 in their name...\n 0x000ebe18 25732025 730a2062 75696c74 206f6e20 %s %s. built on \n 0x000ebe28 25730a00 436f6e66 69677572 6174696f %s..Configuratio\n 0x000ebe38 6e3a202f 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f n: /home/naourr/\n 0x000ebe48 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f work/instance-0/\n- 0x000ebe58 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x000ebe58 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x000ebe68 6e2f7761 6620636f 6e666967 75726520 n/waf configure \n 0x000ebe78 2d2d7072 65666978 3d2f7573 72202d2d --prefix=/usr --\n 0x000ebe88 6c696264 69723d2f 7573722f 6c696220 libdir=/usr/lib \n 0x000ebe98 2d2d7072 65666978 3d2f7573 72202d2d --prefix=/usr --\n 0x000ebea8 64697361 626c652d 616e6472 6f696420 disable-android \n 0x000ebeb8 2d2d6469 7361626c 652d6361 6361202d --disable-caca -\n 0x000ebec8 2d646973 61626c65 2d636f63 6f61202d -disable-cocoa -\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libavcodec.so.58.54.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libavcodec.so.58.54.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress 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2d63726f 73732d63 --enable-cross-c\n 0x000016d8 6f6d7069 6c65202d 2d63726f 73732d70 ompile --cross-p\n 0x000016e8 72656669 783d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 refix=/home/naou\n 0x000016f8 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x00001708 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x00001708 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x00001718 2f62696e 2f61726d 2d6c696e 75782d20 /bin/arm-linux- \n 0x00001728 2d2d7379 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f --sysroot=/home/\n 0x00001738 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 naourr/work/inst\n- 0x00001748 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-0/output-1/\n+ 0x00001748 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0x00001758 686f7374 2f61726d 2d627569 6c64726f host/arm-buildro\n 0x00001768 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d75636c 69626367 ot-linux-uclibcg\n 0x00001778 6e756561 62692f73 7973726f 6f74202d nueabi/sysroot -\n 0x00001788 2d686f73 742d6363 3d2f7573 722f6269 -host-cc=/usr/bi\n 0x00001798 6e2f6763 63202d2d 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ance-0/output-2/\n 0x001fa310 686f7374 2f62696e 2f61726d 2d6c696e host/bin/arm-lin\n 0x001fa320 75782d20 2d2d7379 73726f6f 743d2f68 ux- --sysroot=/h\n 0x001fa330 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x001fa340 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x001fa350 742d312f 686f7374 2f61726d 2d627569 t-1/host/arm-bui\n+ 0x001fa350 742d322f 686f7374 2f61726d 2d627569 t-2/host/arm-bui\n 0x001fa360 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d75636c ldroot-linux-ucl\n 0x001fa370 69626367 6e756561 62692f73 7973726f ibcgnueabi/sysro\n 0x001fa380 6f74202d 2d686f73 742d6363 3d2f7573 ot --host-cc=/us\n 0x001fa390 722f6269 6e2f6763 63202d2d 61726368 r/bin/gcc --arch\n 0x001fa3a0 3d61726d 202d2d74 61726765 742d6f73 =arm --target-os\n 0x001fa3b0 3d6c696e 7578202d 2d646973 61626c65 =linux --disable\n 0x001fa3c0 2d737472 69707069 6e67202d 2d706b67 -stripping --pkg\n 0x001fa3d0 2d636f6e 6669673d 2f686f6d 652f6e61 -config=/home/na\n 0x001fa3e0 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 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"unified_diff": "@@ -14420,30 +14420,30 @@\n 0x001df708 6d202564 20666169 6c65640a 00000000 m %d failed.....\n 0x001df718 6c696261 76666f72 6d61742f 7574696c libavformat/util\n 0x001df728 732e6300 74687265 61647300 2d2d656e s.c.threads.--en\n 0x001df738 61626c65 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 able-cross-compi\n 0x001df748 6c65202d 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 le --cross-prefi\n 0x001df758 783d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 x=/home/naourr/w\n 0x001df768 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x001df778 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-1/host/bin\n+ 0x001df778 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-2/host/bin\n 0x001df788 2f61726d 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 /arm-linux- --sy\n 0x001df798 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 sroot=/home/naou\n 0x001df7a8 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x001df7b8 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x001df7b8 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x001df7c8 2f61726d 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202d2d65 6e61626c fix=/usr --enabl\n 0x001df8b8 652d6176 66696c74 6572202d 2d646973 e-avfilter --dis\n 0x001df8c8 61626c65 2d766572 73696f6e 33202d2d able-version3 --\n 0x001df8d8 656e6162 6c652d6c 6f676769 6e67202d enable-logging -\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libavutil.so.56.31.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libavutil.so.56.31.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -2147,30 +2147,30 @@\n 0x00069728 20706c65 61736520 75706772 61646520 please upgrade \n 0x00069738 62696e75 74696c73 20616e64 20726562 binutils and reb\n 0x00069748 75696c64 0a000000 2d2d656e 61626c65 uild....--enable\n 0x00069758 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00069768 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00069778 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00069788 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x00069798 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f61726d t-1/host/bin/arm\n+ 0x00069798 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f61726d t-2/host/bin/arm\n 0x000697a8 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 73726f6f -linux- --sysroo\n 0x000697b8 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 t=/home/naourr/w\n 0x000697c8 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x000697d8 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f61726d utput-1/host/arm\n+ 0x000697d8 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f61726d utput-2/host/arm\n 0x000697e8 2d627569 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 -buildroot-linux\n 0x000697f8 2d75636c 69626367 6e756561 62692f73 -uclibcgnueabi/s\n 0x00069808 7973726f 6f74202d 2d686f73 742d6363 ysroot --host-cc\n 0x00069818 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f6763 63202d2d =/usr/bin/gcc --\n 0x00069828 61726368 3d61726d 202d2d74 61726765 arch=arm --targe\n 0x00069838 742d6f73 3d6c696e 7578202d 2d646973 t-os=linux --dis\n 0x00069848 61626c65 2d737472 69707069 6e67202d able-stripping -\n 0x00069858 2d706b67 2d636f6e 6669673d 2f686f6d -pkg-config=/hom\n 0x00069868 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00069878 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-0/output-\n- 0x00069888 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 1/host/bin/pkg-c\n+ 0x00069888 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 2/host/bin/pkg-c\n 0x00069898 6f6e6669 67202d2d 64697361 626c652d onfig --disable-\n 0x000698a8 73746174 6963202d 2d656e61 626c652d static --enable-\n 0x000698b8 73686172 6564202d 2d707265 6669783d shared --prefix=\n 0x000698c8 2f757372 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6176 /usr --enable-av\n 0x000698d8 66696c74 6572202d 2d646973 61626c65 filter --disable\n 0x000698e8 2d766572 73696f6e 33202d2d 656e6162 -version3 --enab\n 0x000698f8 6c652d6c 6f676769 6e67202d 2d656e61 le-logging --ena\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libswresample.so.3.5.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libswresample.so.3.5.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -376,30 +376,30 @@\n 0x000122d8 203d3d20 696e2d3e 62707300 6f75742d == in->bps.out-\n 0x000122e8 3e63685f 636f756e 74203d3d 20696e2d >ch_count == in-\n 0x000122f8 3e63685f 636f756e 74000000 2d2d656e >ch_count...--en\n 0x00012308 61626c65 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 able-cross-compi\n 0x00012318 6c65202d 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 le --cross-prefi\n 0x00012328 783d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 x=/home/naourr/w\n 0x00012338 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x00012348 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-1/host/bin\n+ 0x00012348 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-2/host/bin\n 0x00012358 2f61726d 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 /arm-linux- --sy\n 0x00012368 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 sroot=/home/naou\n 0x00012378 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x00012388 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x00012388 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x00012398 2f61726d 2d627569 6c64726f 6f742d6c /arm-buildroot-l\n 0x000123a8 696e7578 2d75636c 69626367 6e756561 inux-uclibcgnuea\n 0x000123b8 62692f73 7973726f 6f74202d 2d686f73 bi/sysroot --hos\n 0x000123c8 742d6363 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f6763 t-cc=/usr/bin/gc\n 0x000123d8 63202d2d 61726368 3d61726d 202d2d74 c --arch=arm --t\n 0x000123e8 61726765 742d6f73 3d6c696e 7578202d arget-os=linux -\n 0x000123f8 2d646973 61626c65 2d737472 69707069 -disable-strippi\n 0x00012408 6e67202d 2d706b67 2d636f6e 6669673d ng --pkg-config=\n 0x00012418 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x00012428 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 k/instance-0/out\n- 0x00012438 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-1/host/bin/p\n+ 0x00012438 7075742d 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-2/host/bin/p\n 0x00012448 6b672d63 6f6e6669 67202d2d 64697361 kg-config --disa\n 0x00012458 626c652d 73746174 6963202d 2d656e61 ble-static --ena\n 0x00012468 626c652d 73686172 6564202d 2d707265 ble-shared --pre\n 0x00012478 6669783d 2f757372 202d2d65 6e61626c fix=/usr --enabl\n 0x00012488 652d6176 66696c74 6572202d 2d646973 e-avfilter --dis\n 0x00012498 61626c65 2d766572 73696f6e 33202d2d able-version3 --\n 0x000124a8 656e6162 6c652d6c 6f676769 6e67202d enable-logging -\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.5.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.5.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -299,30 +299,30 @@\n 0x000630e8 7220696e 20736361 6c696e67 0a000000 r in scaling....\n 0x000630f8 7377733a 20696e69 7446696c 74657220 sws: initFilter \n 0x00063108 6661696c 65640a00 2d2d656e 61626c65 failed..--enable\n 0x00063118 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00063128 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00063138 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00063148 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x00063158 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f61726d t-1/host/bin/arm\n+ 0x00063158 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f61726d t-2/host/bin/arm\n 0x00063168 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 73726f6f -linux- --sysroo\n 0x00063178 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 t=/home/naourr/w\n 0x00063188 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x00063198 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f61726d utput-1/host/arm\n+ 0x00063198 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f61726d utput-2/host/arm\n 0x000631a8 2d627569 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 -buildroot-linux\n 0x000631b8 2d75636c 69626367 6e756561 62692f73 -uclibcgnueabi/s\n 0x000631c8 7973726f 6f74202d 2d686f73 742d6363 ysroot --host-cc\n 0x000631d8 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f6763 63202d2d =/usr/bin/gcc --\n 0x000631e8 61726368 3d61726d 202d2d74 61726765 arch=arm --targe\n 0x000631f8 742d6f73 3d6c696e 7578202d 2d646973 t-os=linux --dis\n 0x00063208 61626c65 2d737472 69707069 6e67202d able-stripping -\n 0x00063218 2d706b67 2d636f6e 6669673d 2f686f6d -pkg-config=/hom\n 0x00063228 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00063238 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-0/output-\n- 0x00063248 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 1/host/bin/pkg-c\n+ 0x00063248 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 2/host/bin/pkg-c\n 0x00063258 6f6e6669 67202d2d 64697361 626c652d onfig --disable-\n 0x00063268 73746174 6963202d 2d656e61 626c652d static --enable-\n 0x00063278 73686172 6564202d 2d707265 6669783d shared --prefix=\n 0x00063288 2f757372 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6176 /usr --enable-av\n 0x00063298 66696c74 6572202d 2d646973 61626c65 filter --disable\n 0x000632a8 2d766572 73696f6e 33202d2d 656e6162 -version3 --enab\n 0x000632b8 6c652d6c 6f676769 6e67202d 2d656e61 le-logging --ena\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "source2": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n #\n # Configuration file for using the XML library in GNOME applications\n #\n XML2_LIBDIR=\"-L/usr/lib\"\n-XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -liconv -lm \"\n+XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -liconv -lm \"\n XML2_INCLUDEDIR=\"-I/usr/include/libxml2\"\n MODULE_VERSION=\"xml2-2.9.10\"\n \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/haproxy", "source2": "./usr/sbin/haproxy", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -10991,15 +10991,15 @@\n 0x0019ecd0 4f58595f 4d574f52 4b45525f 52454558 OXY_MWORKER_REEX\n 0x0019ece0 45430000 4275696c 64206f70 74696f6e EC..Build option\n 0x0019ecf0 73203a0a 20205441 52474554 20203d20 s :. TARGET = \n 0x0019ed00 63757374 6f6d0a20 20435055 20202020 custom. CPU \n 0x0019ed10 203d2067 656e6572 69630a20 20434320 = generic. CC \n 0x0019ed20 20202020 203d202f 686f6d65 2f6e616f = /home/nao\n 0x0019ed30 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 urr/work/instanc\n- 0x0019ed40 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+ 0x0019ed40 652d302f 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0x0019ed50 742f6269 6e2f6172 6d2d6c69 6e75782d t/bin/arm-linux-\n 0x0019ed60 6763630a 20204346 4c414753 20203d20 gcc. CFLAGS = \n 0x0019ed70 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 -D_LARGEFILE_SOU\n 0x0019ed80 52434520 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 RCE -D_LARGEFILE\n 0x0019ed90 36345f53 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 64_SOURCE -D_FIL\n 0x0019eda0 455f4f46 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 E_OFFSET_BITS=64\n 0x0019edb0 202d4f32 0a20204f 5054494f 4e53203d -O2. OPTIONS =\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/pound", "source2": "./usr/sbin/pound", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --symbols {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 23: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 23 \n 24: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 24 \n 25: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 25 \n 26: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 26 \n 27: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 27 \n 28: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 28 \n 29: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 29 \n- 30: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/crt1.o\n+ 30: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/crt1.o\n 31: 00014560 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 12 $a\n 32: 00014590 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 12 $d\n 33: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS initfini.c\n 34: 0001306c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 $a\n 35: 0002182c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 $a\n 36: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS initfini.c\n 37: 00013078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 $a\n" }, { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@\n 0x000366c0 f8d9c3d0 a0604dce 52bca3e5 187b0bc8 .....`M.R....{..\n 0x000366d0 ce70a2c8 21cacea5 d4cb85fc c7075c05 .p..!.........\\.\n 0x000366e0 87fc2f67 4d2d4fa4 ee639849 e42ed73f ../gM-O..c.I...?\n 0x000366f0 7d69680a a23e5a04 d4ddbbc7 b434b721 }ih..>Z......4.!\n 0x00036700 d3ac99d7 87455e18 68163aaf e20457b8 .....E^.h.:...W.\n 0x00036710 6ab82f75 d5799660 8dd1ccd1 33855388 j./u.y.`....3.S.\n 0x00036720 8734a64b 492453d6 f11e4e98 4d6b4431 .4.KI$S...N.MkD1\n- 0x00036730 94ff46c2 382eeabb 05000000 fa55d5ce ..F.8........U..\n- 0x00036740 db641db7 7f374f25 34c184cb 42ede3ba .d...7O%4...B...\n- 0x00036750 0ed6ed47 5a06f6d2 382f97cf a7d245fa ...GZ...8/....E.\n- 0x00036760 8d9c6041 0c6250e4 0fa82d68 fa2593f7 ..`A.bP...-h.%..\n- 0x00036770 1b7910cd 572c0272 83d70643 05 .y..W,.r...C.\n+ 0x00036730 94ff46c2 382eeabb 05000000 fb878b09 ..F.8...........\n+ 0x00036740 fce91b26 610fbf1d 2cd21035 bab939c2 ...&a...,..5..9.\n+ 0x00036750 2f98bea7 5518ece4 5d5ed395 d91cb00e /...U...]^......\n+ 0x00036760 df6c2827 98331b8c aae5b273 3da0a2e7 .l('.3.....s=...\n+ 0x00036770 dcdbc9fc bb8b7a9f bd4cb3cf 05 ......z..L...\n \n" }, { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.strtab':\n 0x00000000 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 0x00000010 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 rk/instance-0/ou\n- 0x00000020 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 61726d2d tput-1/host/arm-\n+ 0x00000020 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 61726d2d tput-2/host/arm-\n 0x00000030 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d buildroot-linux-\n 0x00000040 75636c69 6263676e 75656162 692f7379 uclibcgnueabi/sy\n 0x00000050 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 622f6372 sroot/usr/lib/cr\n 0x00000060 74312e6f 00246100 24640069 6e697466 t1.o.$a.$d.initf\n 0x00000070 696e692e 6300706f 756e642e 6300685f ini.c.pound.c.h_\n 0x00000080 7465726d 00685f73 68757400 736f6e00 term.h_shut.son.\n 0x00000090 73687574 5f646f77 6e006172 675f6d75 shut_down.arg_mu\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/poundctl", "source2": "./usr/sbin/poundctl", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --symbols {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@\n 21: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 21 \n 22: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 22 \n 23: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 23 \n 24: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 24 \n 25: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 25 \n 26: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 26 \n 27: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 27 \n- 28: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/crt1.o\n+ 28: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/crt1.o\n 29: 00010f4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 $a\n 30: 00010f7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 $d\n 31: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS initfini.c\n 32: 00010704 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 8 $a\n 33: 00011b9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $a\n 34: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS initfini.c\n 35: 00010710 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 8 $a\n" }, { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.strtab':\n 0x00000000 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 0x00000010 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 rk/instance-0/ou\n- 0x00000020 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 61726d2d tput-1/host/arm-\n+ 0x00000020 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 61726d2d tput-2/host/arm-\n 0x00000030 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d buildroot-linux-\n 0x00000040 75636c69 6263676e 75656162 692f7379 uclibcgnueabi/sy\n 0x00000050 73726f6f 742f7573 722f6c69 622f6372 sroot/usr/lib/cr\n 0x00000060 74312e6f 00246100 24640069 6e697466 t1.o.$a.$d.initf\n 0x00000070 696e692e 6300706f 756e6463 746c2e63 ini.c.poundctl.c\n 0x00000080 00757361 67650070 72745f61 64647200 .usage.prt_addr.\n 0x00000090 7376635f 70727400 686f7374 5f6e616d svc_prt.host_nam\n" } ] } ] }